
325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin

325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin

by Wan Shan Hong · 0 Favorites · 3096 Browse craft steaming Taste sweet Time 15 minutes Difficulty unknown main ingredient main lily 60 g Pumpkin 200 g 3 servings auxiliary ingredients others lily 2 g Sugar osmanthus 1 spoon

Step step


325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin

Wash the dried lilies and cook in boiling water for two minutes.


325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin

Break the fresh lilies into cloves and wash and set aside.


325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin

Peel the pumpkin and cut into slices about 5 mm thick.


325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin

Sliced pumpkin and then cut into three lengths of different sizes.


325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin

The longest piece is placed on the lowest floor, and then three layers in turn.


325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin

The lilies are stacked in the middle.


325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin

Steam in the water basket for 10 minutes.


325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin

Finally, place a little boiled lily on top, and then drizzle with a spoonful of sugar osmanthus flowers to enjoy.

325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin
325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin
325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin
325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin
325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin
325 Issue Macao White Sister Lily Steamed Pumpkin


I drizzled the last sugar osmanthus flower, if not, it is also possible to drizzle some honey.

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