
Liang Xiaosheng's "Awakening in the World": When you can't survive, see how others live

author:Intensive reading
Liang Xiaosheng's "Awakening in the World": When you can't survive, see how others live

Today is the 2959th day of intensive reading to accompany you throughout your lifelong growth

I have watched an opera variety show, and the people involved in the selection are of different ages and backgrounds, but they all like opera and want to leave their works on the stage.

One runner talked about his experience: it went very smoothly and there were no setbacks. After the results came out, it was quite different from the expected value, and he suddenly felt greatly hit.

In the face of the ups and downs of life, Liang Xiaosheng's view is: sleep well, exercise, read more, and see how others survive when they are unlucky.

Indeed, the experiences of others may inspire you.

Liang Xiaosheng, winner of the Mao Dun Literature Prize. He is a famous contemporary writer and a member of the Chinese Writers Association. He has written a large number of novels, essays, and essays.

"Awakening on Earth" is a gift he wrote to the wanderer, and it is also a summary of mr. Wang's wisdom in life for more than seventy years and a spiritual monologue.

This article is divided into three main points, namely childhood memories, middle-aged experiences, and encounter stories.


Childhood experiences

When he was a child, Liang Xiaosheng's family was very poor, and his parents supported their children by working for others.

Liang Xiaosheng's family has four children, in addition to himself, there is an older brother, a younger sister, and a younger brother.

My father worked in other places, returning home several times a year, and my mother worked as a tailor for others in the factory. Fathers want to eat by strength, while mothers focus on character and learning.

His mother was Liang Xiaosheng's first mentor and often told him stories before going to bed at night. Because of this, Liang Xiaosheng has a great interest in reading.

Once, Liang Xiaosheng wanted to buy a novel and go to his mother's factory. The mother took out a dime of money from her pocket and ordered enough for him.

The person next to him who worked with his mother said, "This old woman, what day is it not for the children to exhaust the sewing machine!" ”

Later, when her mother fell ill, Liang Xiaosheng did not use the money to buy books, but bought her mother canned hawthorn that she wanted to eat. When my mother found out, she said, "What if your mother eats or not, it is better that you buy a book and save it for your brothers in the future." ”

In elementary school, because his family was poor, Liang Xiaosheng only had one piece of clothing. The class teacher asked him why he was wearing dirty clothes to school and asked him to go home and change one.

He said it was oil stained and couldn't wash it off, and he only had this one piece of clothing. The class teacher did not believe it, thinking that he was deliberately confronting her.

Liang Xiaosheng felt inferior and wanted to leave school. At this time, the Chinese teacher grabbed him and took off his coat and put it on his clothes.

The Chinese teacher found that he liked to read and often asked him to tell stories to his classmates.

Liang Xiaosheng felt that he was valued, and his Chinese grades slowly became the best of all subjects, but the class teacher still did not like him.

Once, Liang Xiaosheng accidentally emptied two white pages when writing homework, and forgot to rip them down. The class teacher thought he was teasing her and said not to think that the language teacher could do whatever he liked.

Liang Xiaosheng was enraged and slammed the ink bottle against the wall. He wanted to transfer schools, but the Chinese teacher pulled him aside again and said, "You feel lonely because of poverty, and you will be lonely no matter which school you are in." Loneliness is not necessarily a bad thing. ”

Liang Xiaosheng's brother gave him a lot of care and attention, but he hated his brother very much.

Once, Liang Xiaosheng had a fever and did not retreat for several days, and his brother took leave of absence from school, accompanied him at home, served him medicine, and used a cold towel to reduce his fever. It was the eve of his brother's junior exams, but he still took good care of his sick brother.

The younger brother wanted to eat a snack with filling, so the brother took the money given by his mother and ran out the door. The ride costs money, and the rest of the money is not enough for a snack, so my brother ran back in the rain, his clothes could be wrung out of a lot of water, and his knees were broken and bleeding.

In order to enter the university, my brother only picked water once a week. Other times, it was Liang Xiaosheng who was carrying water. He always felt that his brother should help the family share more.

After my brother entered the university, suddenly one day, he received a notice from the school that he was suffering from mental illness.

When I got home, my brother's first words were: "Mom, I'm not a counter-revolutionary!" ”

My brother slept a long time during the day and was very energetic at night, often muttering to himself: I was manipulated by others. The schedule at home is the opposite of other people's homes. His mother broke her heart for him. Once, Liang Xiaosheng inadvertently saw that there were marks on his mother's head, which was done by his crazy brother.

Since then, Liang Xiaosheng has slowly developed hatred for his brother.

This is Liang Xiaosheng's childhood: although the family is very poor, he likes to read under the influence of his mother; because his family is poor, he is often misunderstood in school, but he still has the privilege of meeting an understanding Chinese teacher; he is grateful for his brother and complains.


Middle-aged stories

Liang Xiaosheng's father has a long beard, which is very special, and is often sought out by the crew to be a mass actor.

The first time, Liang Xiaosheng did not agree, and the second time, the director said that he promised to take care of and respect the old man. Liang Xiaosheng agreed.

While waiting for filming, my father was sitting precariously, afraid of making his clothes wrinkle.

One night, everyone slept, Liang Xiaosheng suddenly woke up, saw his father smoking outside, asked him what he was worried about, his father said that the weather was not good these days, I don't know if the drama can still be filmed.

