
Three generations, forty years, eight steps of sand green miracle inspiration

author:Bright Net

【Building a Community of Life on Earth • Action】

Fan Jingpeng is a special researcher of the Gansu Provincial Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and the deputy director and professor of the Party History Teaching and Research Department of the Cpc Gansu Provincial Committee [Gansu Administrative College].

"The heroic deeds of the 'Six Old Men' in the Eight-Step Sand Forest Farm have long been well known, and the new era needs more contemporary fools and models like the 'Six Old Men'. It is necessary to carry forward the spirit of struggle of the 'six old men' who do not bow their heads in the face of difficulties and dare to turn the desert into an oasis, and encourage people to devote themselves to the construction of ecological civilization, continue to work hard, work for a long time, and strive to build a beautiful China. ”

——On August 21, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection of the Eight-Step Sand Forest Farm in Gansu.

The "six old men" of the Eight-Step Sand Forest Farm in Gansu have been continuously controlling sand afforestation for three generations and forty years, vowing to turn the desert into an oasis, and finally creating a green miracle of the historic transformation from "sand entering people retreating" to "green entering sand retreating". Nowadays, with the unremitting efforts of three generations of "Yugong", the eight-step sand forest farm has developed into the only ecological public welfare forest farm established by farmers in Gulang County, Wuwei City, and has also become a typical example of farmers' joint household contracting sand control and afforestation in Gansu Province, setting a model for Gansu and even the whole country to contract management and control deserts.

"Eight steps of sand are not ruled, tumenzi are not rich"

The Tengger Desert is located in the southwest of Alxa Zuoqi in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the border of central Gansu Province, making it the fourth largest desert in China. In the case of intensification of land desertification, the southern edge of the Tengger Desert continues to move south, quicksand invades, many villages are buried by yellow sand, and land desertification once became the "number one enemy" of the production and life of the people in Hexi.

Eight-step sand is a desert protruding from the southern edge of the Tengger Desert, and it is said that more than 100 years ago, there was only an eight-step wide sand mouth here, so it was called eight-step sand. With climate change, population surges, and over-exploitation of grazing, the area of Babu Sand has gradually expanded, pushing about 10 meters south every year. By the 1980s, it had grown into 75,000 acres of desert, making it the largest aeolian sand inlet. The locals have suffered for generations because of the eight-step sand, so there is a proverb that circulates: "The eight-step sand is not cured, and the earth gate is not rich." ”

Three generations, forty years, eight steps of sand green miracle inspiration

The third generation of sand ruler Guo Xi. Bright pictures

In the autumn of 1981, six old men from Tumen Commune, Shi Man, He Falin, Zhang Runyuan, Luo Yuankui, Cheng Hai and Guo Chaoming, contracted to manage the eight-step sand in the form of a joint production contract responsibility system. Without any modern sand control equipment, only a donkey, a rack car, a large bucket and a few shovels, in front of the 75,000 acres of eight-step sand, the average age of 49.6 years old six old men seem extremely small. At that time, Guo Wangang had just intimidated his father Guo Chaoming: "The desert is so big that you can't see your head, but you want to govern, thinking you are a god?" But the six old men still used the most primitive "one step at a time, one tap, one scoop of water" method to start this race of exchanging time for space. The six families verbally agreed: "No matter how bitter and tired, each family must produce one person to cure the eight steps of sand." ”

In 1982, the 30-year-old Guo Wangang replaced his seriously ill father into the forest farm; in 1991, He Falin's old man died, and his 21-year-old son He Zhongqiang took over his father's shovel; in 1992, Shi Man's old man died, and his 22-year-old son Shi Yinshan came up to the top of the mountain; in 2002, Luo Xingquan replaced his elderly father Luo Yuankui into the forest farm; in 2004, Cheng Shengxue took over his father Cheng Hai's class; in 2016, Wang Zhipeng joined the forest farm on behalf of his father-in-law Zhang Runyuan and became the second generation of sand rulers of Eight-Step Sand. Then, in 2016, Guo Xi, the grandson of Guo Chaoming's old man and Nephew of Guo Wangang, joined the forest farm, and Babusha had a third generation of sand rulers.

Three generations have always been known as "Though I die, I have sons; Sons give birth to grandchildren, and grandchildren give birth to children; The Son has a Son, and the Son has a GrandChild; The spirit of the foolish duke moving the mountain continues to struggle to control sand and afforestation. In the past 40 years, three generations of sand control people have successively completed 252,000 mu of sand control afforestation in Babusha, Heigangsha and northern sand areas, managed and sealed sand and cultivated forests and grasslands of 416,000 mu, forming a green corridor of windproof sand fixation with a length of 10 kilometers from north to south and 8 kilometers wide from east to west, which has retreated 15 kilometers of the wind and sand line in the county, and protected 100,000 mu of farmland around it, ensuring the smooth flow of the dry (Tang) Wu (Wei) railway, the provincial highway 308 line, and the major arteries of national energy construction such as the west-to-east gas transmission and the west-to-east oil transmission. It also protects more than 60,000 people to live and work here in peace and contentment.

