
Qianlong suspected that Wang Mingsheng was useless! As a result, he became a generation of examination masters Qianlong suspected that Wang Mingsheng was useless! As a result, he became a generation of masters of examination and evidence

author:Lu Xiuhui Kankan poetry calligraphy and painting printing

"The Biography of the Painter" ~ 348th

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > Qianlong suspects that Wang Mingsheng is not useful! As a result, he became a generation of masters of examination and evidence</h1>

Text/Lu Xiuhui

Wang Mingsheng (July 4, 1722 – January 18, 1798), courtesy name Fengxue, Yizi Auditorium, Alias Xizhuang, late Xijiang, Xilan resident. A native of Jiading County, Taicang Prefecture, Jiangsu Province (Jiading District, Shanghai).

Qianlong suspected that Wang Mingsheng was useless! As a result, he became a generation of examination masters Qianlong suspected that Wang Mingsheng was useless! As a result, he became a generation of masters of examination and evidence

Wang Mingsheng was born in poverty, cultivated and read heirlooms, and he has a poem from which he can get a glimpse of his family's situation:

As if the Ganges were shining,

Chaimen goose duck mirror pond shore.

Pine chrysanthemums around the path of Xin heavy,

The taro chestnut garden is not tired of poverty.

Long-standing autumn puff into a tired guest,

Occasionally, the day is close to each other.

He cut the yellow hut from time to time,

A volume of agricultural books night fire pro.

Wang Mingsheng studied at the age of four and later learned poetry from Shen De. Shen Deqian was sixty-seven years old before he was a middle soldier, and the Qianlong Emperor liked his poetic talents and called him "the old famous scholar of Jiangnan". Because he wrote the preface to Xu Shukui's poetry collection, he was reported by Liu Yong, and at that time, Shen Deqian had died and was still deposed and taken as an official. Shen Deqian selected and printed a "Selected Poems of the Seven Sons of Jiang Zuo", and among the seven people, in addition to Wang Mingsheng, there were Qian Daxin and Wang Chang. At the age of seventeen, Wang Mingsheng was a twenty-three-year-old scholar, and at the age of thirty-three, he became a jinshi, ranking second in the first rank, and was appointed as an editor of the Hanlin Academy.

Wang Mingsheng studied classics, history, primary schools, bibliography, etc., and in the nineteenth year of Qianlong (1754), he was awarded Hanlin, and Jiang Pu, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, was particularly important to him. In the previous Beijing inspection examinations of the Hanlin Academy, Wang Mingsheng ranked first class. In the twenty-fourth year of Qianlong, the thirty-eight-year-old Wang Mingsheng was appointed as a cabinet scholar and a ceremonial attendant, and wang Mingsheng was hand-picked to serve as an examiner for the Fujian township examination. At this time, Wang Mingsheng was serving as the examiner of the Fujian Township Examination, and there must be carelessness outside of his pride, and the problem was that When Jinyi returned to his hometown, Wang Mingsheng lost his front hoof.

After the Fujian township examination, Wang Mingsheng returned to jiading hometown to visit relatives. There is the pride of returning home, and the glory of the glorious ancestors. Wang Mingsheng, who had just returned to Beijing to resume his life, was impeached by the Jiangxi Province's inspector Yushi Luodian (御史羅典), who was a colleague of the Hanlin Yuan. Luo Dian accused Wang Mingsheng of not immediately returning to Beijing to resume his life after completing his official duties as a fujian township examination examiner, and returned to Suzhou to buy concubines instead of taking "Wang Affairs" as the most important thing. For "great disrespect". The three words of "great disrespect" can be heavy or light, and the light ones can dismiss officials and leave, and the heavy ones are even nine ethnic groups. Wang Mingsheng,"Yellow Skydaming's Night Walk Encounters Storm Boat Overturns Several Times", Shi Yun:

It is difficult to ask the Lingxu with faithfulness,

Several times Peng Xian gave "Buju".

