
Blessings for a Better World! Red Legend Interview: Voice Actor Rain Palace Day

author:The rookie of eternal sin

This is to promote the theatrical version of the movie "Blessings for a Better World!" released in Japan. The fourth interview published by Red Legends, the film is titled "KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!" Legend of Crimson“

Rain Palace Day talked about "Blessings for a Better World!" In the upcoming film, her experience playing the character Akya, and how the character's various strange demeanor and comedic attributes have changed her acting skills. She also mentioned common features between her and Akya, and how drinking after recording became an important part of the dubbing process.


Rain Palace Day Amamiya Sora

Blessings for a Better World! Red Legend Interview: Voice Actor Rain Palace Day

The interview was originally published on the Japanese website アニメ ダ・ヴィンチ, and this article was translated from the English interview content because the author's Japanese level is still at the level of Battle Five Scum

Enjoy the following stories that each performer has not been known outside of the work

Blessings for a Better World! Red Legend Interview: Voice Actor Rain Palace Day

Remarks: The anime was originally named Konosub in English as Konosub, and because the anime name is frequently mentioned in the original interview, "Su Qing" will be used in the following article instead of "Blessings for a Better World"... It is said that because only the word 'Su Qing' can be understood in the original Japanese name, the world and blessing seem to have been eaten [Grimace]

— What did you think when you learned that Su Qing was going to shoot a movie?

Rain Palace Day: I am very happy, but I am even happier with the fact that there will be more Su Qing series. I mean I'm going to continue to play Akya and continue to work with the perfect cast to create something new. She's the role I want to play for as long as I can.

— Do your best?!

Rain Palace Day: Dubbing Akya is a very demanding thing for the body. [Laughs]

— In.... What aspect?

Rain Palace Day: You need to be in good health, and I mean the whole body! Having good lung capacity is necessary to express her lines well; so far, I've dubbed many scenes where she yells or talks at length, which are hard to express if I don't breathe well (laughs).

It's important to keep my voice, as well as other parts of my body, like the abdominal and back muscles, because dubbing does expend a lot of energy in my body.

Blessings for a Better World! Red Legend Interview: Voice Actor Rain Palace Day

— This seems to require a fairly high level of mental requirements, having to be able to come up with improvised lines and comedic expressions on the spot.

Rain Palace Day: You're right. Su Qing's comedy is particularly fast-paced, because it makes everything very interesting. You only have a moment to respond appropriately to what you say, and the lines will be expressed in any way they can, so you can say it's a double challenge to your body and mind. I mean, we could lower its pitch as well, but I think it's going to disappear like a pixel, because it won't be so much fun.

— Then it's safe to assume that you're at your peak when it comes to recording movies.

Rain Palace Days: And.... Another important point is that I never let myself go hungry that day!

— What a surprise!

Rain Palace Day: Voice acting Akya is a physical challenge, from start to finish, so the most basic I definitely don't run empty, because as soon as I feel hungry, I start to lose the spark of those performances.

— Doesn't this principle also apply to you in dubbing an animated series?

Rain Palace Day: Yes. I always make sure to be somewhat full when recording. This is the key to dubbing her.

— I have the impression that you will prepare all the details in advance for recording. I mean, in addition to the ones you just mentioned (laughs), didn't you also make a detailed schedule for the performance script?

Rain Palace Day: I have half a plan. I used to always plan it all out, but what happened was that I would only copy what I had already practiced without reacting to the performances that other people were doing, and in the end I couldn't sync with them. Now I'm just making a rough plan of how I'm going to express my lines so that I can react and adjust to the performances of other actors

— Is this because one can't always predict how the scene will behave?

Rain Palace Day: Very accurate. How you adjust your performance is determined by what the other actors are doing. I didn't want to be stolen by my opponents, who performed much better than I expected. (Laughs) So what tends to happen is that in our interactions with each other, we end up with performances that are several times better than we're prepared.

— Now I'm curious about who these people are, and who can make you so competitive.

Rain Palace Day: The interaction between Akya and Kazuma Sato is crazy. Jun Fukushima (voiced by Kazuma Sato) is an actor whose test recordings are very different from the actual recordings, so I have to know when to go with his performances and when to come with my own style, as Akya did. (Laughs) Performing with Jun Fukushima makes every cog in my brain spin.

— It sounds like you have to be vigilant in that recording environment

Rain Palace Days: It's surreal. I just kind of let myself go with the flow.

Blessings for a Better World! Red Legend Interview: Voice Actor Rain Palace Day

— Between the animated series and the film, has there been any development in the relationship between Akya and Kazumi Sato?

Rain Palace Day: I don't think so. I think this is Su Qing. In other works, you'll see some progress, whether it's the inner growth of the characters or between the characters, especially when it becomes a movie.

But in Su Qing, everything is unchanged, just like home is for me. It's like time will pass, but it's still the same: for the characters you know and love, the bond between them really doesn't go anywhere.

— In your own words, how would you describe Akya?

Rain Palace Day: She is a person who puts her feelings on her sleeve. She goes out of her way to let you know what she's thinking, even though she's made a mistake that way, but it's hard for her not to like it. It sounds weird, but I would describe her as.... A goddess who behaves like a human being. That's why I adore her.

— Does she have traits that are relevant to you?

Rain Palace Day: I tend to be very extroverted with people I know well, and I think that's where we're similar

— Is this also true for her imperfect qualities, such as hot-headedness and willfulness, and the fact that she cries and drinks a lot?

Rain Palace Days: About those... I think I'm also related to those. I can be very demanding of those who I can open my heart to, and I'm somewhat naïve. Just like Akya did. When things don't go as I did, I often acted badly. And... I do like to drink.

