
Li Mi's life experience

author:Zizhi Tongjian Reading Club

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Li Mi (581-618), whose ancestral home was Xiangping in Liaodong Province, was one of the heroes of the late Sui Dynasty, "a man of few talents, a man of great ambition, and a good man of light wealth." "Li Mi came from an aristocratic family, his family was prominent, his grandfather was the Northern Zhou Taibao and the Duke of Wei, and his father was sui Shangzhu Guo and The Duke of Pushan, but he himself had a rough life, although he had courage and strategy, but it was bad luck, almost unified China, almost no Li Yuan had anything to do, just a little worse. That's right, this is the encounter of life, and the pie didn't fall on your head.

Let's take his life first. Because of his ancestral merits, Li Mi began to serve as a left attendant in the Sui Dynasty (zuo yiwei, in charge of forbidden soldiers, about seven pins, department-level cadres?). )。 Li Michang was relatively dark, and once when he was guarding under the battle of the dprk, Yang Guang looked at him unfavorably and told Yuwen: "A child's vision is abnormal, don't order Su Wei." Li Mi was thus dismissed from his official post.

After returning home from his post, Li Mi began to do academic work, "specializing in reading." "Once he went to visit Bao Kai (Sui Dynasty University asked for a family, thousands of people), riding a yellow bull on the road to read the Book of Han, and was touched by Yang Su. Yang Su was a founding minister of the Sui Dynasty, and was given the title of Duke of Yue and Duke of Chu, Li Mi knew him, and gave him his name under the niu Shili, Yang Su immediately fell in love with this young man, greatly admired, and said to his son Yang Xuangan: "I look at Li Mi's knowledge, Ru can't wait." "Look at the people! Li Mi became acquainted with Yang Su and attached himself to the Yang family.


In 613, Yang Xuangan rebelled at Liyang (present-day Xun County, Henan Province), and Li Mi came up with three strategies for him: the upper plan was to take advantage of the Sui Emperor's conquest in Liaodong and directly enter Jizhou (姬州, also known as Yuyang, today's Jinji County), cut off his rear road, and attack the Goryeo soldiers back and forth; the central plan was to take advantage of the false attack on Guanzhong, according to the danger of Tongguan, and sit on the kingdom of Tianfu; the next plan was to approach the road and attack the eastern capital Luoyang. Yang Xuangan insisted on taking the "city route", believing that the eastern capital was where the imperial court was located, and that hundreds of officials gathered here, and the whole country naturally disintegrated, and he said to Li Mi: "The plan under the public is the best strategy." By the time Yang Xuangan could not attack the eastern capital and then wanted to attack Chang'an from the west, the general trend was gone, and he was defeated and killed.

Li Mi was implicated in Yang Xuangan's case, and he wanted to flee west to Chang'an, but was arrested on the road and escorted to Gaoyang (in present-day Gaoyang County, Baoding, where the Sui Emperor retired from Liaodong due to Yang Xuangan's rebellion and stopped here). Li Mi bribed the escort emissaries and fled while passing through Handan. After that, Li Mi defected to the plain thief Hao Xiaode (a Texan), was not welcomed, and then defected to Wang Bo (Zouping), still unpopular, so he hid his name, gathered disciples to teach for several months, depressed, and wrote a poem, sad and tragic:

The golden wind is swinging in the first festival, and the gyokuro withers in the evening forest.

This night is poor, and Yu Tao is sad.

The wild flats are reeded, and the village is desolate and deep.

Looking at the many feelings, leaning on the sole dipping.

What does it do? Nostalgic.

Qin customs are still not peaceful, what will the Han Dao do?

Fan Duoshi Well Disciple, Xiao He Knife Pen Official.

A dynasty of fortunes, passed down through the ages.

It is a shame to send words to the world's heroes, and to be vain.

Heroes inevitably have lows, and Chairman Mao also had a difficult situation in 1929: for various reasons in the Jinggangshan struggle, he lost the election of the former secretary of the Red Fourth Army, lost his military command, suffered physically from malaria, and was forced to recuperate in western Fujian.

Life is easy to get old, it is difficult to grow old, the years are heavy yang, and now it is heavy yang, but it is not hurt to see the yellow flowers.

The annual autumn wind is strong, not like spring light, better than spring light, and the frost of the few rivers and days.

