
Congratulations to Professor Zhang Xu on his election as an academician of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

author:Yimaitong Urology
Congratulations to Professor Zhang Xu on his election as an academician of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

On November 18, the results of the 2021 co-election of academicians of the two academies were officially announced, and a total of 149 people were elected. Professor Zhang Xu, Director of the Department of Urology and Medicine, General Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Chinese, was elected as an academician of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Congratulations to Professor Zhang Xu on his election as an academician of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Zhang Xu, born in 1962, is a native of Jiangling, Hubei Province. He is currently the director of the Department of Urology, Professor, Chief Physician and Doctoral Supervisor of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army of Chinese. Member of the expert group of the Central Health Commission, leading scientific and technological talents of the whole army, winner of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, chief expert of the National High-tech Research and Development Program (863 Program), enjoy special allowances from the national government. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Urology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the vice chairman of the Urology Society of the whole army, and the vice chairman of the Beijing Urological Society.

Academician Zhang Xu has been engaged in clinical and scientific research in urology for 38 years, and is the founder of laparoscopy and robotics in urology in China. Created the theory and technical system of post-laparoscopic surgery of urology, popularized throughout the country, become the standard technology in the field of urology in China, completely changed the traditional treatment mode of urological diseases in China, and has been widely used in the world, as a major innovation, the theory and technical system has been cited by dozens of international urology textbooks, monographs and guidelines, and has made significant contributions to promoting the development of China's urology and improving the international status of urology in China.

Co-opted list of academicians of the Faculty of Medicine and Health of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

The 2021 academician co-election of the Chinese Academy of Engineering was recently completed, and a total of 84 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and 20 foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were elected, including 11 newly elected by the Faculty of Medicine and Health.

Congratulations to Professor Zhang Xu on his election as an academician of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Co-opted list of academicians of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

According to the Statute of Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Co-election of Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Measures for the Election of Foreign Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences elected 65 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 25 foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2021, including 10 new members of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine.

Congratulations to Professor Zhang Xu on his election as an academician of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Sciences


1. Official website of The Chinese Academy of Engineering;

2. Official website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

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