
Why did Cao Cao establish Cao Wei perish after several generations? Didn't the powerful Eastern Han Dynasty also have emperors?

author:Snow talks about history

To paraphrase a sentence: dynasties with long national fortunes are always familiar, and those who collapse in the middle way have their own grievances. When it comes to ancient dynasties, one might overlook the significance of "Taizong"," the second emperor. Taizu – After the founding emperor of a country swept away the Liuhe, the country seemed to be strong, but the internal contradictions were often sharp.

Why did Cao Cao establish Cao Wei perish after several generations? Didn't the powerful Eastern Han Dynasty also have emperors?

The degree of rationalization of internal forces directly determines the long-term stability of the community. This is the responsibility of Emperor Taizong, also known as the king of the kingdom. For example, after the Eastern Han Dynasty: After Liu Xiuding the State, the second generation of Liu Zhuang carried out military reform, legislative system, rational relations, and solid and effective promotion of various policies, including laying the foundation for the governance of the Yellow River that lasted for thousands of years.

The next Zhang and Ming Emperors (Emperor Ming, although young, stabilized the situation with the assistance of a foreign empress), also inherited the framework of the previous generation and worked tirelessly to ensure the continuous expansion and accumulation of imperial power. It was not until the death of these people that the Eastern Han Dynasty truly entered the era of the "Emperor Of The Dark", which was 96 years after the founding of the country.

Why did Cao Cao establish Cao Wei perish after several generations? Didn't the powerful Eastern Han Dynasty also have emperors?

In contrast to Cao Wei, Emperor Wu was posthumous. Emperor Wen reigned for 7 years and Emperor Cao Rui reigned for 7 years, and Emperor Cao Rui of the Ming Dynasty reigned for 13 years. Then there was the Mourning Emperor Cao Fang, the deposed Emperor Cao Xian, and the Yuan Emperor Cao Huan. From the founding of the state in 220 to the abolition of Cao Fang by Sima Shi as a noble township duke in 254, it was less than 34 years. In the final analysis, the foundation is thinner than that of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the speed of defeat is naturally faster. Specifically:

First, Cao Cao, as Taizu, failed to eliminate external opponents. The strength of the two kingdoms of Wu and Shu is not worse than the enemies faced when the country was founded in previous dynasties, and you are better than sui and Song. At least 2 or 3 Cao Cao's mingjuns were needed to pacify (or Cao Cao lived longer). Are Cao Pi and Cao Rui counted as Ming Jun? It doesn't count, it can only be called OK.

Why did Cao Cao establish Cao Wei perish after several generations? Didn't the powerful Eastern Han Dynasty also have emperors?

Even if evaluated by the standards of a normal emperor, compared with Liu Xiu's all-round ability in literature and martial arts: peace in the world, marriage, compromise, advocating classics, and LiDutian. Cao Cao's ability to structure internal affairs was partial. As Li Shimin said in later generations: "Being a general is OK, being an emperor is not enough." "Aman is also a military 1 outstanding, not yet a peak prominence."

Second, Cao Pi, as Emperor Taizong, failed to fulfill his duties: internal rectification. Weakening the power of the arch to defend the imperial power, the establishment of the auxiliary chancellor system was not as safe as the foreign relations system in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Of course, foreign relatives are not necessarily safer than ministers, but the root shortcoming of the auxiliary government system is that it is difficult for auxiliary ministers to land safely.

Why did Cao Cao establish Cao Wei perish after several generations? Didn't the powerful Eastern Han Dynasty also have emperors?

The First Emperor did not make an empress, let Li and Zhao Fuzheng, and as a result, the two people were torn apart, and Qin II died. Emperor Wu of Han used the auxiliary government system, and Huo Guang destroyed all opponents. As a result, he himself died, and the whole family was slaughtered by Emperor Xuan. After Emperor Yuan, the empress took power, although she gave Jiangshan to Wang Mang. But there have been at least several generations of emperors before, mourning, and equality.

If it weren't for the fact that Cheng and Wai couldn't give birth to sons in a row, it was really difficult to say whether Wang Mang could succeed. Even during the Kangxi Dynasty, the division of power in Aobai was a difficult account to calculate. Not to mention the subsequent launch of the "Change of the Two Palaces" to eliminate the ministers of the auxiliary government. In terms of political skills, Cao Wei may have wanted to learn the lessons of the eastern Han Dynasty's foreign relations' dictatorship and focus on suppressing his harem.