The same literati, the same age (Li Mi was 31 years old, Mao was 36 years old), the same situation, the two poems were compared, and the gap between people was revealed. In the sad autumn, the trough of life and such an optimistic and high spirit, a tenacious life will have a blessing!


Li Mi said in the poem: "Fan Duo shi jing disciple, Xiao He knife pen official." A dynasty of fortunes, passed down through the ages. "It didn't take long for his opportunity to come too. In the area of Huaxian County, Henan, in addition to Zhai Rang on Wagang Mountain (present-day southern Huaxian County, Henan), there were many rebel troops, including Huang Wang Dangren, Jiyang Wang Bodang, Weicheng Zhou Wenju, Yongqiu Li Gongyi, and Li Mi and the above bandits, who had contacts for the owners of various mountain villages. According to Li Mi's observation, Zhai Rang of the Wagang army was the strongest, and he used his advantage of being able to speak the Tao, and annexed several small tribes for the Wagang army.

Li Mi told Zhai Rang that in this place of Wagang Mountain, there are many people and little grain, and if the Wagang army wants to develop and grow, it must develop to the south, fight through the Yellow River, and there are many granaries on the south bank, and if there is grain, there will be a source of soldiers. Li Mi led the Wagang army to capture Xingyang and captured Xingluocang (also known as Luokoucang, in present-day Heluo Town, Gongyi County, Henan). Xingluocang was the largest granary in the country at that time (up to 24 million quintals of grain, about 1.2 billion catties), open the warehouse to eat casually, there are people with grain, the Wagang army repelled several attacks of the Sui army, the reputation was greatly enhanced, attracted a lot of bandits south of the Yellow River, north of Jianghuai, Qin Shubao, Cheng Yaojin, Luo Shixin, etc. are among them, the Wagang army team has developed from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands.

In 616, the Wagang army centered on Luokou City and built a base area in Heluo. Li Mi was elected as the new chief, the Duke of Wei, and the original chief Zhai Rang was appointed shangzhu guo, Situ, and Dongjun Gong. The Wagang army led by Li Mi and Wang Shichong fought back and forth between the Luokou granary and the eastern capital Luoyang, and the two armies won and lost each other and fell into a state of stalemate. At this time, Chai Xiaohe suggested to Li Mi that he take advantage of the void to attack Chang'an, just like Li Mi's plan for Yang Xuangan. Li Mi rejected this suggestion, on the grounds that the Shandong people in the team were more fond of their hometown, and who would fight Chang'an with me if they couldn't beat Luoyang?

Li Mi didn't understand this.

Fly will be

Compared with Li Mi, who was tired of fighting and busy fighting for one city and one place, Li Yuan, who remained in Taiyuan, showed the vision of a politician. On the one hand, Li Yuan used good words to appease the Turkic Khans, and sent Liu Wenjing to the Turks to ask for peace, gifts, and assistance; on the other hand, he wrote letters to Li Mi and recruited him to join the company, and the united front work was arranged quite well. Li Mi had soldiers and food at this time, of course, he did not want to give Li Yuan a younger brother, he wrote back to Li Yuan, saying that he had been elected as the leader of the alliance by the heroes of the world, although our brothers and sisters had different factions, the ancestors were all from one family, so it was better that you come to Hanoi (Hanoi County, now Qinyang City, Henan Province) and make an alliance with me. Li Yuan smiled when he saw the letter, this boy's tone was still quite big, it seemed that it was impossible to recruit him into the company, but if he refused him, wouldn't he have another enemy? Instead of "humblely pushing the award to be proud of his ambitions", I praised him and asked him to guard the Tiger Prison Pass for me and block the Sui army, so that I could concentrate on the western expedition, wait for the capture of Chang'an, occupy the dangerous pass of Tongguan, watch the sandpipers and clams compete, and reap the benefits of the fishermen. So Li Yuan wrote a letter to Li Mi again, picking up good words and exaggerating them. Li Mizhong, Daxi, said to people: "Tang Gong sees the push, the world is not enough to settle!" "Li Mi has committed a childish disease, people's hearts are sinister and must not be prevented, and others must listen to you when they praise you!" That's killing.

