
Excerpt from The Book of Life February 19 Ideology hinders action

author:Big Bear brother who loves picture books

The world has always had disasters, and now disasters seem to be getting closer. As disaster draws nearer, most people run into all sorts of thoughts. We think that the disaster or crisis that is coming can be solved by ideology, but ideology will always hinder the interaction of relationships and also hinder the power of action. We just want to talk about the idea of peace, but we don't really want peace. Obviously, the word peace is not really peace, and peace will only really come when your confusion with others stops. We often seek new social and political systems rather than peace, and we consider only superficial mediation rather than the complete elimination of the causes of war. The answers brought about by such a quest are always subject to history, and this limitation is what we call knowledge and experience, and then we interpret and translate the facts before us according to this knowledge. That's why there is a constant conflict between facts and old experiences. Old knowledge and the facts of the present are always in opposition, so the problem will not only not be solved, but will become more serious.

After reading, we feel that we are always hiding in the so-called safety of the moment and dare not take a step, because we are more afraid of the unknown and dare not touch the experience.

Excerpt from The Book of Life February 19 Ideology hinders action

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