
"Korean Qu Yuan" Kanazawa Rong's work in China is a contribution to the column of the Shituguan and only represents the author's personal views; this work is not a rigorous historical academic study, for reference only; unauthorized, forbidden second transmission, violators will be investigated. This article is written by Nobuya Nobuya

author:Stud Museum

<h1>This work is a contribution to the column of the Museum of History, representing only the personal views of the author; this work is not a rigorous historical academic research, for reference only; unauthorized, prohibited second transmission, violators will be investigated. </h1>

<h1>This article is written by Nobuya Nobuya</h1>

In the Japanese film "In Search of Senritsu", a fictional encounter between the "tea saint" Senritsu in Japanese history and a Korean noblewoman who was abducted to Japan as a teenager. The north Korean girl who was fleeing met Qian Lixiu, and the two did not understand the language, and could only answer questions and answers in Chinese characters on paper. Qian Lixiu asked, "Do you want to become a barbarian king slave?" The young girl shook her head when she saw it; Qian Lixiu asked again, "It is difficult to return to the country, do you want to be born?" Want to die? The young girl meditated for a moment and wrote this poem by Bai Juyi- "Hibiscus is proud of herself for a day", and then took medicine to kill herself.

Hibiscus, known to Koreans as "infinity flower", is the national flower of Korea. Koreans believe that hibiscus flowers with long blooms symbolize their indomitable national spirit. Before and after Japan annexed Korea, countless patriots went into exile in China, and they either wrote books and lectures or organized a war of resistance, and wrote a legend of singing and weeping in China across the sea. The writer Kim Taek-young, who was later known as the "Korean Qu Yuan", spent the last 22 years of his life in China.

"Korean Qu Yuan" Kanazawa Rong's work in China is a contribution to the column of the Shituguan and only represents the author's personal views; this work is not a rigorous historical academic study, for reference only; unauthorized, forbidden second transmission, violators will be investigated. This article is written by Nobuya Nobuya

Kanazawa Ei

Kanazawa Ei, of the Honkan Hana Kai Kim clan, was born in Kaesong in 1850. In the poems of Shaogong, Yu Fan of the Qing Dynasty commented that he was "strict and neat like a Tang Dynasty, and his sentences were fresh like Song people". In 1891, when he was over forty years old, Kanazawa Eijin served as the head of the History Division of the Cabinet Records Bureau, the Counselor of the Central Academy and the Cabinet Counselor, the Assistant Tory Institute of History, and the Member of the Kobunkan Compilation Institute, and he was always engaged in historiography. At the beginning of the 20th century, Japan pressed South Korea, and in 1905, after forcing South Korea to sign the Japan-South Korea Protection Treaty, Kanazawa Left Korea and came to China to join the well-known industrialist Jang Koo. In 1883, Jang lived with Kim Taek-young as an aide to the Huai general Wu Changqing, during which time he became acquainted with Kim Taek-young. Kanazawa-young later recalled in an article that Jang-young at the time was "a god of heroic spirits, a strong spirit, and a flow of pen talk"; Jang-young did not hesitate to praise, calling KimZawa-young's poetry a "leader" in North Korea. Twenty years apart, the two actually met in Nantong again, which must be called legendary.

"Korean Qu Yuan" Kanazawa Rong's work in China is a contribution to the column of the Shituguan and only represents the author's personal views; this work is not a rigorous historical academic study, for reference only; unauthorized, forbidden second transmission, violators will be investigated. This article is written by Nobuya Nobuya

Bronze statue of Zhang Jian

However, at that time, Kanazawa Rong was far from having the idea of taking anti-Japanese salvation as his own responsibility, and his initial motivation was actually to go into hiding. This can be seen in his poem to his friends:

The virgin woman would rather steal a good name, and be ashamed to write iron cliff love.

Just recognize me on the banks of the cangjiang river, catch crabs and fork fish and an old rogue.

Tieya, that is, Yang Weizhen, one of the "Three High Priests at the End of the Yuan Dynasty", after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang sent Yousi to Nanjing to stay for 100 days, and when people praised him, "not subject to the five-color edict of the king, white clothes are announced to be white clothes". Kanazawa Rong said that he could not compare with Yang Weizhen, but was just an old man who fished on the riverbank. Although this is his humble words, it also shows that the future Kanazawa Rong, who used the pen as a knife, has no trace at this moment.

