
Why do people have to read the Zizhi Tongjian? Fourth: It turns out that Confucius's life was like you and me

author:Happy history

Speaking of the Spring and Autumn Warring States, there is an old gentleman who must be talked about, and he is today's C male protagonist - Confucius.

Confucius, in fact, his real name is Kong Qiu, so why do we call him Confucius now? Because this "son" is a kind of honorific title, which is the meaning of Teacher Kong. It's like, when you see your teacher, you can't call him Wang Erniu, you have to call him Wang Teacher, or "Prince", he will be happy, if you are a girl, he will be even happier.

This "hill" of Kong Qiu, in fact, the source is also quite interesting, the average person's name must have a little meaning, such as big and strong, it must be to make the child grow strong, and then for example, the mountain, it must be that parents hope that the child is like a mountain, standing on top of the sky, being a man.

Just talking about this topic, in fact, there is a question that I have not been too eager to understand, what is the meaning of this "Zi Han", "Zi Han", "Zi Han"? If you have a friend who knows, I can't thank you enough.

And how did Confucius's "yau" come about? It's interesting to say because Confucius's head was not flat, and there was a pit on it, similar to the slightly low-lying terrain at the top of Mount Niqiu. So his mother gave him a hole. To say that this ancient person is to seek truth from facts, to put it aside, will definitely give him a hole flat, that is of course to hope that he can grow flat.

Confucius was a down-and-out aristocrat, but he had ideals and was not willing to be a salted fish that only wanted to lie flat and did not want to turn over. So, he said a sentence: "I have five and I am determined to learn", what does it mean? That is to say, "When I was fifteen years old, I was inspired to study hard and set up lofty ideals."

Therefore, he engaged in ideology, education, and politics. As a result, he has properly made himself a thinker, an educator, a politician. Now it is a stable circle of thought "one brother". The story of Confucius tells us that people must have dreams, and no matter how bad they are, they must also be a salted fish with dreams.

Why do people have to read the Zizhi Tongjian? Fourth: It turns out that Confucius's life was like you and me

What about this salted fish?

Confucius was married in his 30s, and in ancient times, he must have been an elderly youth.

Confucius's life was actually not good, his father died when he was 3 years old, and when he was 17 years old, his mother went to find his father. Therefore, it may also be because the family is not well-off, so they are married in their 30s.

After getting married, he will definitely have to support his family, so Confucius also does everything, has worked as a warehouse manager of Jingdong Company, has worked as a breeder of New Hope Pig Breeding Company, anyway, what is the money to do.

Therefore, Confucius later said a sentence: "I am a little and a lowly person, so I can despise many things", what does it mean? That is to say: "I was very poor when I was a child, so I also did a lot of rough work."

However, one thing that Mr. Confucius has not forgotten is that he cannot be a salted fish that lies flat and does not want to turn over, so Confucius has been studying until he was in his early 30s, when he finally turned over and became the principal of The first private school in China. This experience of Confucius actually tells us a truth, don't brush vibrato all day, you should learn to learn, be a salted fish with a dream, in case you turn over one day [laughs].

Did he charge tuition for this school run by Confucius? Isn't this nonsense, sure to collect ah, why? Because Confucius was also a poor man, he did not speculate in stocks, did not buy funds, and did not achieve financial freedom, so his private school must have charged tuition, Confucius was a saint in thought, but after all, he still had to make a living.

However, Confucius is after all a private school principal with ideals, unlike the current private school, which charges you to death, as long as you don't die, he will find a way to take you to death.

The educational policy of confucius schools is "teaching without class", what does it mean? That is, as long as you want to learn, whether you are the second generation of the rich, the second generation of officials, or the common people, he teaches, and it is absolutely the same. I will not let you fill in the name of your parent's occupation and unit when you enter the school, and you will not be the class leader because your father has something invisible and untouchable in his hand.

So how did Confucius's school charge? The history books record that as long as you take ten pieces of bacon, you will be admitted to the Confucius Youth Political College, whether you have a school district house or not.

Why do people have to read the Zizhi Tongjian? Fourth: It turns out that Confucius's life was like you and me

Are school district rooms ready?

Therefore, Mr. Confucius was the grandfather of ancient education.

In the beginning, Confucius only ran a school in his home, after all, starting a business was risky, and the stalls did not dare to spread too much, in case it failed. Later, because the teaching concept was too good, there were more and more students, so Confucius moved his education and training institutions to the current Confucius Temple and expanded the scale.

Confucius famously said, "Thirty and standing, forty not confused, fifty knowing the Mandate of Heaven, sixty ears obedient, seventy from the heart and not exceeding the rules." What does that mean?

That is: when a person lives to be thirty years old, he should have achieved something; when he is forty years old, he should wake up and let a beautiful little girl be confused by walking on the street casually; when he lives to be fifty years old, he should understand that the destiny is difficult to violate; when he lives to be sixty years old, he should be able to distinguish between right and wrong, and everything should be listened to and not argue; when he is seventy years old, he should be able to do whatever he wants, live thoroughly, but he cannot go beyond the rules. To go beyond the rules and do as you please, that is called an asshole.

Originally, people were a good saying, but as a result, they were fabricated by some people in the future who opened their minds.

