
"The Story of Yuexiu Mountain" Yuexiu Mountain is not alone - a story of Ye Jianying in the foothills of Yuexiu Mountain

author:Directed by He Jinde

"My Yuexiu Mountain Story" Essay Selection:

Yuexiu Mountain is not alone

——A story by Ye Jianying at the foothills of Yuexiu Mountain

Author: Li Zhensun (former director of the General Office of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, vice president of the Guangzhou Ye Jianying Historical Materials Research Association), Yuan Xiaolun (professor of the Department of Social Sciences of Guangzhou University of Physical Education), the original article was published in 2014 "Red Wide Angle", this article has been abridged.

Ye Jianying, the founding marshal, served as the leader of the Guangdong region. Yuexiu Mountain also left many ye Shuai's footprints. This article starts from a family gathering attended by Ye Shuai at the foot of Yuexiu Mountain, telling a story of Ye Jianying in Yuexiu Mountain.

"The Story of Yuexiu Mountain" Yuexiu Mountain is not alone - a story of Ye Jianying in the foothills of Yuexiu Mountain

Yuan Xiaolun: Elder Li, "Snake soup fish bullets win over lettuce perch, Yuexiu Mountain is not alone." Sneak to the new song to turn over the old tune, and suddenly make the nostalgia think about multiplication and division. Marshal Ye Jianying's poem, after you disclosed it again, aroused the wide interest of readers and experts, and stimulated an academic controversy with a small scope but not small academic significance, and Guangzhou Poetry semi-monthly magazine and Ye Jianying Research Quarterly, Meizhou Daily and so on have published a number of related articles.

Li Zhensun: It is very meaningful that an article can attract a little repercussion after publication, and even trigger a little academic disagreement. Readers and experts feel a little new about the humble text, perhaps in addition to proposing new views on the writing time and theme of "Yangcheng Nostalgia", the handwriting of the poem was also a point of view for the first time, because there are many problems in reading Ye poems and only seeing the hand

Traces can be figured out.

"The Story of Yuexiu Mountain" Yuexiu Mountain is not alone - a story of Ye Jianying in the foothills of Yuexiu Mountain

Let's explore. The handwriting was given to me by Lu Bo (Lu Weiliang). Lu Bo is a senior alumnus of Dongshan Middle School in Meixian County, and when he was studying in Dongzhong in 1925, he met Ye Shuai, who led the Eastern Expedition back to his hometown, and participated in the revolution under the influence of Ye Shuai. In early 1931, Ye Shuai left Shanghai for the Central Soviet District, and the arduous journey from Hong Kong to western Fujian was escorted by Lo Wai-leung. Lu Bo told me that on the way, Ye Shuai told him about Jia Baoyu and Wang Xifeng of "Dream of the Red Chamber", which he would never forget for the rest of his life. In the early 1980s, during one of my visits to him, Luber gave me ink for the poem.

Yuan Xiaolun: On the inkblot, after the four verses, there is also the words "Yingfu Brother Yi Yi Jian Ying November 15, 1950". The historical information provided here, in addition to the specific time of writing, also shows that the poem is an improvisation of Ye Shuai. When I read "Brother Yingfu Yiyi", I remembered another inkblot: the words mentioned by Ye Jianying and Qiu Zhe when they met in Wuhan in the spring of 1938 read, "Only by strengthening national unity can we defeat Japanese imperialism." Mr. Yingfu remembers Brother Jianying". This also shows that in the history of the Chinese revolution, Ye Shuai and Qiu Zhe had a history of "calling brothers and brothers" in their exchanges.

