
Revolutionary martyr Zhou Wenyong is the pride of the Kaiping people

author:Old Nie Yue culture
Revolutionary martyr Zhou Wenyong is the pride of the Kaiping people

After the failure of the Guangzhou Uprising in 1927, Guangzhou fell into a sea of enemy massacres. Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun, who actively participated in the uprising, continued to persist in the underground struggle in Guangzhou after the failure of the uprising. As a result of the traitor's betrayal, the two were arrested and imprisoned at the same time. In prison, they persevered and persevered in their struggle. Zhou Wenyong wrote such a poem on the wall: "The head can be broken, the limbs can be broken, and the revolutionary spirit cannot be destroyed." The head of the strong man is the party fall, and the body of the good man is a group of cracks! ”

On February 6, 1928, Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun were taken to the execution ground by the enemy. The two martyrs took a calm attitude, held their heads high, and sang the "Internationale". At the Honghuagang Execution Ground in Guangzhou, Chen Tiejun announced to the surrounding masses: "We are going to hold a wedding, let the gunshots of the reactionaries be used as a wedding salute!" "A revolutionary couple, with such heroism, is generous and righteous.

Chen Tiejun, formerly known as Chen Xiejun, a native of Foshan, Guangdong, was born in March 1904. In the spring of 1922, Chen Tiejun was admitted to the junior high school of Guangzhou Kunwei Girls' High School. In the autumn of 1924, she was admitted to the preparatory department of the College of Liberal Arts of Guangdong University. During her studies, in order to pursue progress, Tie Xin followed the Communist Party, and she changed her original name to Xie Jun to Tie Jun. In April 1926, Chen Tiejun joined the Communist Party of China, and in 1928, after the failure of the Guangzhou Uprising, Zhou Wenyong, one of the leaders of the Yiyi Committee, who was arrested, and Chen Tiejun, a female member of the two Guangdong District Committees of the Communist Party of China, took up their duties in Huanghuagang, Guangzhou. On the execution ground, the two were officially married and held a tragic wedding.

Zhou Wenyong, a native of Kaiping, Guangdong, was born in August 1905. He joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League in 1923 and the Communist Party of China in 1925. He once served as a member of the Working Committee of the CPC Guangdong District Committee, the chief of the Guangzhou Workers' Picket Team, the director of the Organization Department of the CPC Guangzhou Municipal Committee and the secretary of the Working Committee of the Municipal Cpc Committee.

  Zhou Wenyong, milk name Guanghong, Kaiping County Lily Lower Cave Phoenix people. Born in August 1905 to a poor family of teachers. Zhou Wenyong was one of the outstanding leaders of the guangzhou workers' movement, a former member of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and a member of the CPC Guangzhou Municipal Committee, and was one of the main leaders of the Guangzhou Uprising.

  A month after the failure of the Guangzhou uprising, Zhou Wenyong returned to Guangzhou from Hong Kong, and Chen Tiejun, who returned to Guangzhou ahead of schedule, took him to his "home". They still pretend to be husband and wife, looking for comrades who have lost contact in order to strengthen organizational activities. He also prepared to launch a political offensive during the Spring Festival, and unfortunately Chinese New Year's Eve, they were arrested at the same time in their apartment. After being captured, the enemy forced them to torture them, but they remained unyielding. Finally, the enemy forced Zhou Wenyong to write a letter of surrender, and he angrily picked up his pen. Denouncing the shameless crimes of the reactionaries, he wrote a posthumous poem on the wall:

  The head can be broken, the limbs can be broken,

  The revolutionary spirit is indestructible.

  The head of the mighty man fell for the party,

  The good man's body is a group of cracks.

  The enemy had nothing to do and decided to hold a trial and judgement. Zhou Wenyong also used the forum of the court to fight against the enemy and propagate the truth of the revolution.

  The enemy judge asked: Are you a member of the Communist Party?

  Zhou Wenyong: Yes!

  Enemy Judge: Why did you join the Communist Party?

  Zhou Wenyong: For the freedom and liberation of the whole Chinese people.

  Enemy Judge: Who are the Communists? Recruit from the real thing!

  Zhou Wenyong: All Chinese workers and peasants are, you go and arrest them! The Communist Party cannot be killed.

  When the enemy judge sentenced him and Chen Yingping (Chen Tiejun's pseudonym) to death, they looked at each other with ease and regarded death as if they were homecoming. The enemy judge asked Zhou Wenyong what he wanted, and he offered to take a picture with his wife, Chen Yingping, and the enemy agreed and took the photographer to the prison. He and Chen Tiejun stood shoulder to shoulder under the iron window and took a picture as a farewell souvenir for the party and comrades.

  On February 6, 1928, the afternoon of the Lantern Festival in the old calendar, it was drizzling and the wind was biting. The enemy escorted Zhou Wenyong and Chen Tiejun from the city-prison to the Honghuagang execution ground. Along the way, they passionately chanted "Down with imperialism!" Down with the Kuomintang reactionaries!"" Long live the Communist Party of China!" He sang the "Internationale" and gave a speech to the masses. The crowd rushed to the sound of the crowd and followed the execution car, forming a tragic farewell line. The heroes walked up to the execution ground with their heads held high, still chanting slogans.

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