It is made up like this: "Only thirty pieces of bacon, then sorry, you can only stand and listen to the lecture, it is called "thirty and standing"; forty pieces of bacon, you can ask questions, and ensure that the answer is so that you are no longer confused, it is said to be "forty not confused"; handing over fifty pieces of bacon, you can let you know tomorrow's exam proposition, is called "fifty knowledge of the destiny"; you must be able to hand over sixty pieces of bacon, the teacher's attitude will be very good, the words you say are guaranteed to be what you love to hear, it sounds smooth, it is called "sixty ears smooth" If you can afford seventy pieces of bacon, then you are powerful, you can do whatever you want, lie down to listen to the lecture when you want to, and listen to the lecture on your stomach if you want to listen to the lecture on your stomach", which is called "seventy from the heart and do not exceed the rules".

This is actually a fabrication, just listen to it as a joke.

However, I inexplicably remembered something. Although this passage does not apply to Confucius, it seems to apply to schools today: as long as you give more gifts, the more care and greetings you have.

At the beginning of Confucius's business, he also paid great attention to school management, and later, after the school entered the right track step by step, he handed over these affairs to his disciples. He himself began to enter the government as a public official.

It was good in the beginning, and I could get a promotion and a raise. However, later, the social atmosphere became worse and worse, and a salted fish with ideals met a group of salted fish that mixed up their lives, and as a result, they were excluded! Therefore, Confucius resigned in a fit of anger and thought to himself, "Lao Tzu is no longer serving you, and Lao Tzu continues to go home to be the principal."

This experience of Confucius actually tells us a truth, what is the truth? That is to say, people should not only walk with one leg, but learn to walk with two or even more legs, so that you can fry the boss's squid when you are unhappy, otherwise, you can only be angry.

Why do people have to read the Zizhi Tongjian? Fourth: It turns out that Confucius's life was like you and me

Your old man is lying here and hasn't turned over yet?

Confucius has been running a private school for the first half of his life, and when he is 55 years old, it may be that Confucius's theoretical experience is getting richer and richer, or he feels that he is older, and if he does not go out to sell himself, it is estimated that no one will be recruited.

So he packed his bags, took a few of his proud disciples, and began to travel around the world to sell his political ideas. The forest is big, there are birds, and along the way I have also encountered all kinds of people, some of whom treat him as a distinguished guest, and some who insult him. Therefore, Confucius said another sentence: "See the wise and think together, see the unwise and introspect yourself", what does it mean? That is to say: "When you meet a good person, you must learn from him, and when you meet a rogue bastard, you must reflect on yourself, and don't have his problems in yourself."

This old man just wandered around, has been sneaking up to 68 years old to go home, or this old man is really able to toss, at that time not to mention the high-speed rail, not even a decent road, the road toss for 13 years, this is to the average person, has long been tossed apart. Had to obey, the will of the great man he is strong.

Confucius was an ideal principal, and when he returned home, he did not take his grandchildren or dance square dance every day. Confucius felt that some of the contents of the "Six Classics" could not adapt to the current situation of the times, and he thought that he was most likely unable to live forever, so he simply exerted another residual heat and repaired the Six Classics, so there were the Six Classics that we are now familiar with - "Poetry", "Book", "Ritual", "Music", "Spring and Autumn", and "Yi Chuan".

Later generations have a saying that commented on Confucius: "Heaven does not give birth to Zhongni, and eternity is like a long night." Although this sentence is a little exaggerated, without Confucius, we estimate that we would have to evolve at least one hundred and eighty years.

73 years old, died.

After Confucius drove the crane away, his students missed him very much, so they sorted out all the words he said and wrote a book called "Analects". Got it this time? The Analects were written by his students, not by Teacher Kong himself. It is also this "Analects", I don't know how many children have died, that guy asked to recite the whole text!

Why do people have to read the Zizhi Tongjian? Fourth: It turns out that Confucius's life was like you and me

Teacher Kong was known to later generations as: Kong Sage, Most Holy, Su Wang, Most Holy Ancestor, Wanshi Shi Table, Wen Shengni Father, Xianshi Ni Father, Taishi, Wen Xuangong, Wen Xuan Emperor, Long Dao Gong, Wen Xuan Wang, Dacheng Most Holy Wen Xuan Wang, DaCheng Most Holy Wen Xuan XianShi...

Mommy! Too much, these descendants are really idle egg pain, do not study how their own days are, they have to go to give a nickname to a person who has been dead for more than 2,000 years.

This is a joke, don't take it seriously.

We should learn from Teacher Kong. So, are you ready for the next step?

History of family talk

Tonight, put down the mobile phone [cool drag], have a family discussion, the topic is again: Confucius's "son" means? What kind of salted fish do people make? Who opened the first private school in ancient China? What does "thirty and stand" mean? Teacher Kong will brush the home in addition to what? Did Teacher Kong travel around the world to travel? What are the Six Classics? Who wrote the Analects?

Tell this to your child and let him win properly at the starting line.

This article will be written here, and the next one will begin to tell the wonderful story of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States.

Remember to like, comment, follow, and pay attention so you don't get lost! Listen to me tell you about the Zizhi Tongjian one by one.

The following is the link address of previous articles, welcome to read!

Why do people have to read the Zizhi Tongjian?

Why do people have to read the Zizhi Tongjian? One of them: Shang and Zhou En'en

Why do people have to read the Zizhi Tongjian? Part II: Western Zhou

Why do people have to read the Zizhi Tongjian? Part 3: What is the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States?

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