
"Shouting Mountain Ying", the echo of words

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Liu Ifeng

Correspondent Man Qing

Wu Yiqin, secretary of the Secretariat of the China Writers Association, believes that in the contemporary Chinese literary scene, Wang Yuewen is a writer with an extremely unique style, and he writes with rich experience and profound insight into life, compassion and social responsibility. Shi Zhanjun, editor-in-chief of People's Literature, believes that Wang Yuewen's literary creation has fully demonstrated his outstanding achievements at many levels as an important writer of contemporary serious literature.

Recently, Wang Yuewen's latest work "Shouting Mountain Ying" was published by Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House.

Why is the new book called "Shouting Mountain Ying"? Wang Yuewen said: "The entrance to my old house is a flat mountain, which is still quite open; it is surrounded by towering peaks and deep mountains. The countrymen walked alone on mountain roads, or toiled in the mountains, lonely, shouted a few times, and the echo rose and fell with the mountains. This is the shouting mountain response. My literary writing, why not shout shanying? The people and things I have written about, the time and space, the reality and the void, the truth and the illusion, are all echoes of the world. Wang Yuewen said, "'Shouting Mountain Ying' is not only my review and review of my own 31-year literary road, but also an objective reflection of the historical changes in Chinese society in the past 31 years from a certain angle." ”

"Shouting Mountain Ying" is divided into three parts: "My Literary Hometown", "My Literary Creation" and "My Literary Review", with 5 appendice literary criticism articles. In "My Literary Hometown", Wang Yuewen wrote from the history and culture, customs and customs of his hometown of Pupu, Hunan Province, and the stories of family relatives, and strived to explore the relationship between his life experience and literary creation; "My Literary Creation" reviewed the creation process of many of Wang Yuewen's works in the past 31 years of literary creation, and truly recorded his mental journey before and after the creation and publication of his works; in "My Literary Review", Wang Yuewen purposefully explained his understanding of novel creation and examined his gains and losses in the process of literary creation.

What was the inspiration for 31 years of creation? Wang Yuewen said in "Shouting Mountain Response": "I just love literature and write about the life I am most familiar with. I have been soaked in red dust for a long time, heard and witnessed, and seen and experienced with my own eyes, and my chest often stirred with compassion and sorrow. If I were a painter, I might have sprinkled a lot of shocking colors on the canvas; if I were a singer, I might have sung long songs along the way; but I was a writer, and I would write novels. ”

From "Chinese Painting" to "Great Qing Xiangguo", from "Flooding Water" to "The First Year of the Love Calendar", Wang Yuewen's novel works continue to meet the readers' multi-level aesthetic experience. And how does Wang Yuewen himself define a good novel?

In "Shouting Mountain Response", Wang Yuewen said: "In my mind, a good novel, first of all, it is true, even more real than reality. The so-called more real than reality seems to be logical, it refers to the writer's refinement and removal of reality, showing an essential truth. There is certainly a good side to this truth, but it cannot avoid the cruel and dark side. The conscience of the novelist is that he cannot turn his face in the face of the truth. ”

How do you see the ever-changing labels on yourself? Wang Yuewen gave an evaluation in "Shouting Mountain Ying": "Some people read "Chinese Painting" and say that I am an official novelist; some people read "The Great Qing Xiangguo" and say that I have transformed into a historical novel; some people read "The First Year of the Love Calendar" and say that I have transformed into an urban novel; I have written many rural novels like "Man Shui". I never admit that I have a so-called transformation, which only shows that I have created a variety of subjects. However, the process of writing is also the process of growing up as a writer. ”

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