
Don't throw away the greens that you can't eat, make sauerkraut and stir-fry some meat, very delicious and cooked

author:Lazy little cook

Hello everyone, I'm a lazy little kitchen lady

It's time to share your food with everyone again, have you all eaten?

Don't throw away the greens that you can't eat, make sauerkraut and stir-fry some meat, very delicious and cooked

Sauerkraut stir-fried meat, I believe many friends like to eat, then the sauerkraut you eat is not bought back in the supermarket, in fact, this sauerkraut we can also do at home, and their own sauerkraut to stir-fry minced meat, is really more delicious than the outside Oh, the following will follow the small kitchen to take a look at it!

Don't throw away the greens that you can't eat, make sauerkraut and stir-fry some meat, very delicious and cooked

First of all, we wash the small greens, prepare a large pot of tao rice water to boil, then put in the small greens, blanch the water for 30 seconds, fish out and put them in the bowl, and then pour the tao rice water that has just cooked the greens into it, or after the greens are cooled, put two spoonfuls of salt, a packet of kimchi fermentation bacteria in the bowl with cold water to scratch, pour in the vegetable bowl, cover a plate, cover the greens, and seal the lid on the lid for one night.

Don't throw away the greens that you can't eat, make sauerkraut and stir-fry some meat, very delicious and cooked

This way the sauerkraut is ready, if you want to be more sour, leave it for two more days. Pick up the soaked sauerkraut and squeeze the water into small pieces, start the pot to burn the oil, put the pork belly into the oil and fry the oil, put in the ginger garlic, millet pepper, cut the sauerkraut, stir-fry on high heat, put in the salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, soy sauce, stir-fry evenly, sprinkle some garlic seedling leaves, stir-fry well to get out of the pot.

Don't throw away the greens that you can't eat, make sauerkraut and stir-fry some meat, very delicious and cooked

So make your own sauerkraut, whether it is stir-fried meat or stewed cabbage i, are delicious, like you can try Oh, I am a small chef, a small kitchen lady with personality!

Don't throw away the greens that you can't eat, make sauerkraut and stir-fry some meat, very delicious and cooked

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