Where is the stability of the fate of the tow,

Dreaming back to the belly of the fish for the rest of his life.

Ten years of wet Tang Qu tears,

The four seas are poor and Nguyen cars.

Out of danger and horror to re-say the danger,

Whose family is full of food in the field?

After Qianlong received the chapter, Wang Mingsheng echoed the recital to defend himself. Wang Mingsheng said: "The subject is nearly forty, first there are two sons, successively pox, and one son is still in infancy." The subject's parents were old and looked forward to their grandchildren's affection, so they pre-bought a concubine before the minister arrived home, and after the subject set off, he successively hired another ship branch (only) mule car, and sent a servant and a woman to Beijing. After the courtiers arrived in Beijing to resume their duties, the concubines and subsequently arrived, so that the imperial history visit was heard. The subject was ordered to obey the order, and should avoid suspicion, but did not stop it, it was really confused and presumptuous, and he begged the emperor to hand over the subject to the ministry. After Qianlong was defended by Wang Mingsheng, the Ministry of Communications strictly inspected the discussion. As a result, Wang Mingsheng went to the first level of sales, but still demoted the second level of invocation, so that Wang Mingsheng was waiting in Beijing. In fact, just when Luo Dian was visiting Wang Mingsheng, Qianlong used a Zhu pen to criticize Wang Mingsheng's invitation: "If it is not used, Wen Jia is too restrained." Look again! Why did Qianlong scold him for not being useful? First, they are tired of concubines; second, this kind of thing cannot be done; third, they will not act cheaply when they see the opportunity. As for whether Luo Sheng did it intentionally or unintentionally, it is not known, and it is not easy to speculate. Wang Mingsheng had a poem with his wife, the Inner Middle Way and the pain of losing his son, and copied this poem below, "Autumn Night and The Old Story of Women's Words Because of the Recitation of Jiang Cun Bu Zhu Ran There Are Four Poems":

Wax tears pile up and sleepless,

The sideburns of the piano are always pitiful.

Full of frost leaves autumn like a dream,

The four walls of the cold insects are like years old at night.

After illness, I threw embroidery threads,

Skinny to comb the waste flower tin.

Mourning the memory of the mother is not that,

Looking at the north and south of the river, thistle north of the day.

Qianlong suspected that Wang Mingsheng was useless! As a result, he became a generation of examination masters Qianlong suspected that Wang Mingsheng was useless! As a result, he became a generation of masters of examination and evidence

In April of the 25th year of Qianlong, Wang Mingsheng filled the vacancy and assumed the post of secretary of Guanglu Temple. From the nineteenth to the twenty-fourth year of Qianlong, Wang Mingsheng became a cabinet scholar and a ceremonial attendant from Hanlin, and his career was smooth, and his promotion to an official was impressive. However, because of his imprudentness and the granting of handles to people, the person who Qianlong considered "too restrained" made a mistake that was not worth mentioning, and was demoted to the rank of Sanpin, while the Guanglu Temple Secretary was in charge of the imperial court offerings, feasts, and palace meals, which was inconsistent with Wang Mingsheng's ambitions. In the twenty-eighth year of Qianlong, Wang Mingsheng's mother died of illness and went home on leave to worry about Ding. Since then, Wang Mingsheng has no longer been out of the army, and has devoted himself to reading behind closed doors, writing books on the history of examinations, and taking the initiative to end his eunuch career.

Wang Mingsheng, this person, is actually very frugal and simple, there is no habit of sound and color in his life, and all around him are books. He was a bookish and studious person, and only left and right history. From childhood to old age, he did not spend a day without reading, not a day without writing. There was only two years of pause in the middle, and when he was sixty-eight years old, he suddenly lost his sight in both eyes, and was treated by a well-skilled gentleman in Huzhou, and it took him two years to cure his eyes with acupuncture, so that he could write books as usual. After the tribute, Wang Mingsheng never took the initiative to associate with the local gentry, nor did he communicate with the powerful people in the DPRK and China. He would rather be a cold soldier than a guest at the door. He was rewarded for his good studies and followed many of his disciples.

