
Who was the most powerful woman of the tenth century? Even the Yang family's general Yang Ye was cut off by her to show the public

author:Iron Sword Scholar

Speaking of Yang Jiajian, almost everyone knows that Yang Men Zhonglie has been transformed into a synonym for "loyalty". Although the eight sons of Yang Men and Mu Guiying were legendary, the old Linggong Yang Ye did have his own person, and he was a famous general in the Northern Han and Northern Song Dynasties.

Who was the most powerful woman of the tenth century? Even the Yang family's general Yang Ye was cut off by her to show the public

Yang Jia will

Yang Ye, also known as Yang Jiye, and a native of Taiyuan. At the age of 20, he followed Liu Chong, the ancestor of the Northern Han Dynasty, and was famous for his Xiao Yong and served as a defense commander. After the fall of the Northern Han Dynasty, he was summoned by Taizu of Song to serve as the Right Leading Wei General of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Who was the most powerful woman of the tenth century? Even the Yang family's general Yang Ye was cut off by her to show the public

Yang Ye

In the third year of Yongxi (986 AD), Emperor Taizong of Song took advantage of the fact that the new monarch of the Liao state was unstable, intending to retake Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures from the Liao state, and launched the Northern Expedition in three ways, and Cao Bin on the east road was improperly commanded, resulting in the entire line being broken by the Liao army and finally being defeated. Yang Ye led his army to retreat alone and was captured, and died on hunger strike for three days, showing lofty integrity.

For thousands of years, it has been rumored that Yang Ye was framed by Pan Mei to avenge the revenge of his third son Pan Bao, which is really a great injustice. The culprit should be the overseer Wang Nong, who sent Yang Ye to fight to the death after he was afraid of the enemy and fled first, which Pan Mei did not know in advance. Song Taizong was widowed and unrighteous, listening to it, and did not make a clear judgment, resulting in Yang Ye's death, and Pan Mei was saddled with a thousand years of infamy.

After Yang Ye's death, his head was ordered to be cut off, and the head was spread everywhere, the Song army was terrified, and the Morale of the Liao army was greatly shaken. At this point, the Northern Song Dynasty turned from attacking to defending the Liao, and "the Song Dynasty was finally in a slump".

Xiao Qi, small character Yan Yan, Khitan ethnic group, famous politician, military and reformer of the Liao state.

Who was the most powerful woman of the tenth century? Even the Yang family's general Yang Ye was cut off by her to show the public


Xiao Wei was the daughter of Xiao Siwen, a major minister of the Liao Dynasty, and after Emperor Jingzong of Liao succeeded to the throne in 969, Xiao Qi was elected to the palace, made a noble concubine, and later made empress.

In 971 AD, Xiao Was born to Yelü Longxu. During the reign of Emperor Jingzong, Xiao Yu immediately participated in the decisive military affairs of the state.

In 982, Jingzong died in his prime, and Xiao Qi's son Yelü Longxu succeeded to the throne, and Xiao Qi was honored as empress dowager, beginning her 27-year regency career.

At the beginning of the tenth century (907 AD), the Tang Dynasty fell. China entered a period of division between the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. The majestic Chai Rong had the opportunity to unify the Central Plains, but unfortunately died young at the age of 39 and made a "wedding dress" for Zhao Kuangyin.

Zhao Kuangyin, who was behind the yellow robe and behind him, relieved Shi Shouxin and other generals of their military power through "a cup of wine to release military power", and from then on, the Northern Song Dynasty emphasized literature and light military force, and there were no more famous generals.

In the early days of Emperor Taizong's succession, he destroyed the Northern Han Dynasty. After that, he insisted on going his own way, believing that the lord of the Liao state was suspicious of the country, which was an opportunity to take advantage of. However, he did not know that at this time, the Liao state was under xiao Qi's regency of the Lin Dynasty, and the monarchs and subjects were harmonious and politically wise.

In 986, the Song army attacked the Liao state in three ways, with Cao Bin, Tian Chongjin, and Pan Mei as the deployment, of which Yang Ye was Pan Mei's deputy.

When Empress Dowager Xiao of Liao heard the news, she decided to take advantage of the favorable terrain to give play to the superiority of cavalry, and concentrated the main force to first break through the Eastern Route Army of the Northern Song Dynasty, and then break through one by one, showing excellent military ability.

Cao Bin's light enemy advance caused the Song army to collapse completely, and Yang Ye was captured after breaking off. Xiao Qi ordered Yang Ye's head to be cut off and threatened to shock the Yanmen Gate.

