
The most complete cold mix houttuynia raiders, I can't learn it anymore

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The most complete cold mix houttuynia raiders, I can't learn it anymore

The throat is a little uncomfortable these days, mix a houttuynia to eat it. After all, houttuynia cordata is a natural antibiotic. What you don't like about this dish is that you can't stand the fishy smell. The first time I ate my husband in Chongqing, I directly threw up, I felt that in front of my friend, my friend has been looking at you with expectant eyes, embarrassed to vomit, directly swallowed and then pressed with other dishes for a while.

By Love Home Eva Falls in Love with the Kitchen

1 handful of houttuynia cordata

3 tablespoons light soy sauce

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

A little sugar

Sesame oil to taste

A pinch of salt

Half an onion

A little bit of coriander,

The most complete cold mix houttuynia raiders, I can't learn it anymore

1, online shopping of houttuynia is really cost-effective, 5 yuan to buy so much.

The most complete cold mix houttuynia raiders, I can't learn it anymore

2: Pinch a small section of houttuynia cordata, wash and soak in light salt water for half an hour. Can kill bacteria.

The most complete cold mix houttuynia raiders, I can't learn it anymore

3, cut the onion into strips and then put cold water to soak for a while, you can go to the spicy taste to increase the crispness, coriander cut into small, garlic cut into foam.

The most complete cold mix houttuynia raiders, I can't learn it anymore

4, put all the ingredients together, if you like can put a little MSG, I am as long as there is raw soy sauce do not put MSG, because it is already fresh enough. If you like spicy, you can add spicy oil or directly to a spoonful of old dry mother.

The most complete cold mix houttuynia raiders, I can't learn it anymore

5, stir well, and then drop a few drops of sesame pepper oil, do not like it can not put Oh.

Mixing this vegetable vinegar is indispensable, and there is a trick, eat houttuynia cordata do not eat alone, if you eat it with onion coriander clips, it will be much better. Then you will slowly like to slowly leave it. Just like me, I can't eat that fishy smell now, only tender and crispy.

Spicy taste, cold sex. It can clear heat and detoxify, relieve pain and reduce swelling and heal sores, diuretic and dehumidify, and strengthen the stomach and digest food. It is used to cure heat, heat poison, wet evil, fever pulmonary carbuncle, sore swelling poison, hemorrhoids and blood in the stool, spleen and stomach heat and so on.

1. Antibacterial

Modern research has shown that its specific odor is mainly derived from one of the active ingredients in the volatile oil of houttuynia cordata, houttuynin (decanoacetaldehyde). Houttulin is the main antibacterial component of Houttuynia cordata, which has obvious inhibitory effects on Catarrhacoccus, influenza bacillus, pneumococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, etc.

2. Diuresis

Houttuynia cordata also contains active ingredients such as quercetin, which has antiviral and diuretic effects.

3. Anti-inflammatory

Clinical practice has proved that Houttuynia cordata has a good effect on upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic tracheitis, chronic cervicitis, pertussis, etc., and also has a certain effect on acute conjunctivitis and urinary tract infections.

4. Enhance immunity

Houttuynia cordata can also enhance the body's immune function, increase the ability of leukocytes to phagocytosis, have analgesia, cough, hemostasis, promote tissue regeneration, expand capillaries, increase blood flow and other aspects.

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