
Ming Ming Weiqing was a great general, but he gave all the elite soldiers to Huo to get sick, and only after 57 years did he find out that he was really smart

author:Storyteller Nan Gongzi
"Born in Shihan Yu Lin Lang, he first rode with Yuyang. He who knows not to suffer from the side court, let him die like a chivalrous bone. "From Wang Wei's "Young Man's Journey". The young general was heroic, and should have been an idol in the minds of many men and women at that time, although the figure had been blurred, he could still feel his bloodiness and bravery, and the young General Huo went to the sick and the horse was even more "legendary" in his life.
Ming Ming Weiqing was a great general, but he gave all the elite soldiers to Huo to get sick, and only after 57 years did he find out that he was really smart

Map of the Western Han Dynasty

He was 17 years old and two Dingxiang, 19 years old three marches to Hexi, 21 years old across the desert north, until the age of 24 fell ill and died, can be described as no ancients, no one after, is a general who has almost no defeat in history.

Huo went ill from Yulin, was good at salvos, and led his army to defeat the Xiongnu many times, killing the Xiongnu and retreating, and also left behind the reputation of "sealing the wolf Juxu".

Chen Tang once said: Five Hu soldiers can only defeat one Han soldier. In addition to the combat effectiveness and weapons and equipment of soldiers, the Han army is also rich in famous generals, Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi are among the best, with the reputation of "Imperial Double Bi".
Ming Ming Weiqing was a great general, but he gave all the elite soldiers to Huo to get sick, and only after 57 years did he find out that he was really smart

Hodge disease

Uncle Wei Qing led the Han army in seven battles and seven victories, recaptured the Heshuo and Hetao areas, and broke Shan Yu.

In the fifth year of Yuan Guang (130 BC), the Xiongnu invaded the south, and Emperor Wu of han appointed Wei Qing as a general in battle. Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty sent men and horses to attack the Xiongnu on all sides.

This was the first time that Wei Qing led an expedition, he was calm and calm, went deep into the danger, directly attacked the Xiongnu's sacred place of worship, Longcheng, and captured more than 700 Xiongnu in Longcheng, and won the first victory. The other three, two failed, one was fruitless. Emperor Wu of Han saw that only Wei Qing was victorious and triumphant, and made Wei Qing the Marquis of Guannei.

Ming Ming Weiqing was a great general, but he gave all the elite soldiers to Huo to get sick, and only after 57 years did he find out that he was really smart

Wei Qing

"The horse tramples on the sand like snow, and the sword is as cold as ice." There is a thought of life and death, and the blood stains the wind. ”

The Battle of Longcheng was the first victory against the Xiongnu since the beginning of the Han Dynasty, laying a good foundation for further counterattacks by the Han Dynasty in the future.

Yue Fei, a famous anti-Jin general of the Song Dynasty, said: "Wei Qing and Huo went to the disease, and they were exemplary, and I should follow them." At the same time, he highly appreciated Wei Qing's Wugang Formation, believing that "the innovation of tactics broke the Xiongnu, and Wei Qing began."
Ming Ming Weiqing was a great general, but he gave all the elite soldiers to Huo to get sick, and only after 57 years did he find out that he was really smart

The relationship between Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi is not only a relative, but also two Han Dynasty generals are also colleagues, and Wei Qing, as an uncle, can also be called the nephew Huo Fuyi's teacher.

Huo went to the disease is already a great achievement of the uncle Wei Qing, full of admiration, at this time Huo to go to the disease should be 12, 3 years old, it is an age with dreams, the uncle's great success is undoubtedly an example for him, perhaps this is this time, the teenager set a lofty ambition, galloping to the north of Xinjiang, for the teenager is not a far-reaching goal.

"Nine Debates" Pre-Qin: Song Yu Original Text: No Bo Le Xiang Shan Xi, who makes it famous now? He wept recklessly to talk about it, but he got it with his intentions.
Ming Ming Weiqing was a great general, but he gave all the elite soldiers to Huo to get sick, and only after 57 years did he find out that he was really smart

Wei Zifu

Wei Zifu was his aunt, Emperor Wu of Han loved Wu and Wu, coupled with the loyalty of his own character, Emperor Wu of Han loved and trusted Huo Zhiyi very much, and when he sent a Mao child who was less than 20 years old to enter the battlefield for the first time, he gave the title of Lieutenant Yao.

