
Zhang Guohua went to rongdong area to investigate community security work and monitor the construction, operation and maintenance of monitoring facilities

author:Xiong'an release
Zhang Guohua went to rongdong area to investigate community security work and monitor the construction, operation and maintenance of monitoring facilities

Zhang Guohua stressed when he went to the Rongdong area to investigate the community security work and the construction, operation and maintenance of monitoring facilities

Accelerate the construction of a three-dimensional information-based social security prevention and control system

Provide a safe, stable and harmonious living environment for the relocated people

At about 20:00 on the evening of November 14, Zhang Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, vice governor, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Xiong'an New District, went to Rongdong Area to investigate community security work and monitor the construction, operation and maintenance of monitoring facilities. He stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the work arrangements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, adhere to the people-centered development thinking, do a solid job in the construction of monitoring facilities, property services, community security and other work in the Rongdong area, accelerate the construction of a three-dimensional and information-based social security prevention and control system, accelerate the construction of a smart security community system, and ensure that the resettled masses move back to live in new homes happily and safely.

Zhang Guohua and his party successively went to the D2 group, G3 group, C group and B group to inspect the community security work and monitor the construction, operation and maintenance of the monitoring facilities. He stressed that the safety and stability of the community is an important prerequisite for the relocated masses to live and work in peace and contentment, and it is necessary to strengthen the guarantee of community security services, continuously improve the comprehensive prevention capabilities such as monitoring and early warning, safety management, and emergency response, and effectively do all the work of community security prevention and control in detail, and make every effort to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the masses. It is necessary to establish and improve the community policing management system, build a flat command system and mobile policing mechanism, strengthen the construction of community policing stations and the allocation of personnel and equipment, and improve the ability to use scientific and technological and information-based means to carry out police activities. It is necessary to continuously strengthen the construction of the security contingent, increase investment in civil air defense and material defense technology, weave a tightly woven public security prevention network system, timely prevent and effectively crack down on all kinds of violations of laws and regulations that affect security and stability, and earnestly enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people who have returned to the city.
In the general control room of Corning Park, Zhang Guohua inspected the operation of the elevator emergency rescue command system on the spot, and communicated with the staff of the video surveillance system in the 5-1 passenger elevator of Corning Park. He said that at the critical stage of large-scale delivery of resettlement houses in the Rongdong area, everyone actively assumed the role and worked overtime, which made important contributions to ensuring the smooth occupancy of the relocated masses. I hope that you will pay attention to safety and meticulous work, pay close attention to debugging and improving the community monitoring system, ensure that there are no blind spots and blind spots in monitoring, effectively open up the "last kilometer" of public security prevention and control, and build the Rongdong area into a model for a smart and safe urban area.
Tian Jinchang, Wang Jiping, Yao Aiguo, Zhai Wei, leaders of the new district and Xiong'an Group, and responsible persons of relevant departments of the new district and Xiong'an Group participated in the survey.

Organizer: Hebei Xiong'an New Area Working Committee of the Communist Party of China

Hebei Xiong'an New Area Management Committee

Operation: Hebei Daily Newspaper Group

[Report| Hebei Daily reporter Cui Congcong]

[Editing | Lu Guoling, Liu Sicong]

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