
Some of the Black Flag Army in Shandong had gone home to collect wheat, and when they wanted to come, what should Song Jingshi do when the enemy was in front of them

author:As long as you stick to your dreams, you will always come true
Some of the Black Flag Army in Shandong had gone home to collect wheat, and when they wanted to come, what should Song Jingshi do when the enemy was in front of them

Song Jingshi film image

At that time, the peasant uprising of the Black Flag Army led by Song Jingshi in Shandong Province was loosely managed, and when the wheat was harvested, he had to go home to harvest the wheat, and after harvesting the wheat, he wanted to rest at home for a few days! Just like part-time workers, if you don't want to come to the team, you won't come. In fact, as long as the family's life can be maintained and can eat a bowl of rice, who does not want a wife and children to be hot?

But you go home to harvest the wheat, and the rebels are still there! What should they do? They roast it on the fire!

Song Jingshi, Liu Guanzhuang, Tangyi County, Shandong, was born in 1824. After successive generations of farming, planting more than ten acres of land for a living, it is difficult to live. After only reading books for a year or two, I worked as a long-term worker and earned a living for the villages. Liu Guanzhuang had a strong martial arts practice, and shangwu was strong in order to survive in a chaotic world, so Song Jingshi studied spears and water margin fists with sun Rujing. It was a Type 108 wrapped gun and a left and right hand tiger's mouth gun. The spear is unusually thick, and the tail of the gun can reach the bowl mouth. Dragging a gun is a trick of the yin gun, which can be defeated and won. When practicing with people with a large long pole, when clicking on the muscles and bones of the human body, feel free to do as you please. A hundred pieces of paper are hung on the wall, and a few sheets are removed from the mouth, that is, a few. Therefore, Song Jingshi's martial arts are unique and crowned local. Later, Sun Jingru joined the Taiping Army, and Song Jingshi was influenced by it and had anti-Qing ideas.

In the late Qing Dynasty, Shandong was directly subordinate to the Taiping Army, the Twist Army and the Qing Army fought fiercely, and the people did not have a good life. The exploitation of the peasants was increasing day by day, and the peasants' lives were extremely difficult, and the county government went so far as to require each household to pay the regimental training fee. Song Jingshi led the villagers to personally go to the county to ask for exemption from the regimental training fee, but this county official was very bad, and he promised well in person, secretly making a tripwire, and that night he found a vigilante group and arrested Song Jingshi and a dozen other people.

Some of the Black Flag Army in Shandong had gone home to collect wheat, and when they wanted to come, what should Song Jingshi do when the enemy was in front of them

The only one who can save himself is himself, and there has never been a savior. On March 28, 1861, Song Jingshi and eighteen people successfully robbed the prison and joined the White Lotus Sect Black Flag Army. Soon, became the chief.

In June and July 1861, yang Tai and Zhang Shan, the leaders of the White Lotus Sect, were killed one after another, and when the wheat in Shandong Province was ripe, some of the brothers in the Black Flag Army of the White Lotus Sect said: They will go home to harvest the wheat. You're right, some of the rebels were going home to harvest the wheat, and they couldn't leave their homes behind. It can also be seen that the militarized management of the Black Flag Army at that time was chaotic, and it became a deserter when fighting. As a result, the black flag army was greatly reduced. Song Jingshi was forced to surrender to Shengbao.

This Katsuho is also a strange figure, recruiting and expanding troops everywhere, but he does not care about the surrender of his subordinates and then rebels. And the mercenaries are self-respecting. He summoned Miao Peilin, a twister, and killed The British King Chen Yucheng. Later, this Miao Peilin actually attacked the Governor's Palace and captured the Great Qing Pillar Stone Emperor Weng Tongsheng, and he was almost killed. Shengbao is as protective as Miao Peilin and vouches for Miao Peilin. Therefore, Song Jingshi met his lucky star, so Song Jingshi was promoted from the second pin to the second pin with a five-pin blue top belt. That's from the second product of the big member! A rural boy who has only read for a year or two has come to this step and is already the peak of his life.

But soon Song Jingshi's patron, Katsuho, fell and was killed by Cixi. Therefore, Song Jingshi was ostracized in the army, and coupled with the fact that the late Qing government only betrayed and used the rebels, Song Jingshi lost confidence in the Qing government and once again led the team to return to his hometown of Shandong, in the territory of Shanxi directly under Shandong. Liu Shizhong, the general of the Qing army, actually accompanied him all the way, fearing that Song Jingshi would rebel again, saying: Those who are willing to serve the country can make meritorious contributions to the country. Those who are willing to go home to farm can give money to be sent home to farm.

Song Jingshi said: Willing to serve the country, more than 100 wounded soldiers must be sent back to their hometowns for resettlement, and the soldiers have not returned home for more than a year, and they must also go home to see. Please take ten days off and we will be back soon. At this time, Song Jingshi had 1500 cavalry and 300 infantry. The Qing court asked Song Jingshi to suppress Zhang Xizhu, and Song Jingshi said: The troops are too small, and at least three thousand people must be recruited to go to the battlefield.

Some of the Black Flag Army in Shandong had gone home to collect wheat, and when they wanted to come, what should Song Jingshi do when the enemy was in front of them

Monk Greenqin

Therefore, Song Jingshi began to gather the old departments, and the old departments that had previously returned home to collect crops and did not return to the team also came to vote. The procession soon reached five or six thousand people, and Song Jingshi not only did not suppress the bandits, but also beat up the vigilante groups of the gentry and the great powers. Song Jingshi then went on a guerrilla walk in Shanxi, Henan, and was attacked by Liu Changyou Su Kejin. Song Jingshi once again conquered Wuyi, released the prisoners, and robbed more than 20,000 taels of silver, after all, such a large contingent had to eat. In the end, Song Jingshi and Lin Kaifang defeated the monk Greenqin, and the monk Greenqin was killed. Song Jingshi's anti-Qing dynasty reached a climax again.

Song Jingshi was surrounded by officials and troops in Taipingzhuang, Kaizhou, and the whole army was destroyed, Song Jingshi was almost captured, and fled ashore with his brother Song Jingshu and three nephews, fleeing to the East South Mountain, and disappeared. The people of Song Jingshi's family have gone away from home in a hidden name, and their surnames have been the surnames of their mother's families. Cixi also personally ordered the arrest of Song Jingshi.

The first ending. The official history records that Song Jingshi made a living in Anhui by teaching apprentices, selling art, selling medicines in FuShui, meeting with friends in Bozhou, drinking without covering his mouth, telling his experience, being betrayed, being caught by Anhui Inspector Yinghan, and being executed by Ling Chi in Anhui. Doubt. Is it possible for a warrior who has reached the level of erpin to sell art and to flaunt the market? Either continue to revolt in the army, or go into seclusion. How can you sell art and sell spell water to make money?

The second outcome. Song Jingshi fled to naturalization (Hohhot) and returned to Liu Guanzhuang around 1900 to visit relatives. Some studies believe that Zhao Laotong is Song Jingshi. Because he lived in simplicity, he taught four apprentices to wrap guns and pistols.

Which ending is the historical truth? It's a mystery.

References, General History of Hebei.

Some of the Black Flag Army in Shandong had gone home to collect wheat, and when they wanted to come, what should Song Jingshi do when the enemy was in front of them

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