
Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

author:Small taste

Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

From childhood to adulthood dried sweet potatoes are my favorite snacks, Q bomb is chewy, the more you eat more and more fragrant, delicious to stop, at that time the conditions are limited to eat dried sweet potatoes such snacks is very happy, unlike today's children, want to eat anything you want to eat. After growing up, I still like to eat dried sweet potatoes, but I found that he was also a natural enemy on the road to weight loss, he used to buy and eat outside, sweet and attractive, the color was very bright, my mother told me that the dried sweet potatoes bought outside were additives. So after I had a child, I rarely bought him dried sweet potatoes outside to eat.

Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

But it can't stand up to the child, I want to eat no way, can only make it by myself, in fact, it is not difficult to make my own dried sweet potatoes, and the sweet potatoes I made are praised by my husband and children. Sweet potatoes are the most readily available ingredient in winter, and after winter in our north, every household will buy a lot of sweet potatoes and hoard them.

Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

Because sweet potatoes are also the main ingredients in winter, sweet potatoes are rich in protein vitamins, which can improve the body's immunity and delay aging, and sweet potatoes also have the effect of tonifying and strengthening the spleen and stomach of blood, which is a kind of health care ingredients for all ages. Self-made dried sweet potatoes without any additives to maintain, the original flavor is the only choice of family snacks adults and children can eat with confidence, let's take a look at the specific methods.

Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

【Dishes】: Dried sweet potatoes

【Cooking ingredients】: 4 sweet potatoes.

【Cooking steps】:

1, prepare 4 medium-sized sweet potatoes, you can also prepare the dosage according to your actual situation, want to do more at a time, you can prepare more sweet potatoes, like sweet potatoes clean, the surface of the soil is all cleaned up and prepared.

Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

2. Remove both ends of the sweet potato.

Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

3: Then put the treated sweet potatoes into the steamer.

Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

4, after the high heat on the steam, turn to medium-low heat to steam for 30 minutes, you can also customize the time according to the size of the sweet potato, if the sweet potato is larger, you can cut the sweet potato and steam it again, until the sweet potato is steamed.

Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

5: Remove the steamed sweet potatoes and remove the skin.

Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

6, then cut the steamed sweet potatoes into thick strips of about one centimeter, about the thickness of the little thumb, and try to be even when cutting.

Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

7, cut the sweet potato fries, put into the oven to open the air drying mode, 80 degrees baked for 9 hours, of course, if you do not use the oven, you can also put it outdoors, in the case of sufficient sunshine to dry, it takes about two days.

Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

8, with the oven to make it is relatively simple, do not need to wait too long, until the sweet potato moisture is all baked dry, into a soft and sticky dried sweet potato can be.

Homemade dried sweet potatoes, soft and chewy, no additives, adults and children can eat with confidence

【Cooking Tips】:

1, we can prepare the dosage according to their actual situation, it is recommended to do more at a time, and the dried sweet potatoes are sealed and stored, as long as they are not damp.

2, the red book has the effect of moisturizing the intestines and laxatives, less exercise in winter, many times will be plagued by constipation, often eat sweet potatoes, can stimulate the peristalsis of the stomach, reduce the occurrence of constipation, in addition to sweet potatoes is also a beauty and beauty, weight loss and slimming of the only choice, female friends to eat often.

3, their own dried sweet potatoes, without any additives, the original taste, to the greatest extent to retain the nutritional value of sweet potatoes, come and try it.

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