For the literati, the difference between the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Ming has Wang Yangming, and the Qing can only play with the examination evidence. During the Kangqian period, the Daxing literary prison forced the literati to be unable to make a difference in philosophy, and they were also imprisoned by the eight strands of scholars, and the readers of the world did not read history and philosophy. The first four histories and the "New Five Dynasties History" can still be used by the eight shares, while the other histories are rarely mentioned. The "History of Ming" is even more avoided. The first four histories and the "History of the New Five Dynasties" are still read by many people because of the need to make articles, and there are not many other histories to read. Wang Mingsheng learned from Huidong, who was a master of southeastern classics, and under his influence, Wang Mingsheng turned to the study of examination history in addition to the study of classics. Wang Hongsheng read the Seventeen Histories, examined the Seventeen Histories, and even had a hundred-volume "Seventeen Histories of Discussion", which stunned the literati. Wang Mingsheng's "Ballad of the Ringing Cup", Shi Yun:

What is Ringing?

Ice pulp light crumbs red roses.

Jiuqu invaded xiaoshi city gate closed,

The soil file is a light red spike fine.

The clouds of fire rise to the height of the red sun,

The sound of the lamp sells the noise of Cao.

Chang'an hot guest tired back and forth,

Get this dose of cool powder.

Drink and sweat and rush to the dust,

The car still steps on the door of the house.

What a benefit to cool and cool,

The heat of the hot guest cannot be saved.

Wang Mingsheng once said: "It is better to write a good book than to read more, and if you want to read, you must first fine-tune the book." The school is not refined and reads, and I am afraid that the reading will be wrong. "The way of learning must be realistic. Looking at today's reading into, especially people in the art circle, reading books is almost a fictitious, such as dragonflies dotting water, running as soon as they dip, thinking that they are academically unmatched. When it comes to historiography, it is even more necessary to have the credibility of the data. Historiography, on the other hand, seems to have little meaning. The purpose of governing history is, first, to preserve the predecessors; second, why preserve the predecessors? It is to sum up the experience from the gains and losses of the predecessors, so as to be used by future generations. The accuracy of the discussion is directly related to the historical data. Therefore, when Talking about Jiang Wei, Wang Mingsheng said: "Jiang Wei is to Shu, and Zhang Shijie and Lu Xiufu are to Song Er. Reading the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and the History of song, I was deeply touched by Wang Mingsheng's discussion.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty King Guide, praised by successive dynasties, was known as "Jiang Zuo Yiwu". Yiwu was the name of the politician Guan Zhong during the Spring and Autumn Period, and achieved the hegemony of the Qi Huan Public. Later generations mostly used the word "Yiwu" in their poems to refer to people who had the talent to help the country and save the people. Wang Mingsheng thought: "Wang Dao's disciples have only the rank of the door valve and the official rank of the descendants, and the so-called Wing Dai Zhongxing is called Jiang Zuoyi, and I don't know where it is." He thinks that "the mediocrity of the guide is so despicable"!

Wang Mingsheng attaches great importance to the collation of historical books, and makes scientific judgments on the important significance of proofreading and the necessary conditions; and makes full use of various collation methods to collate and survey historical books; at the same time, he also pays attention to discussing the causes of errors in historical books, and then summarizes and summarizes the "erroneous examples."; in terms of the purpose of historiography, Wang Mingsheng resolutely rejects Confucius's "Spring and Autumn" pen cutting the great righteousness and small words" and Song Ming's Confucian "galloping discussion, systematically expounding the empirical methods of "examining the truth of its canonical system" and "examining the facts of its deeds"; in terms of historical theory, Wang Mingsheng also opposed the traditional Concept of Confucianism, and based on historical facts, overturned the cases of historical figures and historical events such as Fan Ye, the Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty, the Yongzhen Innovation, the Change of Ganlu, Wen Tingjun and Li Shangyin, and showed extraordinary insight into history.

