
The highest award is 10 million yuan, and Puyang issued a document to support the development of hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cell industry

author:Great River Finance Cube

【Dahe Caicube News】In order to promote the accelerated development of hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cell industry, the Puyang Municipal Government recently issued the "Several Policies for Supporting the Development of Hydrogen Energy and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Industry in Puyang City".

The "Policy" puts forward a series of specific reward and compensation measures in eight aspects, such as cultivating industrial cluster clusters, supporting leading enterprises to accelerate development, encouraging enterprises to build scientific research and innovation carriers, strengthening the protection of enterprise intellectual property rights, increasing application pilot demonstrations, concentrating on excellence and strengthening the industrial chain, and strengthening the cultivation of innovative talents in the hydrogen energy industry.

Specifically, look at ↓↓↓

In terms of cultivating industrial clusters and agglomeration bases:

➤ Relying on the Puyang Industrial Agglomeration Zone, pudong industrial agglomeration area, and Puyang economic and technological industrial agglomeration area, accelerate the construction of hydrogen energy industrial park.

➤ Make full use of the advantages of industrial by-product hydrogen in Puyang City, vigorously develop hydrogen purification technology, and continuously improve the utilization rate of industrial by-product hydrogen.

➤ Gradually form an industrial cluster of hydrogen production, hydrogen storage and transportation, hydrogen infrastructure construction, key materials and components, power system integration, transportation, distributed generation, standby power supply, special fields and other hydrogen fuel cell application industry manufacturing and operation services, and strive to cultivate hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cell industry into a strategic emerging industry with a major leading role in the city's industrial transformation and upgrading.

➤ Focusing on hydrogen production, storage and transportation, refueling, application and other fields, a number of major projects with strong R&D capabilities, high manufacturing level and excellent product quality have been introduced to settle in Puyang, and the relevant support policies are implemented in accordance with the "Notice of the Puyang Municipal People's Government on Printing and Distributing 23 Measures for Supporting Dual Strokes and Double Introductions in Puyang City to Promote High-quality Development" (Puzheng [2020] No. 29).

Supporting leading enterprises to accelerate their development:

➤ Encourage local enterprises involved in the hydrogen energy industry to make full use of their own advantages, increase the innovation of complete machine products, key materials, core components and manufacturing equipment, strengthen the cooperation of related enterprises in the hydrogen energy industry chain, and strive to cultivate a number of competitive and powerful leading enterprises.

➤ Local enterprises transforming the hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cell industry, and the equipment investment amount exceeds 30 million yuan, giving a subsidy of 10% of the equipment investment amount.

➤ For the newly developed hydrogen fuel special vehicle models of the enterprise to enter the national "New Energy Vehicle Promotion and Application Recommended Model Catalog" within one year to achieve market promotion, according to 2% of the sales amount of the reward, the total amount of rewards for a single enterprise in the current year is not more than 10 million yuan.

Encourage enterprises to build scientific research and innovation carriers:

➤ Relying on backbone enterprises, universities and research institutes, we will establish hydrogen energy industry research institutes and technological innovation platforms to carry out research on cutting-edge technologies in hydrogen energy and joint research on major technologies.

➤ Encourage enterprises and scientific research institutions to lay out and build innovative support service platforms such as hydrogen production and storage, fuel cells and power systems, vehicle production, key fuel cell materials, inspection and testing.

➤ For the newly identified national and provincial manufacturing innovation center cultivation units involved in the hydrogen energy industry, a one-time reward of 3 million yuan and 2 million yuan will be given respectively;

➤ For the newly identified national and provincial enterprise technology centers, key laboratories, engineering (technology) research centers, and academician workstations, a one-time reward of 2 million yuan and 1 million yuan will be given respectively;

➤ For scientific research and innovation platforms at or above the provincial level that relocate from other places to Puyang, a subsidy of 30% of the relocation fee and a subsidy of up to 1 million yuan of start-up fees will be given.

➤ For the newly identified national and provincial first (set) major technical equipment, a one-time reward of 500,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan will be given respectively.

Strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights of enterprises:

➤ Encourage hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cell enterprises to apply for invention patents, and for enterprises that have obtained domestic and foreign invention patents, each piece will be subsidized according to 50% of the official fees paid for the patent rights obtained, and the total annual accumulation of a single enterprise will not exceed 200,000 yuan.

➤ Support enterprises in carrying out intellectual property rights protection, and if the enterprise wins the lawsuit in the protection of intellectual property rights (patents and trademarks), it shall be subsidized according to 50% of the actual expenditure of the approved lawyer's fees, mediation fees, litigation fees, consulting fees, appraisal fees, testing fees and other expenses, and the annual total amount of a single enterprise shall not exceed 100,000 yuan.

