
Book of Life Reading Note 3: No one can help you become enlightened

author:Meet psychology
Book of Life Reading Note 3: No one can help you become enlightened

The "illusion" of security

Many times, our superficial consciousness is automated, and we do not react to many situations in life and work with awareness.

It is difficult to find ourselves surrounded by many labels such as "should", "rules", "everyone is like this", "convention" and so on. I use "walking" instead of "moving forward" because when we live so ignorantly and unconsciously, it is likely to be a kind of decay and regression. And time is nothing but a lie.

So, that's why – a lot of people are toiling and running every day, but at a certain moment they really feel inside and think and feel panicked, confused and hopeless.

Why are we able to rest in this comfort and not be mindful of clarity of mind? Because being aware of your state is also a risk. Leaving your comfort zone is the face of the unknown, and even predictions and assessments can be unsettling.

Book of Life Reading Note 3: No one can help you become enlightened

People are very good at deceiving themselves, and a sense of security is a representative product.

I have an old friend who used to be a teacher at a vocational college. Whenever I chat in the group, I can see her long complaints, complaining about not being valued, being excluded, and having no sense of accomplishment. Later, she finally resigned and returned home, but began an intensive examination schedule. In her words: 30 years old, only a stable income and work can give her a sense of security, even if the salary is lower. But she once said that the last thing she can stand is the kind of life that is unchanged.

She once had a long conversation with me and said, "Everything you say pokes me in the pain, but I know that every sentence is right." So there is no rebuttal, only silence. ”

Security never comes from external identification, material packaging, or the blessing of status, but from the inner acceptance and care of the self. If you only rely on external requests, even if you get more, you can't fill the hole in your heart.

Like that friend, the change in circumstances only made her feel empty and disappointed in a different place, because she never saw the beauty she already had.

Book of Life Reading Note 3: No one can help you become enlightened

Independent thinking — precious because it's rare

How do you think and act?

Do you have your own set of standards?

In your dictionary, are there sentences such as "everyone else has done it", "It is always right to listen to ××", "If you don't do it, it will affect the ××", "It has always been so", "Books say, experts say, ×× say"?

And when you have to react to something, have you ever activated your system of mind and worked on the relevant information without being disturbed by others? Do you allow yourself to feel the physical reactions and inner changes?

Book of Life Reading Note 3: No one can help you become enlightened

Are you afraid of different choices?

Yes, following authority makes people feel secure.

People will think that there is no chance that you can't go wrong. Even if it is wrong, it does not seem too humiliating, after all, most people are wrong.

The ability to think independently is precious because it is rare.

Book of Life Reading Note 3: No one can help you become enlightened

Who can help you become enlightened?

A young reader once asked me:

I want to be enlightened, can you give me a way?

I want not to be trapped in external objects, not to be confused. I want to get rid of samsara.

I asked him a question: "Do you think you know yourself?" To what extent did you learn about it? ”

Like the friend mentioned in the previous example,

People are always looking outward for reason, satisfaction and opportunity.

But they are not willing to go back to the inside and see who they really are?

What kind of a soul is it?

Where does this soul's joy and sorrow come from, and where is it going?

Book of Life Reading Note 3: No one can help you become enlightened

No one can help you become enlightened.

A word of "enlightenment", viewed from the heart, my heart is clear.

The mind is unclear and impure, so how can it be enlightened?

I'm afraid I haven't even understood the word "enlightenment."


Book of Life Reading Note 3: No one can help you become enlightened

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