
Li Yu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor of Jilin Agricultural University: The spring of Jilin attracting, retaining, and giving play to the role of talents in Jilin has really come

author:China Jilin Net

Just now, China's Jilin network learned from the Provincial Meteorological Bureau that due to the influence of high-altitude low vortex and ground cyclone, it is expected that on the 29th-30th, our province will once again usher in a more obvious snowfall cooling weather process, strong snowfall is mainly concentrated in the early morning of the 30th to the night, the snowfall gradient is large, and the blizzard is mainly distributed in the southeast of our province. From the early morning of the 30th to the morning of the 1st, there was a large to blizzard in the Tonghua, Baishan, Yanbian and Changbaishan nature reserves, with a cumulative precipitation of 10 to 20 mm in the process, and the baishan mountains and parts of the eastern part of Yanbian could reach more than 30 mm, and the new snow depth was generally 8 to 18 cm, and more than 25 cm in some places.

Counting this weekend, 2021 has only 10 days off, and 2022 is just around the corner. 2022 is the year of sports, the Winter Olympics, the World Cup, the Asian Games, the Universiade are on stage; 2022 is the year of china's space station construction, which will complete tasks such as asking the sky and dreaming of the sky; 2022, will also usher in the 20th National Congress of the Party! Looking forward to 2022, together to the future!

A few days ago, the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Hong Kong SAR Government and the Guangdong Provincial Government jointly sponsored the "Docking New Opportunities, Helping the New Journey" foreign business circles in Hong Kong "Cloud Visit" to the Greater Bay Area activities, so that foreign business circles in Hong Kong can see the "Chinese determination" to expand opening up to the outside world and the "Hong Kong opportunities" bred in the new development pattern. The heads of foreign business circles in Hong Kong unanimously expressed their eagerness to obtain development opportunities from the construction of the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong's unique advantages in the country's new development pattern are obvious to all, as the situation in Hong Kong continues to stabilize and improve, more and more foreign investment will come to Hong Kong to develop business, using Hong Kong as a platform to explore the mainland and open up the Asia-Pacific region.

Recently, the number of new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in many places in the United States has continued to increase, and the epidemic situation has once again shown a worsening trend. The data shows that the average daily number of new cases in New York State in the past seven days is about 6886. On the 26th, New York Governor Khochur signed an executive order declaring the state into a "disaster emergency" for the epidemic, citing the continued high number of infections and hospitalizations in New York State. Under the order, the state allows health departments to restrict non-essential and non-emergency medical procedures in cases where medical resources, such as less than 10 percent of local hospital beds, are inadequate.

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