After the fiasco of the Northern Song Dynasty Yongxi, it was unable to organize large-scale armaments. The Liao state continued to harass the borders of the Northern Song Dynasty, stopping and stopping for nearly 25 years.

In the first year of The reign of Emperor Zhenzong of Song (1004 CE), Xiao Qi and his son Emperor Shengzong of Liao, Yelü Longxu, personally led a large army deep into the Song Dynasty. The Song court was shaken, and Song Zhenzong even had the idea of moving the capital.

The chancellor Kou Zhun (Kou Laoxi'er) urged Emperor Zhenzong Zhao Heng to personally march and lead Yang Si and Yang Yanlang (Yang Ye's son, later renamed Yan Zhao), who had made many achievements in the previous anti-Liao battles, to resist the Liao army in the north.

Under the city of Liaozhou, the Liao general Xiao Tao was killed by an arrow, and the morale of the Liao army was frustrated. Kou Zhun also urged Song Zhenzong to climb the northern city gate tower of Liaozhou to supervise the battle, "All the armies are shouting long live, the sound is tens of miles, and the momentum is a hundred times greater."

Xiao Qi, who was already preparing for battle and with both hands, saw that the Song army was full of momentum at this moment, and proposed peace talks. Emperor Zhenzong and the chancellors were greedy for life and afraid of death, and despite the objections of Kou Zhun and Yang Yanzhao, they negotiated peace with Xiao Qi. History is called "the Alliance of the Abyss". Xiao Wei also showed her excellent strategic vision.

Who was the most powerful woman of the tenth century? Even the Yang family's general Yang Ye was cut off by her to show the public

The Alliance of the Abyss

Let's take a look at the agreement between the two parties:

Song Liao was a country of brothers, and Emperor Shengzong of Liao was young, calling Song Zhenzong a brother, and later generations still regarded it as a tooth. The Song and Liao dynasties took the Baigou River as the boundary (the Liao abandoned Suicheng and Zhuo, Ying, and Mo prefectures), and the two sides withdrew their troops; thereafter, any cross-border thieves and fugitives were not allowed to stop hiding from each other; the two dynasties along the border cities, as usual, were not allowed to build a city. Every year, the Song provided Liao with "the fee for assisting the army" with 100,000 taels of silver and 200,000 silk horses, which were delivered to Xiongzhou. The two sides set up farms at the border to carry out mutual market trade.

The history of the Liaoyuan Alliance is highly evaluated, because both the Song and Liao sides took what they needed. The Northern Song Dynasty developed its economy with peace of mind, the country was rich and the people were prosperous, and culture and art also developed unprecedentedly; the Liao lived and worked in peace and contentment every year without worrying about eating and wearing every year, and did not have to go to the border to plunder. Since then, there have been no large-scale wars in the Song and Liao dynasties for more than a hundred years.

On the first day of November of the 27th year of reunification (November 20, 1009 AD), Xiao Yu held the traditional Khitan "Chai Book Ceremony" for Yelü Longxu, returning the imperial power to Yelü Longxu, ending her more than 40 years of regency during the years of Emperor Jingzong of Liao and Emperor Shengzong of Liao.

On December 11, 1009 (December 29, 1009 AD), Xiao Wei died in the palace at the age of fifty-seven.

Maybe there is still a fascination with power, and maybe you want to ride the horse again, but in the end it will turn into dust.

The joint burial tomb of Emperor Jingzong of Liao and Empress Xiao was at the foot of the Lu Mountain in present-day Northern Jinzhou, named Qianling. According to the geographical location recorded in the History of Liao, Qianling is near Longgang Village.

In the tenth century AD, China was divided for most of the time, and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms were constantly attacking. The Military Strength of the Liao State established by the Khitans was strong, and the peoples on horseback conquered the steppes and then advanced to the Central Plains, with a great potential to dominate China.

A woman was born in the noble family of the Liao State, and when she was an empress and empress dowager, she did not treat herself with dignity, but took on the heavy responsibility of assisting the regent and assisting the country. The vast grassland gave her a broad mind, and it was precisely because of her key role that she ensured the inheritance of power in the Liao state without civil unrest.

The Ninth Emperor of the Great Liao Dynasty, who enjoyed the kingdom for 218 years, created a bicameral system (Xiao Feng in Jin Yong's novel "Tianlong Babu" was the king of the Southern Courtyard of the Liao Kingdom), and created the Khitan script, which flourished for a time.

In the tenth century, Xiao Qi was the most powerful woman in China.

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