
The division is unknown, but it is still awe-inspiring, and Guan Zhong's skills are superior


Duke Huan of Qi had a lady who was a princess of Cai Guo and the younger sister of Cai Jun. One day Qi Huangong and Cai Ji went out to row and play, Qi Huangong could not swim, more afraid of water, and Cai Ji grew up playing in Cai Guo, so she was not afraid of water, and it was very fun to play. In ancient times, people were married very early, in fact, they were still children. Cai Ji is a big child, she plays up, constantly rocking the boat, scaring Qi Huangong half to death, and then Cai Ji sees Qi Huangong scared, did not take it seriously, and hit the water back on Qi Huangong. Qi Huangong was frightened and told her not to play, but she did not listen. Qi Huangong was angry, and after he returned, he sent someone to send Cai Ji back to his mother's house, but he did not say divorce.

After Cai Ji went back, she cried with her brother, Cai Jun pitied her sister, was furious, said sister, don't be afraid, big deal, we don't go back, I went to tell the King of Chu, marry you to the King of Chu, he King Qi doesn't want you, we don't pay attention to him. It should be said that although this Cai Jun pities his sister, he is not qualified to be the king of a country. This Qi Huangong sent Cai Ji back to her mother's house, and did not say that she wanted to divorce Cai Ji, not to mention that this matter was Cai Ji's fault first, that is, the people's family, the husband and wife quarreled, angry back to the mother's house, it is also a common thing, how to make things clear, make things clear, who is reasonable and who is not, if there is no big deal, and a thin mud Is also a common thing. Even if you want to give your sister a head, at least you can send someone to Qi Huangong first to ask for clarification and explain things clearly. If the emotional intelligence is higher, you may wish to apologize to Qi Huan, saying that your sister does not understand things, maybe Qi Huan Gong will also apologize and come back, and this matter will pass. If Qi Huangong clings to it, it is Qi Huangong's not, and if it breaks up at this time, it is also on the side of reason.

Qi Huangong waited at home and did not have any news of Cai Ji, and when he inquired, everyone had already married to the Chu Kingdom. Qi Huangong's face can't go over, and he is also one of the five masters of the Spring and Autumn Period, and he must have a little temper, otherwise it will not be a joke. So he sent an army to attack the State of Cai, destroying the State of Cai (this Cai Ji was considered to have harmed her mother's family), and then the Qi army continued to attack the State of Chu.

When the King of Chu saw that the Qi army was coming, he sent an army to meet the battle on the one hand, and on the other hand, he quickly sent someone to ask for an understanding. At that time, all the good villains in all countries were honored kings and kings, and nominally they all ate under the banner of Zhou Tianzi. Qi Guoli is at a loss, and you can't say that the King of Chu robbed our Great King's wife. The man asked, is it your wife, so why did you come to our country? We were married from Cai Guo, and we never ran to your country to rob your woman.

The prime minister of the State of Qi at this time was Guan Zhong. Guan Zhong was not in a hurry, and first pulled a little farther: "The earliest summoning of Kang Gong ordered me to be the Prince of Qi, the First Emperor of the State of Qi, to take charge of the power of conquest." "It is that Zhao Gong once said on behalf of Zhou Tianzi that giving the State of Qi the right to attack other disobedient countries. The Chu people said, this is true, there is nothing wrong with it, but what mistake have we made that you have to come to conquest? The Son of Heaven said that it was right to give you the right to conquest, but you must have a reason.

Guan Zhong continued to argue: "Why hasn't Bao Mao, who should have paid tribute to Tianzi in the Chu Kingdom in recent years, not seen?" The Sacrifice of the Son of Heaven is incomplete, so we will ask. "The king of Chu said, Oh, then this matter is my sin, how can I not pay tribute, pay tribute immediately, we admit this." The attitude was good, and it seemed that Guan Zhong had to continue to pull: "Once upon a time, King Zhao of Zhou did not go back to the South Expedition, so we came to check it out." The King of Chu was angry: "The King of Zhou came out to patrol and did not go back, you should go to the edge of the Han River and ask, maybe the river god can tell you." ”

It is impossible for the State of Chu to be able to fight down, and it is enough for the State of Qi to fight here, and the face has also passed, even the face articles have been done enough, obviously it is a revenge for personal vengeance, but the righteousness is awe-inspiring, and the appearance of the heavenly son is just manners, and the level of Guan Zhong is relatively high. So the Qi army fell down the donkey, made a pact with the king of Chu and withdrew.

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