
Taste good books| remember the beautiful road to growth - read Sun Weiwei's "Juvenile Story" author: Zhang Jiahong

author:Bright Net
Taste good books| remember the beautiful road to growth - read Sun Weiwei's "Juvenile Story" author: Zhang Jiahong

Text/Zhang Jiahong

In the latest collection of essays, "Juvenile Stories", Sun Weiwei recounts his middle school years plainly and plainly. There were no fancy words, no superfluous embellishments, as if he was sitting in front of me, talking about the full and rich middle school study and life. For a person's growth, primary school is still a young embryonic state, university is already mature and thriving, and middle school is a bridge between primary school and university, is a transition belt between the two, is the maintenance of the past and the future, its importance is self-evident.

Authenticity is the unique charm of Sun Weiwei's prose. When writing his middle school years, Sun Weiwei's pen also naturally reveals this characteristic. He put himself in it, laughing authentically, crying truly, being truly stubborn. Reading it, it was as if you could hear his heartbeat, and it came from between the lines. The people I have met, the books I have read, and the things I have experienced are the reasons why Sun Weiwei became Sun Weiwei. In the final analysis, What Sun Weiwei put in it was real feelings.

Memories are filtered and screened, sifted out of the less beautiful, precipitated beautiful. In short, memories are the purification of the past, and only those people, things, and things that are emotional and sparkling will become part of life. In the book's "Afterword", Sun Weiwei wrote: "Writing these words is also a reminder to me, reminding me at any time not to forget everyone who has helped me, even if it is just a warm word, an encouraging look." It is no exaggeration to say that without them, there would be no me now. Gratitude is one of the main emotional threads of the entire book "Teenage Story". In addition to gratitude, there is also love.

After meeting Sun Weiwei, a middle school student, and then carefully considering the current Sun Weiwei and his works, we can see that the passage of time is not always regrettable, it also drums up and accumulates moving power. If there is no original love, how can it be enriched today? If there is no beauty of the past, where is the look back today? What's more, such love and beauty are still a part of life.

Meeting so many good classmates, teachers, and seniors, Sun Weiwei is extremely lucky. Luckily, Sun Weiwei's experience is very ordinary, and most middle school students have also tasted mixed feelings here. The self-blame caused by the fight with his brother, the eagerness to go home after many days away from home, the shyness after receiving praise from classmates... It's all a little bit of his middle school bag.

At the same time, Sun Weiwei's experience is not ordinary, that is, his love of literature and writing. Participate in various affairs of literary clubs and radio stations, visit bookstores whenever they have the opportunity, like to write letters to friends, be willing to communicate with seniors in the literary world, have writers' discussions on creation in scrapbooks, and study the strengths of classmates' essays with care, etc.

This is why "Teenage Stories" is worth reading for many people. When the pain of the long comes inevitably, how should we face it? When we find a way forward, how should we deal with the contradiction between the future and the present? When our horizons suddenly open up, how do we grasp ourselves? Sun Weiwei's experience is precisely what is worth learning from today's middle school students.

For me as a middle school teacher, reading "Teenage Stories" has an extra layer of meaning than reading his previous collections of essays, including "The Spring of a Little Child" and "When I Was a Child". I will ask myself because of Sun Weiwei's real experience: If my students write about me every day, do I deserve their misses and their writing? Further, what are the teachers who have taught Sun Weiwei that I need to learn, and what do I need to introspect? Junior high school English teachers who have just graduated from college have the enthusiasm to devote themselves to teaching and the enthusiasm to participate in reform. Enthusiasm and positivity, do I have it? With the sense of truth as the main criterion for judging the quality of the composition, do I remember? When praising students who write well in class, although I don't have to read the whole text, can I take the time to share and appreciate one or two paragraphs or one or two good sentences instead of just reading out the name?

Although the collection of essays is written in Sun Weiwei's middle school years, the significance of his writing does not extend beyond the personal level. Taking the individual as the source, we can really see the various situations in society and the various situations of people's hearts in that year. Articles such as "Xi'an Railway Station Encounter" and "I Was Blackmailed" are not difficult to see that the social security situation at that time was worrying, and there were many young people who were brave and fierce. From today's point of view, the progress of society cannot be more obvious. The reason for the progress is that parents do not give the growth of teenagers to the school, but play their own roles and shoulder their responsibilities.

Of course, the society of that time was not useless. For example, the simple and simple relationship between people. There were good and bad things then and today. Therefore, growing up in a society that has never been perfect cannot rely solely on the limited power of schooling. Family education and social education should work together with school education to escort the growth of teenagers. It can be seen that the writing of "Juvenile Story" has gone beyond the scope of children's literature and has pedagogical reference and reference significance. Sun Weiwei's growth experience profoundly verifies a sentence that Rousseau said in "Emile": "What we did not have when we were born, what we needed when we grew up, all must be given to us by education." ”

At the end of many articles, Sun Weiwei often uses "if" to assume when looking back on the past. If you can start over, you should read carefully and participate in activities less, and you should practice your words better. The chagrin of not doing well enough is real, and the self-encouragement of sincere expectation is both real and sincere. The use of assumptions is not for the sake of starting over after the wasted time of the year, but for the purpose of spurring towards a better self. The repeated appearances of "if" reflect the incompleteness of that year, and further reflect the true style of Sun Weiwei's prose writing as always. What happened in which year, month and day, the distance from school to home, and what the teachers said to him, Sun Weiwei clearly remembered and truly presented. To be true when recalling is to be responsible, to be responsible for oneself, and to be responsible for the reader.

("Juvenile Story" by Sun Weiwei, Jiangsu Phoenix Children's Publishing House, January 2021 edition)

Source: Cover News

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