Li Zhensun: Qiu Zhe, whose original name was Jingrong, was a former name for Yingfu, and was one of the founders and leaders of the Provisional Action Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang (the predecessor of the Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party), the China Democratic League, and a well-known patriotic democrat and political activist. Qiu Zhe and Ye Shuai were fellow villagers in Mei County, born in 1885, twelve years older than Ye Shuai, and both belonged to sheep. From the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japan, they had contacts from time to time and established a profound revolutionary friendship. In 1949, Qiu Zhe participated in the preparation and attended the first plenary session of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference. At the beginning of the founding of New China, Qiu Zhe returned to Guangdong to work, serving as vice chairman of the Southern General Branch of the China Democratic League, chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, member of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government and director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry, and in his later years he served as vice mayor of Guangzhou and vice governor of Guangdong Province. The venue for the family banquet was at Qiu Zhe's apartment at No. 99 Yuexiu North Road in Guangzhou.

This poem was first published in the April 1983 edition of the People's Literature Publishing House's Selected Poems of Ye Jianying, and the editor added the title of "Banquet at the Qiu Zhe Family in Guangzhou". The first sentence is "Snake soup fish bullet wins over sea bass". "Snake soup" is a soup stewed with snake meat, and the cantonese people's habit of eating snakes is recorded in the "Huainanzi" more than 2,000 years ago. "Fish balls" are fish balls, which are minced fish into meat paste, and then made with condiments to make fish balls. "Snake soup" and "fish bomb" are all delicious Cantonese famous dishes. "Lettuce" originally refers to lettuce and sea bass. Lettuce is a perennial aquatic herb with mucus on the surface of the stems and leaves that can be eaten as soup. Sea bass is a tender and delicious freshwater fish. The "perch" in the poem refers to "the thought of the perch", which indicates homesickness. An allusion is used here, namely the "New Language of the World", the "Book of Jin", etc., tell a story of Zhang Han, a literary scholar of the Western Jin Dynasty who served as an official in Luoyang: King Ran of Qi recruited Zhang Han to grant the official position of Sima Dongcao. When Zhang Han saw the autumn wind blowing, he thought of Wu Di's lettuce, lettuce soup, and sea bass, which were delicious in his hometown, so he said: "The precious thing in life is comfort and self-sufficiency, how can you be bound to be an official thousands of miles away to seek a meritorious title!" So he ordered someone to drive back to his hometown. Not long after, The Qi king was defeated, and people said that Zhang Han could see the situation and be good at responding flexibly. "The thought of the perch" has also become synonymous with missing the hometown.

Yuan Xiaolun: And this "victory" word?

Li Zhensun: The most crucial word of Ye Shuai's poem is this "sheng" character, ostensibly appreciating the taste of Lingnan's snake soup grass fish balls better than Jiangnan's lettuce soup perch, in fact, it is said that the thoughts of hometown caused by eating Guangdong home cooking are better than the "thoughts of the sea bass" that have been passed down through the ages. I think there may be another meaning, that is, the poet expects that lingnan's political, economic, cultural and other work will do better than other places, although Lingnan liberation is later, but it can catch up later. In fact, Ye Shuai also said something similar to Comrade Zhu Guang.

Yuan Xiaolun: The second sentence "Yuexiu Mountain is not alone" seems to be very simple, and it feels very rich when read closely. "In front of Yuexiu Mountain" is about a geographical location. Qiu Lao's home is in front of Yuexiu Mountain, at No. 99 Yuexiu North Road, with two floors, a small courtyard, and tall kapok and white orchid trees near the courtyard wall. "Yuexiu Mountain Front" and "Guests Are Not Alone" caused me to speculate that when the host and the guests were eating and chatting, they might have talked about their old friend Deng Yanda. In the early 1920s, Ye Jianying served in the Cantonese Army Engineer Battalion, where Deng Yanda was the battalion commander, and soon followed Sun Yat-sen to Guilin as a presidential attaché. At the time of parting, Deng Yanda "set up a banquet" at a food stall in front of Yuexiu Mountain to send Ye Jianying off.

