
A trick for cold fishy grass

author:a Kokugaku fielder
A trick for cold fishy grass

Cut the houttuynia into inches

Houttuynia cordata (aka folded ear root) is my favorite. Houttuynia cordata has anti-inflammatory effects, can clear heat and detoxification, reduce swelling and heal sores, diuretic and dehumidify, clear heat and diarrhea, stomach digestion. The Japanese especially like it as a functional health food. I feel that it has a clear intestinal cleansing effect, the toilet is not smooth, after eating it, it will be able to diarrhea for thousands of miles. I remember sending dumplings years ago, and sending folded ear roots years ago, which is completely done with "import and export" services. The fishy smell of houttuynia is especially similar to the smell of durian, love wants to live, and evil wants to die. There are many buddies and sisters who did not love its taste in the first place, and after eating my companion's houttuynia, they all fell in love with it. The point is that the houttuynia I accompany does not have the unacceptable "raw fishy" smell. To get rid of the "raw" smell of houttuynia cordata, I have a unique trick, "stir up fire". Houttuynia does not see fire, and the gods and immortals have to hide. Houttuynia cordata "stir the fire" is not to boil water to blanch (the general practice), but to prepare the onion, ginger, garlic and peppercorns in oil to fry out the aroma, and then put into the raw soy saucepan, when the oil changes from a large bubble to a small bubble, turn off the heat, and then remove the pot from the stove, immediately put in the houttuynia and stir-fry, is to cook for fireworks. After feeling that there is no heat, put it into a lidded box and add the right amount of salt, vinegar, sugar, and chicken essence. Then close the box tightly and shake it in a cocktail-style manner with your hands, which is physical cooking. After shaking well, let stand for half an hour for chemical cooking. At this point, a plate of delicious cold fishy herbs can be served. Don't think that this can be simply eaten, there are two ways to eat the cold fishy grass, one is to remove the dregs of the way to eat, that is, after frying the onion, ginger, garlic and peppercorns, it will be fished out with a strainer, leaving no residue residue, which is a small and fresh way to eat; there is also a way to eat is to mix the slag substitute and the houttuynia cordata, which is a bandit and lady compatible way of eating. Lady type will slowly pick, root by root, this is called comma eating method; bandit type will not pick or pick, clip a large chopstick into the mouth, let its various tastes overflow, onion ginger garlic and pepper in the mouth like a variety of punctuation marks, to the sense of taste to a suppressed, suddenly hi yo, especially the use of ellipses is the most difficult, sometimes whether a bite is firm, it is really hesitant, but for peppercorns, most will give a ton, slip out of the mouth, at this time a mouthful of hemp is an exclamation point. Of course, in the face of various cuisines, houttuynia is an appetizing "colon". The "punctuation method" in food is an innovation of mine, some delicious dishes, can not be eaten into the stomach, with a little punctuation barrier to force people to experience slowly.

A trick for cold fishy grass