
Health masters have not lived past 60 years old, reflection: 6 health misunderstandings pit too many elderly people, do not trust

author:39 HealthNet

"I really regret dying, I originally just wanted to practice yoga, but in the end I was disfigured," Ms. Wang cried.

Originally, Ms. Wang met a yoga teacher on WeChat, and then under the recommendation of the other party, paid 4880 yuan, signed up for a fasting and detoxification course, 1 week passed, Ms. Wang's face exploded, which was called "disfigurement" to go to the hospital for examination, and was told that it was acne, and endocrine disorders caused by fasting caused acute inflammation.

Coincidentally, another Ms. Liu was also a "victim" of this fasting and detoxification course. Ms. Liu waited for 3 years to usher in the good news of pregnancy, but in the end she miscarried due to fasting.

Health masters have not lived past 60 years old, reflection: 6 health misunderstandings pit too many elderly people, do not trust

Is the so-called "fasting and detoxification" really reliable?

When it comes to "fasting and detoxification", the most famous is "master of natural therapy" Lin Haifeng. Who is Lin Haifeng? Its vbo certification is: chairman of China Nutrition and Health Network, chairman of Sunshine Forest Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Around 2000, he hyped up his original "holistic natural therapy" through the Internet and the media, in which the idea of "fasting and detoxification" was supported and touted by many netizens, but at the same time there was a lot of controversy.

What is "Fasting and Detox"? That is, you can only eat vegetables and fruits every day, squeeze them to drink, 8 cups a day, and no longer consume any other food.

Because according to Lin Haifeng, white rice noodles are "poison", is the main cause of disease, rice is basically sugar, eating two bowls of rice is equivalent to eating two bowls of sugar, so it is best not to touch.

Health masters have not lived past 60 years old, reflection: 6 health misunderstandings pit too many elderly people, do not trust

Is the once-popular "fasting and detoxification" really reliable?

In the 1990s, Alan Griff, the most famous advocate of valley breaking, was slapped hard by his own wild words - he insisted on being able to clear the valley for 1 week. After 2 days of persistence, he began to develop abnormalities such as dehydration and increased blood pressure, and on the 4th day, he had pupil dilation and eventually had to stop the experiment.

In this regard, Song Linglan, a dietary nutritionist at Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, said, "Drinking water for a long time without eating any food is very harmful to the body, not only will not play a role in detoxification and health, but it will have a negative impact on the internal organs, so the harm of blind fasting is very large." ”

Therefore, for fasting and detoxification, I advise everyone not to try it easily.

On November 11, 2019, Lin Haifeng died of food poisoning at the age of 51, and the People's Daily commented that Lin Haifeng's death was a fallacy to verify that fasting and detoxification was a hypothesis. So if you insist on "fasting and detoxification", what will happen to the body?

1. Damage to the stomach and intestines

Do not eat for a long time, can affect the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract, the secretion of digestive juices, when too much gastric acid secretion "nowhere to go", it will stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases.

Health masters have not lived past 60 years old, reflection: 6 health misunderstandings pit too many elderly people, do not trust

2. Affect blood sugar

Long-term valley breaking, the blood sugar is also affected, it is easy to lead to low blood sugar, and then affect the normal operation of the body, the situation is more serious. It can also lead to a lack of energy in the brain and the appearance of coma, organ damage and other consequences.

3. Organ atrophy

If the human body wants to be healthy, it is indispensable to support protein, electrolytes, carbohydrates, vitamins and other nutrients. For long-term fasting, the body lacks nutrients to maintain the energy needed for daily basics, so it can only decompose fat and muscle in the body, which eventually leads to organ atrophy.

So, again, don't try fasting at will, the consequences, you may not be able to stand any of them.

Health masters have not lived past 60 years old, reflection: 6 health misunderstandings pit too many elderly people, do not trust

When it comes to health, in fact, some of the health care methods in daily life are actually not healthy, but many elderly people are still insisting, and the consequences of the wrong health care method are very serious, especially these 6 wrong health care methods.