The promotion system of officers in the Han Dynasty was very strict, and "prostitute" had the meaning of light and swift, and "Yao" had a beautiful meaning, which showed that Emperor Wu of Han was fond of Huo's illness. And Huo went to the first battle of the disease and won, did not live up to expectations.

As the nephew of the great general and the favorite of Emperor Wu of Han, Huo Wentai was greatly taken care of, and accompanied his uncle to attack the slaves twice.

Ming Ming Weiqing was a great general, but he gave all the elite soldiers to Huo to get sick, and only after 57 years did he find out that he was really smart


In the spring of the fourth year of the Yuan Dynasty (119 BC), Emperor Wu of han appointed Wei Qinghuo and his men to attack the Xiongnu again and launch the Desert War. When it was learned that Emperor Wu of Han wanted to give Huo Huo the right number of strong generals to choose at will, Wei Qing did not complain at all.

However, the Qing army went out of the fortress for more than a thousand miles, and saw that Shan Yu was waiting for the soldiers, so Qing Ling Wugang drove from the ring as a battalion, and the five thousand horses rode to the Xiongnu, and the Xiongnu also rode on ten thousand horses.

The troops led by Wei Qing encountered the main force of the enemy army, because the difference in strength between the two armies was too large, Wei Qing led his subordinates to kill the enemy with all their might, but they were still killed and wounded, and each general had no military merit, and Wei Qing did not complain.

Ming Ming Weiqing was a great general, but he gave all the elite soldiers to Huo to get sick, and only after 57 years did he find out that he was really smart
It is becoming more and more expensive to get sick as the sun is fading. The qing deceased went to the door more, and when things went to the sick, they won the official title.

Through this, we can see Wei Qing's benevolence and generosity and his love for Huo Fuyi, and he did not hesitate to let his nephew choose elite soldiers when he faced the main force.

However, Wei Qing was also very wise, which increased Huo's confidence in combat, and also allowed him to gain higher respect in the army, enrich his combat experience, and better lead the troops to fight in the future. These achievements have also made the image of Huo's bravery and good fighting, who died young, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and deeply admired by future generations.

Ming Ming Weiqing was a great general, but he gave all the elite soldiers to Huo to get sick, and only after 57 years did he find out that he was really smart
The Zizhi Tongjian records that "the crown prince and empress were often worried after their increasing favor and decline, and Emperor Wu of Han took the initiative to find Wei Qing to say that the prince was gentle and quiet and could safe the world, and was the most suitable defender of the city, and asked Wei Qing to tell him."

Although Wei Qing had made great achievements in battle, he was sympathetic to the soldiers and treated the soldiers with great love. He also never raised individual customers in the store, did not pull small groups, was not arrogant or impatient, and was humble and benevolent, which was also the reason why Emperor Wudi of Han appreciated him.

Wei Qing opened the mansion, and Yang Servant built a ship. Outside the plum blossoms of the Han Festival, the sea in Spring City. The copper beam book is far away, and the Zhupu envoy will spin. Poor and sick, old people, annoying the king for thousands of miles.
Ming Ming Weiqing was a great general, but he gave all the elite soldiers to Huo to get sick, and only after 57 years did he find out that he was really smart

How to get along with people is a kind of wisdom, it is precisely because of Wei Qing's benevolence and love for everyone around him before his death, with the help of the wai family that fell after his death, he returned to people's sight when he was Emperor Xuan of Han, and it was also the love of Wei Qing that remained in everyone's heart and blessed the Wei clan after that.

Kindness and virtuousness will raise great virtue. Be loyal and filial, do benevolent and righteous deeds, illegally do not speak, and do not have a way. Go to its pride, be gentle and obedient, cultivate its humility, and act innocently. People are precious, morality is first, gold is a thousand, not as good as a sage.
Ming Ming Weiqing was a great general, but he gave all the elite soldiers to Huo to get sick, and only after 57 years did he find out that he was really smart

Being humble and lenient in treating people and things is the principle of harmonious coexistence between people, and the way of dealing with people by the ancients is very worthy of our humble learning.

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