However, time passes. With the continuous changes of the situation, Kanazawa Rong, who is in China, is also inevitably worried about the situation in the motherland. Under the cutting of the motherland, Kanazawa Rong's patriotism was finally ignited. In 1909, in Harbin, the Korean patriot Ahn Jung-geun assassinated Itō Hirobumi, the former Governor of Korea who forced South Korea to sign the Japan-Korea Protection Treaty. When Kanazawa heard this news, he wrote a poem for Ahn Jung-geun, in which Yun yun "has two eyes and two eyes, and kills the state and revenge like a sheep", and wrote a biography of him, which was widely circulated. In 1910, when Korea fell to the throne, Kanazawa Rong wore plain clothes, hung filial piety for the motherland for three days, and named his son "Guangzu", that is, the meaning of restoring the motherland. After the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, Kanazawa Rong gave it a poem: "A thunder in Wuchang City, and a layer of shadows and clouds." For three hundred years, the Emperor of Heaven was drunk, and the poor one woke up today", and even thought about becoming a Chinese national (because Korea was dead, Kanazawa Rong regarded himself as a stateless person, and did not want to enter the Qing Dynasty nationality of a foreign nationality). After the establishment of the Korean Provisional Government, Kanazawa Rong also wrote a "Letter of Affection" for it, using the close relationship between the two countries in ancient and modern times, "for the melon as a peps, for the lips as a tooth", and pleaded with the Republic of China government to support the Korean independence movement. Kanazawa Rong finally changed from a recluse to a warrior who was willing to fight for the independence of the motherland after the "republic was renewed".

"Korean Qu Yuan" Kanazawa Rong's work in China is a contribution to the column of the Shituguan and only represents the author's personal views; this work is not a rigorous historical academic study, for reference only; unauthorized, forbidden second transmission, violators will be investigated. This article is written by Nobuya Nobuya

Screenshot of "In Search of Qianlixiu"

After Jin Zerong came to Nantong, he was arranged by Zhang Xiao to serve as an editor at the Nantong Han molin Printing And Book Bureau. Han Molin Printing And Publishing Company was founded by Zhang Xiao in 1903 and merged with Taofen Printing Factory in 1951. At that time, it became an important channel for the introduction of Western books, and successively published books such as "Five Hundred Cases of Japanese Statistics", "British National History", "Explanation of Physics Calculations", "Elementary Fisheries" and other books, which had an impact throughout the country, and the books were even exported overseas.

There is a rich man Jang Hyun-chan, and Kanazawa Rong, who has no worries about food and clothing, angrily writes books to spread Korean history and culture. In 1906, he selected famous poems from ancient Korea and published them as books such as "Selected Poems of Li Han" and "Selected Poems of Li Han Jiujia". Later, he also collected and sorted out the "Meiquan Collection" by his friend Huang Ying (Huang Ying), a Korean scholar who committed suicide and martyrdom; he also assisted in the publication in China of the "Myung Mei Tang Collection" (by the Korean scholar Lee Jianchang), which could not be published in Korea due to the clamping down of the Japanese authorities.

In addition, he has also published his own anthologies "Cangjiang Manuscript", "Shao Hu Tang Collection" continuation, supplement and "Shao Hu Tang Three Collections" and so on. Regarding the motivation for publishing his own works, Kanazawa Rong talked about the ancient Bohai State in the preface, arguing that although the Bohai State was once very powerful, most of the deeds of both the literati and the generals and ministers were not handed down, resulting in a history of two hundred years and little is known after the fall of the country. He feels that today's South Korea, like the Bohai state of the past, needs to preserve their country's culture through books— even if some of the contents of those books are of little practical use.

In addition, Kanazawa wrote books on Korean history. Before he left Korea, he wrote the book "Outline of The History of the East" in 1901, which was highly praised by the people of the times for its accurate accounting, ideological loyalty to the monarch and Confucianism, and rejection of Japan, and was published as a history textbook by the Korean Academy (that is, the department in charge of education). In China, he was even more indignant about writing history, first adding his "Outline of The Eastern History" to "Small History of Korean Dynasties" (Zhang Jian wrote a preface), and also published books such as "Correction of the History of the Three Kingdoms", "History of the New Goryeo", and "Anecdotes of The Goryeo Jishi Zhongchen". During his time in Nantong, he also had extensive exchanges with historians Tu Ji (author of the "History of the Mughals") and Lu Simian (author of the "Vernacular History of the Country"), who worked at the Nantong Guowen Academy, and the Korean historical materials cited in their writings were mostly assisted by Kanazawa Rongzhi.

What made Kanazawa's honor and slander all over the world was his book "Han ShiQi". The book, published in 1918, can be seen as a reflection and commentary on the five-hundred-year history of the Joseon Dynasty after Kanazawa-young saw the shattering of the mountains and rivers of Korea and the new fate of China's old state.