Wang Mingsheng wrote About Hongfu, writing 30 volumes of "Shangshu Hou Case" and 1 volume of "Hou Discernment", and in his later years, he copied Gu Yanwu's "Rizhilu" and wrote 100 volumes of "Moth Technique Compilation", which have examined China's ancient system, artifacts, texts, characters, geography, and inscriptions. In his early years, he discussed poetry, tracing back to the Six Dynasties of Han and Wei, Zong Yangsheng Tang; middle-aged Bai Juyi and Su Shi; in his later years, he loved Li Shangyin alone, and Li Shangyin was trapped and unable to do so, so his poems were written in a long and compassionate way, which could more arouse Wang Mingsheng's resonance.

Wang Mingsheng is frugal in nature, has no love of playing with good sound and color, only the history of the left and right, the engraved books of Song Shuyuan also have many collections, and the bibliographies of collectors such as Huang Pilie, Mo Boji, Ding Bing, and Luo Zhenchang also have their old collections. He has also studied the study of gold stones and catalogues. The collection of books is rich, mostly used for the history of governance, extensive collection of notes on wild history, hundreds of novels, inscriptions DingYi, the collection of books known as "cultivation and cultivation of zhai", "Yizhitang", etc., collation and fine review.

Wang Mingsheng can paint good books, his paintings and calligraphy are praised by the world, and landscapes, flowers and birds can be tasted. Calligraphy is better than writing, pay attention to penmanship should learn to govern history, to be straight, not to bend the pen. He walks with his pen, his spirit is full of energy, and he is free from nature. He has a pavilion, but not the tackiness of a pavilion.

Qianlong suspected that Wang Mingsheng was useless! As a result, he became a generation of examination masters Qianlong suspected that Wang Mingsheng was useless! As a result, he became a generation of masters of examination and evidence

Wang Mingsheng splashed ink in his spare time, wrote books and painted, only to cultivate his heart, but despite this, Wang Mingsheng's calligraphy and painting attainments were very high, "Occasional painting, but also beautiful and considerable." "There are not many paintings and calligraphy written by Wang Mingsheng in his lifetime, and even fewer have survived, including a "Mo Ju Tu". There are also surviving landscape map axes, which are now in the Gansu Provincial Library. This painting "landscape pen and ink is clear, the luck is vivid, especially good at using linen, purely from the giant monk, tree stones are learning the big idiot QiuShan, non-work this reading for decades can not." "Wang Mingsheng's landscape, the pen and ink are casual and distant, clean and ancient, and otherworldly, which is completely the catharsis of the author's own emotions and the refraction of his life experience, and also reflects the author's simple and frank character of light fame and fortune, and reflects Wang Mingsheng's personal profound knowledge and cultivation.

Lu Xiuhui has a poem "Song for Wang Mingsheng Xilan", Shiyun:

Historians are friends and relatives, but calligraphy and painting are rare.

When Confucianism was studied intensively, ancient and modern were determined to be right and wrong.

Unintentional eunuch travel, deliberately galloping against the law.

The predecessors have been wrong for a long time, and the latter has learned to be subtle.

Lack of pain in life, no good buckle.

Bookworm diligently nibbles on words, sour Confucian poetry returns.

Occasionally nostalgic for the new month, often remember the old time glow.

Painting is paid and there is no reason, and the book pays for clothing?

Stomping down He Jibu, WenLiu fanatics sneered.

When to get mandarin fat.

Qianlong suspected that Wang Mingsheng was useless! As a result, he became a generation of examination masters Qianlong suspected that Wang Mingsheng was useless! As a result, he became a generation of masters of examination and evidence

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