
11 mental games to get you to reacquaint yourself

author:Live to the sun

Who am I? How do you realize your dreams? Does life really have a destiny? These are the eternal themes of humanity. In Bi Shumin's "Do You Know Who You Are The First Psychological Self-Help Manual for Children", 11 simple psychological games were used to answer these eternal questions in a relaxed and humorous way, providing help for children who were confused on the road to growth.

11 mental games to get you to reacquaint yourself

There is not a single leaf in the world that is exactly the same, even if it grows from the same tree. We would not say that the leaf was more noble, nor that there was not a single grass to be ashamed of itself. Although we are small beings in the universe, we are still independent individuals, and I am what I am, unique in the world. Therefore, we do not have to feel inferior for the sake of our appearance, or to be different from others. We need to learn to accept ourselves completely.

What's your favorite thing to do? The author helps children to recognize themselves through scary games and adjectives that belong to you. When we write terrible things, you'll find, wow, you're not the only one who's scared. When we write my favorite 10 things, wow. It turns out that there are so many things to look forward to in life.

What does it look like to be in the self-image? Plain appearance, cheerful and optimistic, hard work, achievements, easy to give up, etc. Use 5 adjectives to describe their appearance, personality, strengths, shortcomings and so on. Through this game, each child conducts an analysis of the self and a recognition of the self.

But how sad it is that a child says in a letter that he has zero merits. When we are still young, we are no longer interested in life, and we must be wary of depression at this time. Under the pressure of heavy academic work, we must learn to release our emotions and actively seek help to become a better version of ourselves.

Who is your best friend? The author tells us that our best friend is ourselves. Life, old age, illness and death, what has always accompanied us is ourselves. Happy, sad, sad, only we ourselves can understand the most. Write a letter to your future self. How would you write? I hope that my future self will live as I want. Be kind to yourself, follow your heart, and tell yourself the truth to find my meaning.

11 mental games to get you to reacquaint yourself

When we were kids, we would all say that when we grew up, we were going to be astronauts, pilots, doctors, professors, and so on. These are the dreams we planted when we were young. How do you take root, sprout, and grow into a towering tree under careful care?

Dreams are not empty talk, and the author tells us through games such as applause, red silk thread, a test paper, and rats love rice that dreams can be achieved by stimulating potential and decomposing goals.

First of all, we need to believe in a person's potential. The author tells a story about a 4-year-old boy in Sapporo, Japan, who fell from the 8th floor in 1993. Mom, Mimako Koyama, was drying clothes downstairs and immediately rushed over and hugged the child just before she left. At that time, there were news reports that mothers had to run at a speed of 9.65 meters per second to catch their children, which was difficult to achieve at the time. Mothers who have aroused their own potential because of their love for their children and saved their children with amazing speed tell us that human potential is unlimited and that people have the ability to create miracles.

Second, it is necessary to carry out the goal, such as growing up to become a good doctor. Then we have to carry out in stages, you must first enter the university, complete the study of medicine, through the practice in the hospital, continue to accumulate clinical practice experience, and accumulate to become an excellent doctor. How many stages are such dreams divided into? According to the established goals, carefully complete the tasks at each stage, step by step, we will be one step closer to the dream.

Some students said that I also have dreams, and I often give up quickly. That's because your goal is big and unrealistic, you don't feel a sense of accomplishment, you think you're inappropriate, and you give up. It's like asking a person to run across the country, thinking about dozens of kilometers of travel, and before you start, your legs are soft. But if we just want to run to that tree, just run to that house, run through the field, run across that little river, tens of kilometers of road, and divide it in small sections. You will find that dozens of kilometers of off-road you have also completed.

Finally, develop good habits. Some say it takes 21 days to develop a good habit, and some even say it takes a year. Sticking to a good habit is not easy. Therefore, the key to developing good habits lies in resilience and persistence. Overcome the physical and mental discomfort, as long as you are determined to make up your mind and persevere, you will receive unexpected results. The author says that habit is like a cable, let us wrap a new section around it every day, and it will not be long before it becomes incomparably strong.

11 mental games to get you to reacquaint yourself

Do you believe in fate? Through her life experience, the author tells us that when people are defeated, depressed, and sad, they are more likely to believe in fate, believing that fate "sometimes must be in the end, and fate is not always demanding." When it comes to success, happiness, and progress, people believe in themselves more. Believe in "Believe me, fate is up to me". Fate is more like an excuse, framing disappointment, abandonment, frustration, failure, etc., and comforting itself. Everything in life is marked in secret, there is no happiness for no reason, there is no absolute security in life, only unchanging changes. We must believe in ourselves, hold our hands, and continue to work hard towards our dreams and expectations.

In addition to myself on the road to growth, I also have the company of parents, teachers, classmates, etc. You are not alone in the battle, but you are alone in the battle from beginning to end, no one will accompany you forever, parents are the wind, you are on the way to sail, the helm is always yourself, where are you going to sail? At what speed do you want to move forward? It's all up to you.

11 mental games to get you to reacquaint yourself

Written in the end, life is a long road, but the key is a few steps. Adolescence is a critical moment for children to learn and grow, is the best time to sow and cultivate, missed, even if you pay more efforts in the future, you may not be able to grow into a towering tree.

Therefore, we need to pay more attention to young people and pay attention to their physical and mental health. Encourage them to move on and achieve their dreams. Like a small sapling, planted in the spring, it begins to take root, grows luxuriantly in the summer, harvests fruit in the autumn, survives the long winter, and in the spring of the new year, he will grow stronger. Farming in March and April, harvesting in August and September, cultivation is like this, naturally.

11 mental games to get you to reacquaint yourself

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