— However, Akya easily thinks of herself as the protagonist of a party when she is drunk.

Rain Palace Day: Well, I won't get to that point, but when a good mood comes knocking, I'll do something that I wouldn't normally do. (Laughs) So I guess we do have a lot in common.

Blessings for a Better World! Red Legend Interview: Voice Actor Rain Palace Day

— In my opinion, Akya has opened up a lot to Sato and Makoto.

Rain Palace Day: The relationship between them is similar to the relationship you see in middle-aged couples. I think she's still very open to other people, especially in bars, so I don't think she's giving him special treatment.

— Because there is a party held at Hye Hye's house in the movie, can you tell us about the relationship between Akya and Hye Hye?

Rain Palace Day: You know, I never thought about this question, so what I can say might be.... Is this the relationship between members of the same team? Akya most likely trusted her because Kazuma Sato believed in her. Between huihui and even daknis, I don't think there will be the kind of interaction I mentioned earlier, Akya and Kazuma Sato, special chemistry

You don't often see the three of them interacting in a meaningful way, so if the animated series can go on, I'd love to just shoot a few scenes with them.

— How did you work with Lee Takahashi (voiced by Kei) and Ai Chino (Daknis)?

Rain Palace Days: They are very good. I'm very shy, so in the first three seasons of the anime, I never really talked to them, especially since Akya has a lot of lines and I'm completely focused on the script. Takahashi approached me first, invited me out to dinner, and finally we exchanged contact information. Later, we started hanging out together on days without recording, and I really enjoyed chatting with her.

On the days we recorded, we would have more cocktail parties at the end of the day; usually the actors would go, and through the cocktail parties, I gradually became closer to everyone.

Blessings for a Better World! Red Legend Interview: Voice Actor Rain Palace Day

— Do you have a job during the party?

Rain Palace Day: Yes. We reflect on the scenes that performed very well that day, and we also receive suggestions from the staff on where to do better. There is actually a lot we can talk about Su Qing.

Personally, these parties are important for me to spend time with the rest of the cast and crew. I know them, so I know how they're going to perform that scene, which allows me to relax a bit while we're recording. That's why it's a good idea to build good relationships with other people early.

— How do you evaluate the experience of dubbing the heroine of comedy works, such as Su Qing?

Rain Palace Day: Su Qing made me realize how much I love performing jokes. I mean I usually think about things too much; overly worrying about what will happen to today's recording, if I can do this or that... It really overwhelmed me

But Akya didn't even have time to think about these things. Every time, I felt like I had to decide with my performance at the time, which was a good thing. I'm going to be engrossed and give it my all, it's really fun, especially when you're handing over something that's really good and everything feels well worth it.

— Glad to hear that.

Rain Palace Day: When I was young, I always liked to make my brother laugh. It reminds me that I've always liked to make people laugh and do silly things; that comedy actually suited me.

— You just mentioned that you are fighting with yourself, which makes me think that your strength is also suitable for comedy.

Rain Palace Day: That makes a lot of sense. I was competitive when it came to recording. The joy of doing comedy is that when someone finishes a funny line, you want to go beyond her and keep producing better results.

— I guess that's not to imply that we'll see you in more comedy series besides Su Qing.

Rain Palace Day: I heard more surprises from friends and acquaintances for me for I like comedy because I've played leading roles or other standard roles in a lot of serious anime. A lot of them were shocked at first that I was involved in this stupid type of work, and then they were glad I did

Blessings for a Better World! Red Legend Interview: Voice Actor Rain Palace Day

— Can you tell us the highlights of your movie?

Rain Palace Day: "Cameo character" is, simply put... Very hilarious. This is something that no one should miss. I remember when we were recording, I felt very overwhelmed, so I really wanted to see how it appeared on the screen.

— Because Hye Hye is the protagonist this time, what about Akya?

Rain Palace Day: I feel a little lost in this regard. When I read the script, I immediately realized that she didn't have much to do because the script was only about ten pages long. However, I'm glad she cried at some point, which is something I've always wanted to do. [Laughs]

During the recording, he received praise from Mr. Jun Fukushima, who said, "I showed a new side of Akya." The director also liked this, and even made me work harder and really poured all my soul into crying. Later, during our post-recording drinking session, the other staff also told me that they liked my previous performances and that I was really relieved to know that I was doing a good job.

— It's fitting to be happy when a comedian is told they've found a new perspective

Rain Palace Day: Well, hasn't it always been like this? (Laughs) You feel a sense of joy when your behavior makes people around you feel happy, and if that's a style they wouldn't expect, you'll feel more enjoyable. That's the fun of comedy.

— At the moment, I've been hearing from other people, and when the recording was over, they kept feeling lost. Do you think the same way?

Rain Palace Day: Right now I'm delighted with the upcoming film, but I do feel a sense of sadness as we get closer to finishing the recording; I worry about whether I'll have a chance to be on the series again, to speak up for her again, in what capacity.

I felt the same way when the first season ended, and our actors would meet from time to time for drinks. I even felt like it was nagging, when I was interviewed, when we recorded the closing theme. (Laughs) Once the movie screening is over, I might think it's all going to sink, and I'm scared to think of it.

— I think your cure is...

Rain Palace Days: Meet and Drink.... No, of course it's more Su Qing. I like to continue doing this series, as Akya for as long as possible. As a celebrity actor, whenever we record, I'm always discovering something new and I want to keep it up. It's a labor of love between the cast and crew, so I sincerely hope the series continues.


Recommend the ending song of the first season of the animation series of "Blessings for a Better World", very good to listen to, but unfortunately can not be shared here, the picture in the text comes from the network

[So.... We'll see you in the next story! 】

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