Once, my father played a North Korean, acted very seriously, and said to Liang Xiaosheng: "If you want to be a mass actor, you should be serious, and if we are such a Chinese, can foreigners not value it?" ”

Mother and Liang Xiaosheng live together.

During the day, the house was an empty building, and the mother looked like an old man under house arrest. The people who lived upstairs gave their mother a few snails, and she loved it.

Liang Xiaosheng's son saw the snail and asked when he would grow up and wanted to eat the snail. He told his son that it was not easy for grandma, this was the snail she had raised with hard work, the flowers and fish she had bought before, Grandma had died, only this snail was well raised, and you still wanted to eat them.

The son understood and stopped talking about eating snails.

A few days later, the mother brought a pot of soup, saying that it was snail soup, made for the grandson.

The mother let go of the grown, independent snail. Later, she told Liang Xiaosheng that the snails that had been released would crawl back on her.

Liang Xiaosheng owes his son money because he has been writing for many years.

Once, he went home for dinner, and the aunt at home said to him: "Several times let you buy mosquito nets, you always drag, you see what kind of children are stinged?" ”

Liang Xiaosheng picked up the child, who had dozens of bags on him and smiled at him. Immediately, Liang Xiaosheng bought a mosquito net for fifty yuan.

When the child grew up a little, Liang Xiaosheng went to pick him up after school. When I met the teacher, the teacher said, "You are still a writer, your son can't even write straight, go home and tutor him well." Since then, he has become obsessed with his children's homework, often spending two hours of writing time at night to tutor their children's homework.

My son didn't want to go to kindergarten, he didn't dare to do morning exercises in kindergarten, and he felt that his movements were strange. Liang Xiaosheng did the exercise outside the garden, and his son followed suit.

This is Liang Xiaosheng's middle-aged story: the father was very attentive to the extras in his old age; the mother could not support anything in her old age, only the snail was well raised and had feelings for the snail; Liang Xiaosheng realized that he cared very little about the child, and the relationship with his son gradually improved.


Encounter stories

Once, Liang Xiaosheng saw such a scene: a fat woman was grabbing a woman's bag. This woman is the one who watches the bike.

The fat woman said that she had three hundred yuan in her bag, and the wallet was left where the woman was, and it must have been taken by the woman.

The woman kept denying it, saying she hadn't picked up her purse. In fact, she didn't see it, let alone pick it up.

But the fat woman still snatched the woman's wallet, which contained about a dozen yuan, and threw the woman's money collection basin on the ground.

Another time, Liang Xiaosheng went to the mall to buy pots and parked his bicycle outside.

After coming out, he wanted to pay the woman for the bicycle, and he found that there was only one hundred yuan, so he asked if he could find a hundred yuan. The woman couldn't find it, and directly waved her hand to let him go.

Later, Liang Xiaosheng went to that place again to park and gave her the last 2 dimes. The woman seemed to have forgotten the previous incident, followed Liang Xiaosheng for a long time, and forced 2 dimes into him.

A friend of Liang Xiaosheng once told a story about his childhood:

My friend's father had a knife that was specially designed for windows. The father was very strict with his children and never let them move the knife.

Therefore, the friend was even more curious about this magical knife. When his father went out, he took out the knife, and accidentally knocked off the glass on the knife.

My friend was very scared and thought about how to set up a piece of glass. So he found a piece of glass and pulled out a small piece of it and glued it.

When my father returned, he took a knife and went to install a window for someone else.

When he returned home in the evening, his father said that he was going to find another job, working by his craft before, and then working with his strength.

Before his father died, his friend mentioned the incident to his father, saying that he had broken the knife, and his father said that he had already known about it. When installing windows for others, my father used to scratch the glass with his finger, but the glass was stuck in his finger. I also went to find other work because the knife could not be used.

There is such a story:

A child is very good at learning when he is a child, very smart, and loves to go to school. But in junior high school, the family did not have money to provide him with school. He said that instead of his family's money, he could go to school while earning money.

Once, he discovered the habits of geese and often sold them to restaurants. At that time, he was not allowed to eat geese and fined, so he secretly sold them to restaurants.

When he grew up, he made public his experience of arresting geese, and erected a monument in that place, telling the world that in the five years from junior high school to high school, he had arrested a total of fifty-three geese in order to go to school, and all of them were sold to restaurants in the county town and eaten. He built a goose pavilion in that place to introduce the types of geese, habits, and other knowledge. People say he will stay in that place for the rest of his life.

The woman who watches the bike has a hard experience, and she is still kind. Regarding the truth about the knife, the father finally solved the mystery. Poor children catch geese in order to go to school. When he grew up, he told the story to the world and built the Goose Pavilion.

Childhood is full of hardships, middle age to take care of father and mother, feel the touching stories around you. No one's life is smooth sailing, a good environment makes us feel happy and happy, a bad environment should also try to accept it, do not complain about the world, as long as we dig, every experience has its value.

If you're not happy with your current situation, read the biographies of celebrities, and you'll see that there are a lot of people who are worse than ours, but they all survived.

Draw strength from the book, live in the moment, and live a sober life.

Author: Xuan Tong, a member of the Intensive Reading Friends Association. It is a free soul.

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