While engaging in the united front, Li Yuan arranged for his sons Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin to march south from Jinyang to attack Xihe (present-day Fenyang, Shanxi), and after occupying it, he crossed the river through Huoyi (present-day Huozhou, Shanxi) and Linfen, in August crossed the river at Longmen (present-day Longmen Scenic Area in Yuncheng Hejin City), through Chaoyi (present-day Chaoyi Town, Dali County, Weinan, Shaanxi), and crossed Weishui in the south, and in November Li Yuan conquered Chang'an and formally controlled Emperor Gong of Sui (at this time, at the age of 12, the Sui Emperor had been emperor taishang), and had already seized the opportunity.

Li Mi had no chance at all.

Under somebody's roof

When Li Yuan conquered Chang'an, the Wagang army fought for power and infighting, and Li Mi simply eliminated Zhai Rang. In the first month of 618, Li Mi occupied jin yongcheng (a small city northwest of Luoyang at that time), with 300,000 troops, and pointed directly at Luoyang. After the Sui Dynasty Emperor was killed by Yu Wenhua and killed, Yang Tong, the Yue king who remained in Dongdu, was proclaimed emperor by Yuan Wendu and others, and in the face of Yu Wenhua and more than 100,000 soldiers, Yang Tong chose to let Li Mi fight with Yu Wenhua and Fire, and Li Mi was once again used as a gun.

Even if you have more soldiers, if you fight a battle in the west and a battle in the east, you should fight out. In July 618, Li Mi had just finished fighting with Yu Wenhua and Huo, and in September he was defeated by Wang Shichong at Yanshi, Li Mi's hundreds of thousands of soldiers were scattered and forced to return to the north bank of the Yellow River, he wanted to go to Liyang, and he was afraid that Xu Shixun would not take him in (when he killed Zhai Rang, Xu Shixun was almost killed by him), and after thinking about it again, he still wanted to go to Chang'an. It's just that the name has become "defection".

When Li Yuan had not yet captured Chang'an in 617, Li Mi was of course valuable. By the time Li Mi brought another 20,000 people into the company in 618, the situation had changed dramatically. Li Mi thought very well, he said that I have such a great influence, how can Li Yuan arrange a position for me to be a third duke? When Li Mi brought people to Chang'an, Li Yuan arranged for him to have a Guanglu Qing (Fengxing Guogong), a pure and vain post, not only that, but 20,000 soldiers were also recruited. At first, Li Yuan was still very hot to him, and then Li Yuan hung him aside, and someone knocked on his bamboo bar. Thinking that he almost became emperor at that time, and now that he had fallen to this point, Li Mi's heart felt uncomfortable. It's too late to regret it.

It's hard to ask!

The end of the road is crazy

No real power, ridicule, no freedom. Li Mi could not stay in Chang'an, and seeing that Wang Shichong had not expanded his territory, he wanted to leave Chang'an, gather the lost team, and clean up the old rivers and mountains. Most of the officials of the imperial court opposed it, afraid of letting the tiger return to the mountain, but Li Yuan did not think so, since the general situation in the world had been determined, let Li Mi go out and fight with Wang Shichong again, consume a lot, and worry about it himself.

If you want to clean up the old rivers and mountains, it is easy to talk about, and the opportunity is gone. Li Mi went to Chousang Yi (chousang Village, Lingbao City, Sanmenxia), and came to seal an edict, asking Li Mi to leave his troops back to Chang'an, Li Mi was frightened, directly rebelled, and became a bandit, he occupied taolin county (now the old city of lingbao city), "drove away the disciples, straight to the south mountain, took advantage of the danger and east", ran along the Bears Ears Mountain to Xiangcheng, where there was his old subordinate Zhang Shanru (stationed in Xiangcheng, southeast of Taolin, in present-day Xiangcheng County, Xuchang). Tigers fall on the Flat River, why?

There is a valley in Bears Ears Mountain, and when Li Mi passed by, Sheng Yanshi, the commander of the Xiongzhou March, was already ambushed there, and Li Mi was beheaded on the spot, at the age of 37. The Peking opera "Broken Secret Stream" is based on this history.

Strictly speaking, Li Mi did not make much mistake. But history seems to have given him only one chance. Opportunities are fleeting. There is always a feeling that Li Mi is different from Xiang Yu, Chen Sheng, and Li Cunxun, which is regrettable.

"Between the heavens and the earth of life, if the gap between the white colt is sudden." The opportunity must not be lost, and the time will not come again. For people with less good luck, it should always be kept in mind.

#Zizhi Tongjian ##History Fun Talk##History##读书笔记 #

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