
The search for China National Geographic soothed my heart to explore nature

author:Confucius Old Books Network

Author | Gusu Pillow River

Source | Confucius old book network APP dynamics

As the saying goes: read ten thousand books, travel thousands of miles, but reading ten thousand books is not as good as walking thousands of miles. It can be seen that it is difficult to read thousands of books, and it is even more difficult to travel thousands of miles, so today, tell the story of me and China National Geographic magazine.

I came into contact with the magazine "China National Geographic" from college, and my memory is that it was in the book and newsstand in a small northeast city, and maybe one day on a whim I bought one of the issues, as for which issue, I have forgotten all of them. But what is certain is that after graduating from college for four years, there must have been several copies of China National Geographic magazine in my suitcase on my southbound trip. Similarly, there are more than a dozen old Reader magazines in these magazines, which is my first book purchase, but as the years go by, the specific impressions are lingering in my mind.

It can be said that in the process of finding jobs after graduating from college, many books were lost on the road, but these magazines are still preserved to this day. This is also the earliest collection of books since I worked in Suzhou, only because of the unique red spine of China National Geographic magazine, which makes me precipitate an enduring mark in my mind. Yes, there is no doubt that China National Geographic magazine is one of my favorites.

Like the Sanlian Life Weekly magazine I introduced, most of the nearly 400 copies of China National Geographic magazine that I have on hand over the years have been found in old book stalls. Of course, because of the unique charm of this magazine, I have searched for more than one in more than one issue, for example, every October, China National Geographic magazine is a thick special magazine, either a special edition or a collector's edition. Compared with other issues of the magazine of the year, the October issue is so graceful and elegant, solemn and thick, and like the October issue of some years, I even have as many as three or five copies.

National Geographic of China, founded in 1950 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, was originally called Geographical Knowledge, and is a monthly magazine about geography. According to the requirements of the monthly magazine, China National Geographic should be issued once a month, but in fact, this is not the case, in the number of issues of this magazine I collected, there will be some thinner special issues, such as the newly published 10th issue of 2021 magazine, in addition to a thick geographical knowledge content about the 219 National Highway, there is also a special issue special issue, and it is precisely about Suzhou, named: Jiangnan Belly, Absolute Suzhou.

In this way, in addition to the regular fixed number of issues in a certain month of a certain year, China National Geographic still publishes a certain number of additional special issues and special series of issues. Of course, these columns and special series are still as valuable as normal issues to read and collect. Unfortunately, I don't have many such special issues and special editions, only because the vast majority of China National Geographic magazines I keep are found from used bookstores, and used bookstores did not realize at the beginning of the sale of old books that those thin magazines were naturally an indispensable part of China National Geographic's thicker magazines. It is reasonable to think that the thinner part may be discarded in the sale of old books.

Of course, in the process of collecting China National Geographic magazine, I would prefer to buy thicker main magazines than those thinner special issues and special editions, and in my nearly four hundred magazines, the thick magazines with big red spines in each year and month showed a different design aesthetic, especially the covers of each magazine, which were carefully photographed by professional photographers, and there were several cover options in the theme of each issue.

But picking a frame from several beautiful images of the same theme to determine the cover of a magazine issue is a difficult decision. Because the photos placed in front of them are extremely beautiful, especially in terms of shooting angle and color rendering. Of course, for the content of the magazine itself, I would prefer to get some of the maps given away in the issue, all kinds of beautifully designed maps, I am a natural geography fan map fan, a map in hand I have.

I have to say, or sincerely admire, that every issue of China National Geographic magazine in my bookcase has a different kind of beauty, they are different, they are the same. What is different is that the themes they cover in each issue are hugely different, and most of them are unrelated. The same thing is that even under different themes, there is no difference in aesthetic cover design and exquisite content production. It can even be said that you have not been to a certain place described in a certain issue of the magazine, but just by the introduction of the magazine, you can immerse yourself in the situation depicted and feel the full satisfaction of the spirit. There is no doubt that, in some ways, the majestic China National Geographic is definitely a good magazine.

In October 2000, Geographical Knowledge was redesigned as China National Geographic, and the beginning of my search for China National Geographic magazine began with this issue. In the twelve years in Suzhou, from one to nearly four hundred, the process of searching for the number of periods is the process of loving nature and revealing true feelings, and luck is about to be full. Subsequently, China National Geographic launched a youth magazine, the magazine "Museum", and later, "China Heritage" magazine also became a member of the "China National Geographic" magazine brand. But I have not collected these two supporting magazines, people's energy is limited, and the other two magazines cannot distinguish my love for China National Geographic magazine.

My love for China National Geographic is even more because I also have a passion for exploring nature and an ideal of free travel in the boundless skyline. Freedom is precious, and the desire for freedom is priceless, but unfortunately, because of the entanglement of mundane things, I can't live the life I want to live. In my past time, I also lived in the Great Northwest for half a year, lived in the Great Northeast for four years, had a certain period of travel and life experience in the Pearl River Delta and the Shandong Peninsula, and now I have spent twelve years in the Changsan Perspective.

The world is very big, China is very broad, I also want to see, but the responsibility is on the shoulders, supporting the family, survival and development, for many years for the family to work hard for the cause, not even a moment of respite, especially embarrassed. In between, the search and reading of China National Geographic magazine has made me understand this colorful world to a certain extent, of course, mainly the beautiful mountains and rivers in China, and it can be said that this magazine comforted my original intention of exploring nature and loving nature.

The search for China National Geographic soothed my heart to explore nature
The search for China National Geographic soothed my heart to explore nature
The search for China National Geographic soothed my heart to explore nature
The search for China National Geographic soothed my heart to explore nature
The search for China National Geographic soothed my heart to explore nature
The search for China National Geographic soothed my heart to explore nature
The search for China National Geographic soothed my heart to explore nature
The search for China National Geographic soothed my heart to explore nature
The search for China National Geographic soothed my heart to explore nature

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