
Autumn and winter are high! Young people "stroke" is more dangerous, have these habits of attention out ...

author:Bright Net

Stroke, which is often referred to as stroke

It is known as the "killer" of autumn and winter

Once this season comes, there are many people who are easy to get hired

Many people only know that it is dangerous

But I don't know that young people are also easy to be targeted

Not only that

Once a young person is recruited

The situation is probably more sinister than that of the elderly

Young patients recruit themselves "unexpected"

In November, Shenzhen 120 received a stroke alarm

There are quite a few young patients


At 1:00 a.m. on November 3, when mr. Chen, 29, was singing K at a KTV in Bao'an, he suddenly could not speak, his left limb was weak, and his consciousness was gradually blurred, and he was diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage after being sent to the hospital.


At 10:00 p.m. on November 6, Ms. Li, 27, was preparing to take a ride at Shenzhen North Railway Station when she suddenly felt nausea, vomited, and fainted on the ground. After admission, he was diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage.


Ms. Zhou, 40 years old this year, after getting up from a night shift, suddenly felt numbness in her right limb, realized that the situation was not good, and immediately asked her husband to send her to the nearby Eighth Hospital of CUHK for rescue.

Autumn and winter are high! Young people "stroke" is more dangerous, have these habits of attention out ...
Autumn and winter are high! Young people "stroke" is more dangerous, have these habits of attention out ...

Ms. Zhou

I came from Guangxi to work, and we have a lot of cases of stroke there, they are all in their 50s and 60s. I felt like I was young, not there yet, but the stroke came to me like a nightmare.

Early morning is the period of high incidence of stroke

Patients should grasp the golden rescue time

According to the doctor, Ms. Zhou's onset was due to cerebral hemorrhage caused by the rupture of cerebral blood vessels caused by hypertension. In general, stroke is generally divided into hemorrhagic and ischemic. The hemorrhagic stroke came more rapidly, so Ms. Zhou reached its peak when she fell ill. Fortunately, it was sent to the hospital in time for rescue and won the best rescue time.

Autumn and winter are high! Young people "stroke" is more dangerous, have these habits of attention out ...

Liu Jianfeng

The Eighth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University

Chief Physician, Department of Neurology

The early morning is the high incidence of stroke, often after the patient has fallen asleep, do not know when the sudden onset of the disease, only to find out when they wake up. This kind of post-awakening stroke brings great difficulties to us in judging the time window of stroke. Generally, the golden rescue time and thrombolysis are set within 4.5 hours, and the stent is preferably within 6 hours.

Autumn and winter are high! Young people "stroke" is more dangerous, have these habits of attention out ...

Unhealthy eating and resting can cause stroke

In addition to gender, age, ethnicity, and genetics

The patient's own underlying disease

Such as three highs, diabetes, heart disease and so on

There is also a poor lifestyle

Such as smoking, alcoholism, staying up late, obesity,

Factors such as irritability, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet and so on

both can cause stroke

Autumn and winter are high! Young people "stroke" is more dangerous, have these habits of attention out ...

So, don't think so

Strokes only target the elderly

Autumn and winter are high! Young people "stroke" is more dangerous, have these habits of attention out ...

We have investigated stroke in young people, and most of the patients have a high-fat diet, drink a lot of carbonated drinks, stay up late, high-intensity labor, and so on. This part of the people feel that they are young, and they feel that their chances of getting sick are small. In fact, youth stroke is very close to us, and the incidence is not low.

Stroke in youth is more dangerous than older stroke

The reporter learned from the Department of Neurology of the Eighth Hospital of CUHK that 5 of the stroke patients admitted to the hospital during November were young people, and compared with the elderly stroke, the youth stroke was more dangerous.

Autumn and winter are high! Young people "stroke" is more dangerous, have these habits of attention out ...

Because young people have full brain tissue and no brain atrophy, the space between brain tissue and the skull is very narrow. When a large-scale stroke occurs, severe cerebral edema occurs in the brain tissue, producing severe intracranial hypertension, which is more likely to cause a hernia, compressing the respiratory heartbeat center and causing death. Due to brain atrophy in the elderly, intracranial hypertension has a certain amount of room for release, but it will not immediately endanger life.

Autumn and winter are high! Young people "stroke" is more dangerous, have these habits of attention out ...

When symptoms such as loss of balance, problems with eye vision, crooked corners of the mouth, unbalanced arms, weakness on one side of the arm, and poor speech occur, dial 120 immediately.

Don't feel like you're young

There will be no stroke

Be sure to maintain good eating habits!

The first scene, one Shenzhen client reporter: He Yu, Lin Chun

Source: First Scene

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