
Excerpt from The Book of Life February 14 Faith hinders true understanding

author:Big Bear brother who loves picture books

What would happen to us without faith? Will we be terrified of what might happen in the future? If our actions are not based on beliefs,—— such as God, imperialism, or the dogmas of any religion — we tend to feel lost, right?

In fact, this attitude of accepting belief is to cover up the fear in the heart - afraid that you are nothing, that you can't grasp anything. But a cup must be empty to be useful, and if the mind is filled with beliefs, dogmas, propositions, or the thoughts of others, it cannot have its own ideas, it will only repeat the words of others. So escaping fear—the fear of emptiness, loneliness, stagnation, not accomplishing, not being able to become anything—is the reason why we accept beliefs or beliefs. But does accepting a belief or belief really make us know ourselves? On the contrary, all political or religious beliefs only hinder us from understanding ourselves. It's like a barrier that prevents us from seeing ourselves clearly. So can we see ourselves without any conviction? If these beliefs are removed, what is left? If the mind does not have any beliefs that can be identified, it will naturally have the ability to observe itself as it really is, and it is obvious that this is the beginning of knowing itself.

After reading, I feel that "emptiness" is a premise with any possibility, and beliefs or beliefs cannot be "empty"

Excerpt from The Book of Life February 14 Faith hinders true understanding

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