
Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

author:Dad reads at home

The full name of the inverse quotient (AQ from the English Aversity Quotient) is the adversity quotient, which is generally translated as the frustration quotient or adversity quotient. It refers to the way people react in the face of adversity, that is, the ability to face setbacks, get out of difficulties and overcome difficulties, and is a concept proposed by American vocational trainer Paul Stotts, which mentions IQ IQ, EQ emotional intelligence, AQ inverse quotient and called 3Q, which is a necessary condition for people to succeed.

Setbacks bring pressure and blows to children with high contrarian quotient, exercise psychological endurance, and stimulate their wisdom and courage, so it is very necessary to actively carry out educational activities for the cultivation of children's contrarian quotient and promote them to form a good way of thinking and a good way of reacting to behavior in the face of adversity.

A meal of anti-business learning books, using reading to cultivate children's high anti-quotient, so that children can experience different adversities through books, learn to overcome difficulties from adversity, overcome themselves, and stimulate their potential...

"The Duck's Holiday" by (in) Girard Sauer

Age of study: 3-6 years old

A duck goes on vacation to the island, and it craves a leisurely vacation without being disturbed. But someone actually opened the book, and as he turned page by page, the duck encountered worse and worse things, and all this seemed to be the fault of the book turner. The duck was kind and persuasive at first, but then he ignored it, and finally he could only say angrily and helplessly: "You turn it over, I want to leave this book." "As a result, a group of pirates who did not know the situation appeared.

This is a humorous picture book that can cultivate children's increasingly frustrated contrarian business, the courage to try, and the sense of humor that is optimistic about facing the world.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

Age of study: 3-10 years old

"Child, it's okay" by [Han] Song Yin Xie by [Han] Xu Zhenhai

"Kids, It's Okay" as a bestseller in South Korea, after being introduced into China, it has won praise from countless parents and children. Compared with some fairy tales, this book has become a treasure book that many children have read countless times. The reason is that it can tap into children's hidden "superpowers" and cultivate them through reverse quotient cultivation, so that they can face setbacks head-on.

The magic of this book is not only manifested in its stand on the child's side, but also through the painting of common difficult stories in life, such as: when they are bullied, misunderstood and wronged, or poor grades, depressed and so on. Use such events to teach children to seek help from adults, overcome fears, and so on. Teach them to rise to the occasion and help their hearts grow.

More importantly, it captures the contrarian business education that many parents ignore. Not only show problems and solutions, but also teach them what kind of learning attitudes and emotional management skills they should cultivate. Rather than directly teaching solutions to children, allowing children to build courage and self-confidence in adversity can allow them to overcome their fear of setbacks and truly face difficulties.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

17 Emotions of Philip is written by [french] Didier Levyvan and [french] Fabris Tillier

Like, shy, curious... Although the child is small, there are many psychological feelings. This book is a complete description of emotions, it shows children the expression and body language of various emotions such as happiness, anger, shyness, surprise and so on through Philip's daily life.

Stories close to life, various scenes that cause emotions and behaviors under the domination of various emotions allow children to learn to distinguish and understand their own feelings, and also allow adults to experience children's rich hearts, which is a good picture book for children's emotional experience.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

My Shouting Day! Author: Becca Patterson

Age of study: 3-6 years old

The book won the Roald Dahl Children's Book Award for Humor in the UK. The content of the book is based on real fragments of the author's daughter's growth, which is especially suitable for parents and children aged 3-6 years old, especially for families with many children.

Through interesting short stories, the author truly reproduces the scenes of children deliberately "finding fault" and losing their temper, so that readers can enter the simple and sensitive inner world of the little girl Bella, and observe and feel the different effects of different emotions together.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

"Angry Soup" by [Mei] Aphrodite. Ke Qianhua

The protagonist of the book, Hoth, was very unhappy about this day. He went home with a stomach full of resentment, but his mother knew how to deal with the resentment in that stomach - that is, to cook a pot of "angry soup". One does not criticize, the second does not teach, and the third does not ask questions, because she knows that there is no point in discussing the "code of conduct for children" on such occasions.

Children are inevitably in negative emotions, parents should try to accept the child's emotions, while helping them find effective ways to channel emotions.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

I Control My Emotions by Delphine Gordal, Natalie Will, And Muriel Surs

This is a book that has won the French Outstanding Youth Book Award, the China Laureate Children's Book Award, and is one of the hundred excellent books recommended by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television to young people across the country.

Nervous to perform on stage? Too shy to hide! Anger is always uncontrollable! What is jealousy? What is pride? Are emotions vented or hidden? This book has all answers.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

"Kind Amy" by Marjorie. White. Marjorie White Pellegrino

Age of study: 7-10 years old

This is an emotional novel tailored by the American Psychological Association for children aged 7-12, with common problems in school life as clues and elementary school students as the protagonists.

The storyline is wonderful and readable, it not only shows the protagonist's emotional problems in detail, but also integrates the skills and methods of problem solving into the story.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

Let the child learn emotional management...