➤ Support enterprises to carry out intellectual property pledge financing, and for enterprises that pledge intellectual property rights (patents and trademarks) to obtain loans from financial institutions, the interest rate shall not exceed 50% of the interest amount of the enterprise loan, and the annual subsidy for a single enterprise shall not exceed 200,000 yuan, and in principle, an enterprise shall not discount the interest rate for more than 3 years.

➤ Support the implementation of enterprise patent technology transformation, and reward 500,000 yuan per enterprise that obtains invention patent authorization and implements industrialization within the jurisdiction of our city; for enterprises that purchase and introduce excellent patented technologies from domestic and foreign universities, scientific research institutions and individuals and implement transformation (which should be non-related party transactions), 10% of the technology transaction amount is given, and the maximum reward for a single enterprise is not more than 200,000 yuan; for enterprises rated as national and provincial intellectual property advantages, 500,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan are given respectively.

Accelerate the construction of hydrogen refueling stations:

➤ Overall planning of the construction of hydrogen infrastructure in the city, the planning and construction, approval, design, standards and safety control specifications of hydrogen refueling stations, etc., are implemented in accordance with the "Puyang Gas Management Measures", "Technical Specifications for Hydrogen Refueling Stations" (GB50516-2010 [2021 Edition]), "Safety Technical Requirements for Hydrogen Storage Devices for Hydrogen Refueling Stations" (GB/T34583-2017), "Safety Technical Specifications for Hydrogen Refueling Stations" (GB/T34584-2017), etc.

➤ Encourage the development mode of hydrogenation/refueling, hydrogenation/refueling, hydrogenation/charging and other joint construction stations, guide social capital to participate in the construction and operation of hydrogen infrastructure, and joint construction stations should comply with the "Technical Standards for Automobile Refueling and Refueling Stations" (GB50156-2021).

➤ For fixed hydrogen refueling stations with a daily hydrogenation capacity of not less than 500 kilograms, subsidies will be given according to 40% of the actual construction investment (excluding land costs), up to a maximum of 10 million yuan.

Increase the application pilot demonstration:

➤ Focus on promoting the promotion and application of hydrogen fuel cells in the transportation fields such as buses, logistics vehicles, sanitation vehicles, and special vehicles.

➤ Encourage the city, county (district) government (management committee) and Zhongyuan Oilfield Branch to include hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the unified procurement scope, and newly purchased or replaced buses, sanitation vehicles, logistics vehicles, etc. should be selected according to a certain proportion of fuel cell vehicles.

➤ Gradually promote the demonstration application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in oil areas and key industrial parks, and effectively reduce the pollutant emissions of operating vehicles.

➤ Explore and promote the application demonstration of hydrogen fuel cells in the fields of energy storage power generation, petrochemical and casting processing. For users who purchase hydrogen fuel cell vehicles such as buses, logistics, and sanitation in the city, and the mileage of bicycles reaches more than 20,000 kilometers, subsidies will be given at a maximum of no more than 60% of the sales price of the vehicle.

Focus on attracting excellence and strengthening the industrial chain:

➤ Closely follow the shortcomings of the hydrogen fuel cell industry chain, focus on the core components such as catalysts, proton exchange membranes, carbon paper, membrane electrodes, bipolar plates, compressors, humidifiers, etc., actively dock with advanced technology teams and enterprises at home and abroad, and attract key enterprises to settle in Puyang City.

➤ For hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cell core components, fuel cell production, vehicle manufacturing enterprises settled in our city, after being identified to fill the gap in the hydrogen energy industry chain in our city, on the basis of enjoying Puzheng [2020] No. 29 document and other relevant policies, a certain reward will be given. "One matter, one discussion" can be implemented.

Strengthen the cultivation of innovative talents in the hydrogen energy industry:

➤ Support enterprises to take the initiative to dock with domestic and foreign "high-tech" talent teams, and actively introduce high-level hydrogen energy and hydrogen fuel cell innovative teams.

➤ Carry out foreign scientific and technological exchanges and attract investment and wisdom, and implement various preferential policies for the introduction of talents. Relying on the docking and cooperation between local colleges and universities and enterprises and research institutions, accelerate the cultivation of a group of industrial skilled talents, leading compound talents, innovative and high-skilled application talents.

➤ Establish an expert think tank for the development of hydrogen energy industry in a timely manner, and provide cooperation and services such as decision-making consultation, joint technical research, and transformation of technological achievements. The relevant support policies are implemented in accordance with Puzheng [2020] No. 29 document.

In addition, the Policy makes it clear that the incentive support funds required in the policy are cashed by the beneficiary finance. Where cities and counties (districts) benefit together, cities and counties (districts) share the benefits in proportion.

The policy shall be effective from the date of issuance and shall be effective until December 31, 2025. For the provisions of the same nature as this policy in the existing relevant reward documents, the principle of non-repetition shall be implemented in accordance with the principle of high and non-repetition.

Editor-in-charge: Tao Jiyan | Review: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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