
William, who was overwhelmed with his heart to accept Camilla, once yelled at his stepmother Laura: she killed my mother

author:British media courier

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, has been the most controversial member of the British royal family because of her past "underground romance" with Charles, Prince of Wales, and most royal fans were only forced to accept Diana's two sons, William Harry, who accepted Camilla, but did the two princes really have such "generosity" in private?

William, who was overwhelmed with his heart to accept Camilla, once yelled at his stepmother Laura: she killed my mother

According to royal biographer Katie Nicole, Prince William, like most of the British public and royal fans, actually regards Camilla as the "culprit" who killed Princess Diana, as confirmed in his quarrels with his "step sister" Laura in the past.

William, who was overwhelmed with his heart to accept Camilla, once yelled at his stepmother Laura: she killed my mother

Laura Parker Bowles is the daughter of Camilla and her first husband, Andrew Bowles, who became William's step sister after Charles married Camilla and united their respective families, but in the past the two often erupted into terrible quarrels over whose parents were responsible for the breakdown of their respective families.

Through interviews with Laura's friend Ms. Nicole, I learned that Prince William would often yell at Laura in arguments, reprimanding her mother for killing her mother and causing her mother a lot of harm, which was also the most unbearable for Laura, and each time Laura would take a tough stand against William, bluntly saying: "Your father also ruined my life!" ”

William, who was overwhelmed with his heart to accept Camilla, once yelled at his stepmother Laura: she killed my mother

Not only that, until now there has been no contact between William Harley and Camilla's children, and Laura is also dismissive of her future king's stepdaughter, and even does not want her mother to receive the title of queen after Charles's succession, because she is afraid that this will once again cause dissatisfaction among the British people and Diana fans, and once again have a serious impact on her life.

William, who was overwhelmed with his heart to accept Camilla, once yelled at his stepmother Laura: she killed my mother

After Charles and Camilla married in 2005, the former tried to continue to use William Harry to reduce the resistance of the outside world to Camilla, so Charles asked the two children to publicly express in the interview how much they welcomed Camilla's joining, but was decisively refused by William, until now William has not mentioned that he accepted Camilla in any interview, and has never been intimate when attending the event together.

William, who was overwhelmed with his heart to accept Camilla, once yelled at his stepmother Laura: she killed my mother

In addition, it is reported that whenever Camilla is present, Prince William's temper is extremely hot, he will not directly point the finger at Camilla, but vent his anger at Charles, each time making Camilla too frightened to speak, and when talking to friends about this matter in private, he only carefully said: "William... That kid, he didn't have a good temper. ”

William, who was overwhelmed with his heart to accept Camilla, once yelled at his stepmother Laura: she killed my mother

The two families also distanced themselves after William married his wife, Kate, due to resistance to Camilla, and it wasn't until last year that the situation improved, with members of the royal family going into a closed life in 2020, but during that time Charles has been very concerned about his grandchildren, almost every day through video.

William, who was overwhelmed with his heart to accept Camilla, once yelled at his stepmother Laura: she killed my mother

Perhaps because of the family's care in that situation, Kate was touched by Charles's concern for the children, and took the initiative to hug and kiss Charles's cheek when the four of them attended the event this year, making Charles "flattered", but for Camilla, the Williams still did not have any willing to express intimate thoughts with her.

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