
NYPD Investigation: More than half of NYPDs regret entering the industry

Source: Global Times

According to the US "New York Post" reported on the 20th, an investigation learned by the newspaper showed that more than half of the police in New York City regretted joining the police force, and they were worried that they would face lawsuits or disciplinary punishments after enforcing the law.

NYPD Investigation: More than half of NYPDs regret entering the industry

New York Police Infographic. Image source: Visual China

The NYPD conducted an internal investigation into nearly 6,000 New York police officers in March. 56% of respondents said they would not choose to follow the same career path if they could start all over again. This discontent is largely related to the deteriorating relationship between the police and the people in American society. In addition, 73 percent of respondents said "good" officers did not receive the recognition they deserved, 46 percent felt the public did not respect them, and 44 percent said they did not have the public's trust.

About 80 percent of police officers surveyed revealed that they are unable to truly combat crime in today's social environment because of the risks of criminal liability and prosecution. About the same number of respondents also believe that New York City will not become safer in the last two years. In response to the findings, Patrick Lynch, president of the Police Charity Association, New York's largest police union, claimed that "every cop wants to leave as soon as possible," largely because of "unbearable circumstances" and "low wages."

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