According to the county chronicle, Huanghuatan, which was still "abundant harvest of waterless grass" in the early years of Qianlong at the latest, has now developed into the largest ecological migration area in the country. "With the 'green' eight-step sand, there is a 'living' yellow flower beach!" Comparing the past and the present, the locals sighed.

"Voluntary sand control" to protect the homeland, "engineering sand control" rich hometown

The three generations of the "six old men" of the eight-step sand have been determined to turn the desert into an oasis for 40 years, not only reversing the passive situation of "sand entering and retreating", and realizing the reversal of "green entering the sand and retreating", but also transforming "green water and green mountains" into "golden mountains and silver mountains" according to local conditions, changing deserts into resources, assets, and capital, and changing "sand harm" into "sand benefits", and gradually exploring a new two-way transformation path that combines desert management with the development of desert economy.

Compared with the six old men of the first generation of sand control, the second and third generations of sand control people have gradually changed from "voluntary sand control" to "engineering sand control" rich hometowns. Three generations of sand control people face difficulties and have the courage to innovate, while building a solid green protective belt, actively develop the ecological economy dominated by the sand industry, effectively solve the problems of "where does the money come from", "where does the benefit come from" and "how to sustainability", and realize the organic combination of sand compression afforestation and the cultivation of the sand industry and the development of the ecological economy.

Three generations, forty years, eight steps of sand green miracle inspiration

At the sand control point in the northern sand area of Gulang County, Gansu Province, the sand control people and the masses in the eight-step sand forest farm worked together to tie grass and squares to press the sand. Xinhua News Agency

Today's eight-step sand, the ecological environment is getting better and better, and the agglomeration of production factors is getting stronger and stronger. In 2009, Gulang County Eight-Step Sand Greening Co., Ltd. was established, and through the industrial development model of "company + base + farmer" and the corporatized forestry industry operation mechanism of "shareholding according to land, benefit dividends, large-scale operation and industrial development", it invested 13 million yuan to circulate 12,500 mu of land in the Huanghuatan immigration area, planted shuttle, goji berries, red dates, and grafted sand crops such as cistanche on the shuttle. At the same time, the introduction of funds to build a large-scale native chicken farm, the title of "eight-step sand hanging chicken" sales, the recruitment of local poor farmers to work nearby, to achieve ecological protection and poverty alleviation and prosperity of the win-win situation.

After the treatment of the desert began to show great economic benefits, through the large-scale planting of cistanche, goji berries, red dates, etc., demonstration to drive the local people to actively develop the sand industry, to achieve poverty alleviation, income increase, and prosperity. As of 2019, the fixed assets of forest farms have increased from more than 2 million yuan to more than 30 million yuan, and the annual income of employees has increased from less than 3,000 yuan per year to more than 50,000 yuan now. Today's eight-step sand has completely changed the appearance of poverty and backwardness in the past, and realized the ideal of turning the desert green and the people getting rich.

Give full play to the mass appeal of the "eight-step sand example"

The three generations of the "six old men" of the eight-step sand are advanced groups and representatives emerging from the tens of millions of people who are fighting in the front line of sand prevention and control, and the cause of sand control and afforestation they are engaged in has a broad mass base in Wuwei and even in Hexi, and its greatest characteristic is its mass nature. This distinct mass nature can better arouse the identity, emotional resonance and value orientation recognition of more people. In 2019, the tenth plenary session of the Fourth Committee of wuwei City of the Communist Party of China decided to take the contemporary spirit of the "six old men" of the eight-step sand forest farm who do not bow their heads in the face of difficulties and dare to turn the desert into an oasis as the spirit of Wuwei in the new era, and call on all citizens to take the "six old men" of the eight-step sand forest farm as an example, firmly establish the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", and unswervingly take the road of ecological priority and green development.

Although the eight-step sand people are getting bigger and bigger in their careers and their lives are getting better and better, they are not far from the countryside, their hands are not separated from labor, and their hearts are not separated from the masses. By carrying forward the "eight-step sand model" and fully affirming its positive role, we can stimulate the power of the masses to participate in an orderly manner, guide, educate, and edify the formation of a healthy and upward social atmosphere and a social atmosphere in which the whole people participate in the construction of ecological civilization. Only by enhancing the public's ecological awareness, improving the public's understanding of the importance of ecological problems, establishing a correct concept of ecological civilization, and allowing the broad masses of the people to actively participate in ecological affairs can the concept of ecological civilization be concretely implemented in every unit, family and citizen, and ultimately realize an ecological civilization society in harmony between man and nature, and form a pattern of action for the whole people in beautiful China.

It is precisely under the inspiration of the contemporary spirit of foolishness that the people of Wuwei City have taken active actions to solidly carry out large-scale voluntary sand suppression afforestation and green space multiplication actions. Since 2012, Gulang County has organized cadres and workers to participate in the spring and autumn voluntary sand pressing activities for 9 consecutive years, accumulating 51,000 mu of buried grass squares. On October 8 this year, Gulang County kicked off the prelude to the voluntary sand pressing activities in the autumn of 2021, and thousands of cadres of the county direct organs concentrated on autumn voluntary sand pressing in the hinterland of the desert, burying more than 4,000 mu of grass squares according to the standard of 2.4 mu per capita.

Guangming Daily (09/11/2021)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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