Li Zhensun: That's right! Reading poetry requires association. You see, the third sentence "sneaks to the new song to turn over the old tune, and it is also about the alternation of "new" and "old". "Slip" is the Hakka native language of Meixian County, which has the meaning of immediate scenery and casual mouth. On the same day, Ye Shuai, Elder Qiu, Comrade Zhu Guang, and a group of hakka family members and friends gathered together, not only talking in their hometown dialect, but also singing Hakka mountain songs when they were drunk and excited.

The last sentence "Suddenly makes the nostalgia multiply and divide". The "multiplication and division" of this poem should be more importantly the meaning of calculation, planning, and calculation. What was Ye Shuai planning at this moment? This involves a deeper and higher-level interpretation of the poem and the poem as a whole.

I learned. Also attending the banquet were Zhu Guang, acting secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal CPC Committee and vice mayor of Guangzhou City; Rao Zhangfeng, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the South China Branch Bureau; Li Boqiu, a well-known democrat, member of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, and deputy director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry; Li Jiezhi, a kuomintang uprising general, member of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, and deputy director of the Provincial Water Conservancy Department; and Li Nanlao (Li Zhangda), a well-known democrat, vice chairman of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, and vice mayor of Guangzhou City, who was also planning to come, but was unable to attend because of an incident.

In the spring of 1982, I met Mr. Li Boqiu and Mr. Li Jiezhi and asked for advice on the content from "slipping to new songs and turning old tunes". This is "thirty-two years ago", but these two patriotic democrats still remember it vividly. Mr. Li Boqiu said that he took the lead in slipping a mountain song: "This meal is good fish and shrimp, and I think of the family who cultivated the field in the past." The tree is a yellow lotus buried pig bile, from the head to the foot under the tail. Then Comrade Rao Zhangfeng sang, which was also what Mr. Bo Qiu told me: "Brother, you are not bitter, and the old trunk vines are sprouting." As long as you follow the Communist Party, the future looks like a bright and bright future. Li Jiezhi said that he also sang one at the end: "The sky is high and the sun is blossoming, and the fields are returned to the people's homes." The members of the land reform team came to the pilot and were very supportive of toasting tea. ”

The land reform in the new district was a top priority at that time. Shortly after the banquet in Qiu's hometown, I personally heard Comrade Zhu Guang say at a meeting on land reform in the suburbs of Guangzhou: The counselor told Elder Qiu and others that it is necessary to study the land reform law, act in accordance with the land reform law, and pass the land reform pass well.

At that time, the biggest and most urgent thing ye Shuai had in mind was the land reform in Guangdong. After the outbreak of the Korean War, Mao Zedong sent a telegram to the South China Sub-Bureau, instructing: The situation is tense, the bandits should be suppressed within a time limit, and the land reform should be accelerated. In accordance with the instructions of the central authorities and the actual conditions in Guangdong, the South China Sub-Bureau and Ye Shuai determined the policy of "steady progress" in land reform, first carrying out pilot projects and then spreading them to the whole province. What Ye Shuai calculated in his heart was how to do a good job in the province's land reform while protecting the legitimate interests of overseas Chinese and industrialists and businessmen, and at the same time helping the democrats who had made meritorious contributions to our party and supported the revolutionary cause through the land reform.

"The Story of Yuexiu Mountain" Yuexiu Mountain is not alone - a story of Ye Jianying in the foothills of Yuexiu Mountain
"The Story of Yuexiu Mountain" Yuexiu Mountain is not alone - a story of Ye Jianying in the foothills of Yuexiu Mountain
"The Story of Yuexiu Mountain" Yuexiu Mountain is not alone - a story of Ye Jianying in the foothills of Yuexiu Mountain
"The Story of Yuexiu Mountain" Yuexiu Mountain is not alone - a story of Ye Jianying in the foothills of Yuexiu Mountain

Source: Guangdong Cultural Society He Media Studio

Recommended: Liang Wen'er

Editor-in-charge: He Jinde

Publisher: Ho Jin Tak Director Studio (Media Matrix)

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