Cultivation of anti-quotient and frustration resistance

"Oops, I've got stripes on my body!" Author: (USA) David Shannon

Age of readability: 3-9 years old

The little girl in the story is too concerned about other people's opinions, loves to eat green beans but does not dare to eat. Now many sensitive children are like her, obviously they like things, but they dare not do it, for fear of causing ridicule from their friends.

This picture book teaches children not to care too much about other people's feelings, which will only make themselves difficult to move. When you bravely accept your true needs, you can be your true self.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

"Do it again! I can do it" by Gong Xun / Editor-in-Chief

Age of study: 8-14 years old

This is a lively, entertaining, and educational collection of stories. Through more than 40 inspiring stories, it shows the faith, courage and strength of children to rise up in the face of adversity. Reading these stories can teach children how to understand and overcome themselves, face difficulties and tribulations calmly, cross obstacles, and achieve self-transcendence in life.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

"Cowardly Willie" by Anthony Browne

This is the masterpiece of the "Willy Series" by International Andersen Award winner Anthony Brown*'s famous picture book series. The protagonist, Willie, is a kind little orangutan once, who goes out for a walk and is beaten up by a group of while calling him Willie the Coward. Willie hated the nickname, so he ordered a book to become stronger and began his path to self-growth.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

Olaf Who Wants to Fly by (de) Voorge Krieger

The book tells the happy story of olaf who has a broken horn and a one-eyed Santa Claus, Olaf wants to fly in the blue sky with one wing, he designs wings, improves wings, and keeps practicing, even if he falls blue and his face is swollen.

This is a story full of strength in the face of setbacks and failures, which can open up children's thinking and shape children's stronger anti-quotient ability.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

"The Boxcar Children" by Chandler Warner (USA).

This set of books is the original American classic and one of the children's books recommended by the U.S. Department of Education. The story tells that four brothers are dependent on each other in a dilapidated caravan, not afraid of life's setbacks, helping each other, and finding the joy of life together. In the end, Grandpa found them and lived a happy and happy life together.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

Suggested age for the following books: Teenagers

"Reverse Quotient" by Paul Stotts

A person's success must have high IQ, high emotional intelligence and high contrarian quotient three factors, in the IQ and emotional intelligence are not much different from others, the important factor that determines success or failure is reverse quotient, only people with high contrarian quotient can actively face all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, have firm perseverance and the spirit of hard work, in order to deal with the relationship between people. In this era of variables, readers in any field or level should read this book.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

"The Age of Artificial Intelligence" by Jerry Kaplan

What do you do when robots take over your job? Robot crime, who is responsible? In the era of artificial intelligence, how to redefine human values?  In the book "The Age of Artificial Intelligence", Jerry Kaplan, the leader of the intelligent era and a Silicon Valley serial entrepreneur, pointed out that the arrival of the intelligent era has brought two major catastrophic shocks to human society: persistent unemployment and the widening gap between rich and poor. Machines are replacing human jobs to a large extent, and the suggestions and solutions proposed in the book "The Age of Artificial Intelligence" give people who encounter challenges more comfort and security!

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

The Philosophy of Living by Jules Evans

We're all practicing how to get along with ourselves and the world. On the road of life, we carry our own confusion and wait for the answer. "Philosophy of Life" reminds us that if you are already a little confused or even in a panic, you don't have to be anxious, you may wish to listen to the ideas of ancient philosophers, some timeless life insights, may just point out your confusion.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

"The World Is Like a Golden Heart" by Bi Shumin

Bi Shumin's first cultural geography essay. Greenland's icebergs are wide and crystalline, Norway's waterfalls are free and unrestrained; Swiss chocolates emit seductive aromas, Egyptian papyrus freezes a lost time; Masada bears witness to the unyielding resistance of the Jews to death; the Pashupatina Temple in Nepal carries the Hindu thoughts on death... Different regions, different customs; different cultures, different beliefs. The world is as colorful as a brocade, and the human heart, just like the shuttle, strings together its meridians and latitudes. You may wish to follow Bi Shumin to a vivid reading of human geography and touch the civilization code left by the ancients.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

"Biography of Su Dongpo" by Lin Yutang

"The Biography of Su Dongpo" is Lin Yutang's most proud work, and the modern Chinese long biography has set a standard for the standard. Su Dongpo is an incorrigible optimist, a great humanitarian, a friend of the people, a great literary hero, a great calligrapher, an innovative painter, a wine-making experimenter, an engineer...

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

"The Road Few" by [American] M. Scott Pike

This book reveals communication and understanding everywhere, it transcends the limitations of the times, helps us explore the nature of love, and guides us to a new, quiet and rich life; it helps us learn love and learn independence; it teaches us to become more competent and understanding parents. At the end of the day, it tells us how to find our true self.

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

"I Beat Depression" by Graeme Cowan

On July 24, 2004, Graeme Cowan left a farewell letter to his family: "I just don't want to be a burden to anyone anymore." After four suicide attempts and 5 years of "the worst depression in the history of treatment," Cowan embarked on an unusually difficult journey to rebirth and finally managed to emerge from the crisis. In order to help more people, he wrote the book "I Beat Depression".

Reading makes children against business and cheerful and not melancholy, to tell the truth, there is no education more realistic than adversity

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