
How to get out of life's darkest moments?


Hi babies! How's it been lately? Seeing the dead leaves falling one by one, and the daylight a little bit stingy, have your emotions been affected by this depressed scene? Hopefully your answer is no! I want to talk to you today about how to spend the darkest moments of life.

In the darkest moment of encountering life, first of all, we must believe in our hearts that such days will always pass, as if people are at the bottom of the valley, how to go will be upward. Do anything, whether you can see the effect at that time or not, you must always have a passion to say to yourself what I have done today, and I will give feedback in a way in the future. In fact, anything we do at the bottom of the valley will become a stepping stone for us to climb out of the valley in the future. The second is to face it bravely, no matter how hard life hits us, no matter what kind of situation fate throws us in, we must have a strong heart, we must have a kind of courage to get up and pat the ashes, tell the world that there is nothing, and I can start again. We can't decide what fate brings us, but we can decide the state of mind that faces them. If the sky is clear in the heart, no matter how fate is, the pain will eventually become temporary. Finally, it is necessary to have the mentality of making fun of suffering, I have heard people say that the normal state of life is bitter, and since we cannot avoid suffering in any way, then we adapt to it, overcome it, like it, until when we mention it, we can laugh and say that it is not so. Having fun in suffering requires us to have a little bit of bluntness, patience, and resilience. Blunt sensitivity makes us less sensitive to pain, patience makes us more willing to spend time facing pain, and resilience makes us more powerful in the presence of pain. Therefore, in ordinary life, we must cultivate this quality, so as to ensure that we have the "Vajrapani" body in the darkest moment.

In life, there will always be setbacks and tribulations, even if things are not to the worst extent, we must have the mentality of facing the darkest moments of life, which will help us get out of the current predicament. Come on, babies! When we pass through the storm, we will reap a stronger life!

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