"Korean Qu Yuan" Kanazawa Rong's work in China is a contribution to the column of the Shituguan and only represents the author's personal views; this work is not a rigorous historical academic study, for reference only; unauthorized, forbidden second transmission, violators will be investigated. This article is written by Nobuya Nobuya

"Han ShiQi" book shadow

The book directly writes that Taizu Li Chenggui's "Yi surname revolution" is a usurpation of power and a king, and the "Decay Unitary Jing Difficulty" of The Ancestor Li Yao is to kill flesh and bones to steal the throne, and relentlessly evaluates, "Since ancient times, the affairs of the country have been successful or unsuccessful, and there has been no disobedience." The so-called thief of the hook is cursed, and the thief of the country is Hou. Launching a historical disaster against Yanshanjun, Kim Taek-young accused his cruel methods of causing The Korean literati not to dare to write history, and Korea "became a country without history." He also criticized Suzong for prohibiting his disciples from disproportionate the head of the division (the so-called "prohibition of the division of thieves") because of the "right and wrong of Huaini" (the party struggle between Song Shilie and the disciple Yin Zheng and others) as a development that destroyed talents.

Because he was in Nantong, where industry was developed, he had heard and witnessed the development of industry and commerce, which was reflected in the book's criticism of Confucianism's empty talk and did not pay attention to the application of the world, and the state blindly emphasized agriculture and did not encourage the development of industry and commerce. In his view, the party members who "talk loudly and hypocrisy become the norm" are nothing more than "a medium for one of the major cases of a false state to take a position", and use Confucianism as a weapon to criticize political opponents and a stepping stone to their own entry. In addition, he also used the practice of "persuading business to take its taxes" in the late Qing Dynasty as an example to criticize the neglect of industry and commerce at the end of the Joseon Dynasty. He said that in addition to the land and salt taxes, China's taxes also include tariffs, stamp duties, gold, mineral taxes, etc., so that it can open up financial resources; while North Korea, in addition to fish, salt and red ginseng, pays no attention to commerce at all, and is "sitting on its wealth and abandoning its wealth to the land."

Kim Taek-young also criticized the attitude of the rulers at the end of the Joseon Dynasty who were not self-reliant and self-reliant, but instead intended to go to Qin and Chu between the great powers in order to seek peace: "If Emperor Taishang (Gojong Lee Hee of Joseon) takes advantage of this ten-year leisure, eats the courage of the salary, and is conscientious about self-government, then Japan will do the same!" It is like selling officials and lords, and there is no one to know about the drama of the gods, and tens of thousands of things will be chaotic in the day, and only want to look up to the sniffles of Russia as a wisp of life! ...... Therefore, the death of Han is not the cause of Russia's defeat, but I have only killed myself! ”

As soon as this book came out, it attracted countless criticisms in South Korea, and thousands of people jointly denounced the book, and even wrote two "Han Shi Qi Discernment" to fight with the front. They called Kanazawa Rong a "historical thief," "a traitor to Confucianism," and a "demon of evil buds," and listed his seven major crimes: "wantonly slandering my dynasty" (i.e., Kanazawa Rong believed that the affairs of Tanjun Korea were doubtful), "insulting me successively" (i.e., Directly shu Mingcheng's pro-Japanese dictatorship), "cursing my ancestors" (i.e., accusing Emperor Gaozong of misleading the country), "great evil to my ancestors" (i.e., Zhishu Yingzu's killing of his concubine Si Mourning the sons of the world), "Yi di my Taizong", "usurping my taizu" (i.e., Zhishu Lee's ancestor Shiyuan, Lee Sung-gyu usurped Goryeo and the Murder of the King), "insulted my ancestors" (i.e., a critique of Confucianism in Korean history).

Only a few people, including Cao Jingxie, defended him. Cao wrote in his letter to his friend Xu Tuan, "Reply to Permission heng": "It is a pity that the scholar is dazzled by snobbery, bound by the law, bound by habits, and ignorant of the theory of justice for hundreds of years. Now that the great defense has been decided, the torrent will return, and the world is great, and the world is far away, not a family's private interests for a while, so it is advisable to blatantly investigate the truth of right and wrong, and wash the stomach and intestines to ruin the selfishness. And Nai Shang is drowning in the old and glued to the partial, preferring to be confused all his life rather than waking up to his drunken dreams. "A direct critique of the ethos of the time.

"Korean Qu Yuan" Kanazawa Rong's work in China is a contribution to the column of the Shituguan and only represents the author's personal views; this work is not a rigorous historical academic study, for reference only; unauthorized, forbidden second transmission, violators will be investigated. This article is written by Nobuya Nobuya

Tomb of Kanazawa Ei

Although Kanazawa Rong knew that "with the narrowness of my state's customs, he was willing to tolerate the journey of this book", what he did not expect was that in the process, Kanazawa Rong's "ordinary life knows the past, and does not know a word", and some even broke with it. Then, in August 1926, Kanazawa's only best friend in China, Zhang Jian, died, giving Kanazawa-young a more severe mental blow. In April 1927, Kanazawa Committed suicide in Nantong at the age of 78.

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