However, he forgot that he had relied on the fact that he had become the most powerful foreign relative at the end of the Han Dynasty by suppressing the harem of Emperor Xian of Han (at the expense of marrying his own woman to Liu Xie) and becoming the most powerful foreign relative at the end of the Han Dynasty. There were no foreign relatives, only old ministers, which led to the fact that during the Gaopingling period, as soon as they encountered a powerful minister like Sima Shi, they immediately became vain.

Why did Cao Cao establish Cao Wei perish after several generations? Didn't the powerful Eastern Han Dynasty also have emperors?

Third, Cao Wei has always had problems in terms of inheritance. As we all know, Cao Cao passed on Cao Pi, Cao Pi Pit brothers. Cao Pi passed on Cao Rui and always wanted Cao Li. Cao Rui passed on Cao Fang, and he had to break the sky (he was only established as the crown prince on the day he was going to die). This made the successive emperors of Cao Wei not follow him in a hurry to follow him.

Only the old ministers left by his father can be used as auxiliary teams. This is also the reason why Cao Zhen and Sima Shi were able to cross the dynasties, always touch the core of power, and frantically collect temple capital. At this time, as long as there is only a slightly more powerful family, the life expectancy can be longer. Just like Sima Yi: with the core resources accumulated by the 3 dynasties. The balance of the game up and down is not strange to the power lord.

Why did Cao Cao establish Cao Wei perish after several generations? Didn't the powerful Eastern Han Dynasty also have emperors?

In summary, the overthrow of Cao Wei has an internal reason for the unstable foundation. There are external reasons why Wu Shu is not weak. There are also reasons for their own riot operations. In a word: This is actually a half-hanging regime with internal and external troubles, insufficient ability, a single system, and the people in power are not highly commercial. To paraphrase a textbook saying: In the end, the hidden consortium, the power of the warrior clan, embezzled the fruits of victory.

Cao Xian, who was called by Deng Ai as "cai bi Chen Si (Cao Zhi) and Wu Class Taizu (Cao Cao)", what is the use of his ability? Haven't you learned why the Han Dynasty produced so many generations of emperors and was still as stable as Mount Tai? Unlike the stall culture, since ancient times, the rulers have never relied on violent kings, which is too low-end. People have designed a safe system.

Why did Cao Cao establish Cao Wei perish after several generations? Didn't the powerful Eastern Han Dynasty also have emperors?

A balance of power has been reached. If he is suppressed by the powerful ministers, most of them will have the elegant comment of "being a leader and ruling without doing anything". It is precisely because of this weak balance that the hat of "emperor" will be buckled and the supremacy of imperial power will be weakened. Emperor of Cao Wei? Before he could even touch the threshold of the Emperor, he was destroyed.

Not black and not blown. The founding of Cao Wei summed up the cancer of the fall of the Han Dynasty: foreign relatives and eunuchs. Therefore, after the opening of the dynasty, efforts were made to suppress the clan relatives and internal subjects. As a result, at the moment of peril, no sect could stand up and speak for the emperor. The descendants of the Western Jin Dynasty concluded the reason for Cao Wei's demise: the lack of foreign relatives. Therefore, after the opening of the dynasty, the eight kings were widely sealed.

Why did Cao Cao establish Cao Wei perish after several generations? Didn't the powerful Eastern Han Dynasty also have emperors?

As a result, the Jin Dynasty clans all had great autonomy. This makes the clan stronger than the central government. Southern and Northern Dynasties Period: Liu Song summed up the reasons for the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty, so it strictly forbade Haoqiang to annex land, and actively suppressed the Shi clan and widely promoted the sons of the Han clan. When successive dynasties opened the country, they would sum up the experience of the previous dynasties and carry out targeted changes, often overcorrecting.

Piggybacking, there is one to say one. In the Three Kingdoms, the best internal balance was grasped, and it was Sun 100,000. Sun Kuang was made crown prince early, and entrusted Lu Xun and other powerful ministers to be teachers. During the princely period, from the central level to the grass-roots level, they were fully experienced. Unfortunately, Sun Kuang died early, and he had to hastily let Sun He and Sun Ba join the team.

However, these two people have a few pounds and a few pairs, and the people who will "check and balance" Jing Sun Quan do not know yet? That's why there will be a "change in the second palace". Lu Xun and many other hard-working courtiers were tortured to death. Oh, my son is gone, after I die, you all don't want to live well.

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