
We all know that lamb is supplemented, so do you know what is good about pigeon meat? Eat birds and pigeons quail

author:The secrets of space

【Ingredients】 650 grams of chicken soup, 500 grams of mutton, 40 grams of Huai yam.

【Seasoning】20 grams of goji berries, 13 grams of monosodium glutamate, several slices of ginger, fine salt to taste.

【Preparation Method】 1, put the lamb in water and cook and cut into pieces, then put it in the pot and add ginger slices and fry thoroughly.

2. Put the lamb in the tile cup, add Huai yam, goji berries, chicken soup, monosodium glutamate and salt, and steam it for two hours. This dish is a winter tonic, delicious and light sauce color.

We all know that lamb is supplemented, so do you know what is good about pigeon meat? Eat birds and pigeons quail

【Ingredients】2 fat and tender suckling pigeons, 2500 grams of chicken broth.

【Seasoning】 325 grams of rice wine, 165 grams of green onion, 80 grams of ginger, white soy sauce and refined salt, 4 grams of cloves, sugar, cinnamon, licorice, star anise, white vinegar, pepper salt and salt.

【Preparation method】1. Remove the internal organs and wash the pigeons. In addition, put various spices into the chicken broth, cook for about 1 hour, that is, become white brine, and then put the pigeons into the white brine, that is, cease fire, soak until 1 hour and then take out.

2. Mix with yi sugar and white vinegar into a paste, apply to the skin of the pigeon, hang in the cool place and blow for 3 hours, wait for the skin of the pigeon to dry, that is, fry it in the pan of raw oil until golden brown, then cut into pieces and plate, add pepper salt on the side of the plate. This dish is golden in color and crispy in the skin, which is most suitable in autumn.

We all know that lamb is supplemented, so do you know what is good about pigeon meat? Eat birds and pigeons quail

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