
Monk fruit is also known as "fairy fruit" it can be conditioned from the trachea to the intestine


Usually we say "it is a medicine three points poison", but this sentence does not apply to monk fruit. Monk fruit is a plant recognized by the Ministry of Health as "both food and medicine". There is no adverse effect on the human body.

Monk fruit is also known as "fairy fruit" it can be conditioned from the trachea to the intestine

Because of the efficacy and strong conditioning effect of luo han guo, it is also known as "immortal fruit". So what are the specific effects of monk fruit? Let's take a look at it.

1 sharp throat

Monk fruit is also known as "fairy fruit" it can be conditioned from the trachea to the intestine

In the "Chinese Materia Medica", it is recorded that monk fruit has the effect of "clearing the lungs and throat, reducing phlegm and relieving cough", which is suitable for sore throat, hoarseness, pharyngitis attacks, etc. due to dry weather, spicy food stimulation, haze, smoking, etc.

Usually, you can use monk fruit to make tea. It can also be made into luo han guo chrysanthemum tea, which not only benefits the throat, but also has the effect of clearing heat, eyesight, quenching thirst and so on.

2 Cough and sputum

Monk fruit is also known as "fairy fruit" it can be conditioned from the trachea to the intestine

Luo Han Guo is recorded in Chinese medicine to have the effect of relieving cough and moisturizing the lungs and dissolving phlegm. From the point of view of the active ingredients, the D-mannitol contained has a good cough effect. Click on the blue word to learn more: the efficacy of monk fruit soaked in water These 6 categories of people are especially suitable for drinking every day

Monk fruit is also known as "fairy fruit" it can be conditioned from the trachea to the intestine

It can be used to make monk fruit orange stem tea, which is effective in alleviating pneumonia cough, bronchitis cough, and recurrence of old and slow branches. You can also choose monk fruit with ingredients such as pear, loquat and lily, all of which have the effect of moisturizing and drying and coughing.

3 Moisturizing effect

In traditional Chinese medicine, luo han guo also has the effect of moisturizing the intestines and laxative, clearing the stomach heat. Therefore, constipation, bad breath, gum pain and other groups are also suitable for consumption. It can eat monk fruit yam porridge, monk fruit honeysuckle tea and monk fruit chrysanthemum tea.

4 Suitable for people with diabetes

The taste of monk fruit is very sweet, but it does not come from fructose or sucrose. The unique cyclamate of monk fruit is 300 times sweeter than sucrose, but this substance does not produce heat after entering the body, but has the effect of regulating blood sugar.

Therefore, monk fruit can not only be used as a sweetener for diabetics, but also as an auxiliary treatment for diabetes and obesity. In addition, monk fruit also has antioxidant, cosmetic, treatment of pharyngitis, prevention of hardening of the arteries and other effects. It is not an exaggeration to call the monk fruit the fruit of the gods.

Recommend several medicinal foods about monk fruit

Monk fruit lily pork rib soup

Take 1/4 of the monk fruit, 30-40g of lilies, and a handful of dried figs. Bring the ribs to a casserole dish with other ingredients over high heat, simmer for 1.5 hours over low heat, season and serve. Suitable for people with constipation, sore throat, cough, smoking, and frequent use of the voice.

Monk fruit japonica rice porridge

Take half a monk fruit, crush and boil in water. Cook porridge with monk fruit water and japonica rice. It has the functions of beauty and beauty, moisturizing, and stomach and intestines.

Luo Han Guo pork lung soup

Monk fruit is also known as "fairy fruit" it can be conditioned from the trachea to the intestine

Take half a monk fruit, half a pound of pork lung, and an appropriate amount of seasoning. Slice the pig's lungs after washing, and slowly cook with monk fruit in a casserole dish with water. It has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness and nourishing lungs.

In addition, monk fruit is also suitable for boiling chicken soup, stewing silver fungus, making flower tea, etc.

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