
Cannibalize the whale swallow! A dynamic map exposes the criminal process of the United States seizing indigenous land

Source: CCTV news client

Historically, the United States committed countless crimes of genocide against Native Americans, and today in American society where racial discrimination and white supremacy are rampant, life for Indigenous people is still difficult. This is directly related to the fact that many Americans still do not recognize history and do not reflect on crimes. On the 6th local time, Jesse Waters, the host of Fox News in the United States, tried to refute the views of a congressman, and actually said that the land of the Americans was not stolen from the indigenous people, but won by the United States from the war.

Not stolen? The host's remarks on indigenous lands were criticized

Fox News Host Jesse Waters: She said that our land was stolen, this land was not stolen, but fought on the battlefield, bought, we bought Florida from the Spaniards, the receipt is still there, do we want Spain to take Florida back?

Cannibalize the whale swallow! A dynamic map exposes the criminal process of the United States seizing indigenous land

Fox News host Jesse Waters said this because on Independence Day on July 4, Kerry Bush, a member of congress and African-American social activist, tweeted, "The Freedom of America represented on this day belongs only to whites." American land was stolen from natives, and black Americans have not yet won their freedom. ”

Cannibalize the whale swallow! A dynamic map exposes the criminal process of the United States seizing indigenous land

As a host, Waters often makes paranoid remarks, and he has also recorded insults to China and smeared China many times. For his remarks, many netizens did not buy it. Some netizens said, "This is what the armed robbers said after looting a nearby bank." Some netizens said: This land is not won from the battlefield. No colonizer did that. The way they "won" land was by spreading the deadly virus they had brought from Europe among the indigenous peoples, and then the colonists went straight into no man's land.

Indigenous remarks stir controversy CNN dismisses commentator

Not acknowledging the history and culture of Indigenous peoples, attempting to obliterate their existence, is not in the minority in the United States. On April 23, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum made this remark about the history of the founding of the United States.

Cannibalize the whale swallow! A dynamic map exposes the criminal process of the United States seizing indigenous land

Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum: We created a country out of a void, and I mean, yes, we have Native Americans, but frankly, there's not a lot of Native American culture in American culture.

Santorum's remarks were criticized and resisted by many. Foon Sharp, president of the National Indian Congress of America, said Santorum was a racist. A month later, CNN said it would no longer hire him as a commentator.

Cannibalize whales swallow the United States to seize Indigenous lands

These fallacies reflect the fact that Indigenous peoples have been systematically erased in the United States. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1776, the United States has vigorously expelled and killed indigenous people through policies such as the westward expansion movement, and quickly encroached on most of the land that originally belonged to indigenous people. Several professors at the University of Georgia in the United States have produced a dynamic map showing this process of land plunder.

As can be seen from the map, most of the territory of the United States today was home to indigenous people in the early days of the founding of the country. Over time, from east to west, indigenous lands gradually disappeared.

The U.S. government either coerced and induced indigenous people to sign land transfer agreements with unequal conditions, or issued executive orders to force indigenous people to relocate, or directly used force to massacre and expel them, through various disgraceful means, the U.S. government took about 6 million square kilometers of land from the indigenous people, accounting for about two-thirds of the current U.S. land.

Cannibalize the whale swallow! A dynamic map exposes the criminal process of the United States seizing indigenous land

As Indigenous lands disappeared, they were replaced by "reservations" designated by the U.S. government for Indigenous peoples. These reserves are mainly located in the barren central and western regions, and many places do not even have basic living materials such as water, electricity, and food. Today, on the vast expanse of the United States, the homes that originally belonged to the Indigenous people have been traced, and only sporadic reservations have been left to witness the sad reality that the Indigenous people are now discriminated against and marginalized.

Commentary丨 "Erasing indigenous peoples and their history is a fundamental sin in the United States"

The natives of the United States were thus driven out and buried in the corners of history, and the history of the origin of the United States is the history of the blood and tears of the indigenous people. Native American activists have bluntly said that the erasure of Indigenous peoples and their history is a fundamental sin in the United States. To this day, native Americans remain an "invisible group" and a "disappearing race," with a severe squeeze on their living space, a harsh living environment, and a serious denial of civil and political rights. The United States is not qualified to wield the baton of human rights everywhere, and the crimes committed by the United States against indigenous peoples should never be glorified or forgotten.

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