1, the earlier the morning exercise, the better

Sometimes at 4-5 o'clock in the morning, you can see the figure of some elderly people exercising, but at this time, the photosynthesis of green plants has not yet played, the carbon dioxide content in the air is high, and the air quality is not good. Coupled with high coronary artery tone in the morning and sympathetic excitement, it is easy to cause cardiovascular disease.

Suggestion: In general, after 6 o'clock is suitable for exercise, exercise occasions to squares, parks as appropriate, the air is clearer, pay attention to avoid fasting morning exercise, so as to avoid hypoglycemia.

2, eat more health care products can live longer

Many people have health awareness, but there is a deviation, like to buy ginseng, deer antler velvet, Ganoderma lucidum and other high-end tonics, feel that it is conducive to longevity.

In general, a balanced diet is enough to meet the body's daily nutritional needs, and excessive supplementation will lead to nutritional imbalance due to excess supplementation, causing serious consequences, such as excessive vitamin supplementation may be "poisoned", excessive calcium supplementation can affect development and increase the risk of stones.

Recommendation: Everyone should not make up for it, if it is really necessary, you can go to the hospital to do a nutritional status check and make targeted supplements.

Health masters have not lived past 60 years old, reflection: 6 health misunderstandings pit too many elderly people, do not trust

3, the more calcium supplementation, the better

The elderly are prone to calcium deficiency due to their rising age, so they frantically supplement calcium, and feel that the more they make up, the stronger their bones will be. However, if the excess calcium is supplemented, it will induce diseases such as stones.

Recommendation: Pay attention to the control of good quantity, generally over 60 years old, it is recommended that the calcium intake of 1 day is 1000mg, and it is best to supplement daily diet, eat more dairy products, soy products, which are foods with high calcium content, and supplement calcium if necessary.

4, do not eat oil and salt to reduce blood pressure and lipids

There is high blood pressure, high blood lipids, it is true to pay attention to control the intake of oil and salt, but do not directly touch a single point. Excessive salt restriction can lead to an imbalance in the osmolal pressure inside and outside the body's cells, causing edema; while excessive oil restriction may lead to certain nutritional deficiencies.

Recommendation: Reasonable control of intake is the key, according to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016)" recommends: adults 1 day salt intake is best < 6g, oil intake of 25-30g.

Health masters have not lived past 60 years old, reflection: 6 health misunderstandings pit too many elderly people, do not trust

5. Food instead of drugs to lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar

Because of the fear of the side effects of medication, many people will delusionally replace drugs through food, such as eating celery to lower blood pressure and eat pumpkin to control sugar. However, food can often only play a role in auxiliary improvement, if it is not good to eat medicine, blood sugar, blood pressure can not be controlled, may damage the brain, heart and kidneys and other tissues, resulting in serious consequences.

Recommendation: If you want to lower blood pressure and sugar, standardized medication is the key. If you are worried about the side effects of the drug, you can consult your doctor to change other drugs.

6. Adhere to 10,000 steps a day

Walking a lot, the knees are the first to "can't stand it", especially for older people.

Recommendation: In general, adults take 6,000 steps a day and achieve a certain speed (generally 120 to 140 steps / min, 30 to 40 minutes / time, depending on the person), you can achieve the effect of exercise.

Health masters have not lived past 60 years old, reflection: 6 health misunderstandings pit too many elderly people, do not trust

Summary: It is good to have a sense of health, but the premise is the correct way of health maintenance, for the above health misunderstandings, we should pay attention to avoid, so as not to play a health effect, not to say, but also hurt the body, it will be a big loss.

Resources: [1] "Another "health expert" died at the age of 51! It has been said: Rice is poison". China Anti-Cult.2019-12-04 [2] "The man who advocated the health of "fasting and detoxification" is gone, at the age of 51! 》. Health Times.2019-12-04 [3] "The 10 health misunderstandings of the most pit elderly people, quickly tell your parents". Life Times.2017-07-14 [4] "8 health misunderstandings, pit miserable middle-aged and elderly people!" Be careful that health is not successful, health is damaged ~ don't joke about life! 》. I am the Great Doctor Official Micro.2021-08-10

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