
Why did Xin abandon the disease and break the time, why did he write a deviation? That kind of heart-rending heart-rending, few people in the world can understand

author:History of the Three-Eyed Giant

"Breaking the Line: Giving Chen Tongfu a Strong Word to Send"

Drunkenly picking up the lamp to look at the sword, dreaming back to blow the horn company camp, eight hundred miles under the command of the fire, fifty strings overturned the outside sound, the battlefield autumn point soldiers.

Lu of The Horse Is Fast, the bow is like a thunderbolt, but the king of the world, won the name of the posthumous, poor White happened!

Why did Xin abandon the disease and break the time, why did he write a deviation? That kind of heart-rending heart-rending, few people in the world can understand

Drunkenly pick up the lamp and look at the sword. A sentence with a very strong sense of picture: drunk, go to pick up the lamp to make it brighter, put the sword under the fire and look carefully. You often see this picture on TV. It is obvious that this is a reflection on the days when the sword worked, that is, the days when the sword was used, that is, the days when I was in the army.

So the dream back to blowing horns and camps, this dream is actually a sleepless dream, in human parlance is a memory. Dreaming back can be said to be reminiscing like a dream, and the past is like a dream. Blowing horn company camp, generally considered to be inverted sentence, the whole company camp is blowing the horn, but Lao Yan believes that it is better not to adjust the order. A company camp is a camp connected into a line, and many barracks, one after the other, form a line. The company camp blows the horn, it is sounded together, the blowing horn is the camp, the horn sound is sounded in turn, and connected into a line, this is a vivid picture!

Why did Xin abandon the disease and break the time, why did he write a deviation? That kind of heart-rending heart-rending, few people in the world can understand

Of course, after blowing the horns, the next step should be the soldiers pouring out of the barracks, and the scene suddenly became lively. But the author did not continue to write.

Eight hundred miles under the command, this is a veritable inverted sentence, the correct word order should be: the next eight hundred miles hot. The flag, which here refers to the military flag. Eight hundred miles, can be directly translated into cattle. The "Shishu Xinyu Ji Luxury" says: "Wang Junfu has an ox, and his name is eight hundred miles away." ”

Sometimes in order to take care of the peace, the author can choose different words to represent the same thing. For example, the great man once said "A singing rooster is white in the world", Lao Yan wrote a sentence "Five virtues and crying morning", and the five virtues and the rooster represent the same animal, both are big roosters. In ancient times, the big rooster was also called the Five Virtues Bird. Scorching, is roast meat. So this sentence is actually very simple: eat roast beef under the military flag.

Why did Xin abandon the disease and break the time, why did he write a deviation? That kind of heart-rending heart-rending, few people in the world can understand

Fifty strings of flapping outside the sound. Fifty strings is a kind of piano, with fifty strings, which was later improved to become twenty-five strings, as if it were a harp, which is doubtful. Flipping, covering, this word is known to everyone, and even more than Lao Yan knows more. Why use the word cover here? A native of Licheng, Shandong, Xin was born in an enemy-occupied area, and he once organized an uprising team to fight against the Jin army. This is what is recalled here. The Serbs refer to the music of the warriors stationed outside the Cypriots. These music is generally divided into two kinds, one is homesick, tear-inducing. One is inspirational music, which is used to encourage the warriors, which is very majestic and heroic. This, of course, refers to the latter. The rebel army in Shandong played the music of the Saiwai Conquest, so it was a cover song. This is to inspire, to strengthen the army.

Battlefield Autumn Soldier, this is the most famous sentence in this song. Battlefield generally refers to the battlefield, but this should be a training ground. In ancient times, the order of soldiers was generally in autumn. The reason for this is actually very direct, most of the wars in ancient China were against the invasion of nomadic peoples in the north. And the nomads, in the autumn, the cattle are fat and strong, and the next year is consumed, they can predict that the next year will not be enough to eat, if not enough, they will go south to invade and rob. Therefore, their troops to the Central Plains are generally in the autumn, and the resistance to the Central Plains is of course also in the autumn.

Why did Xin abandon the disease and break the time, why did he write a deviation? That kind of heart-rending heart-rending, few people in the world can understand

Note that this sentence is a separate image. In fact, in the five sentences of Shangque, each sentence is a separate image, there is no relationship between each other, and they are jointly edited into a picture under a theme, which is the army. The first picture is reality, and the rest are all memories.

Xia Yan inherits these pictures, but the dynamic is stronger, and the nature has changed. Lu is an ancient horse, and many people know this allusion, this horse was originally Zhang Wu's, and later belonged to Liu Bei. The lu of the horse is fast, which means the lu that the war horses are imitating, as fast as flying.

The bow is like a thunderbolt string, which says that when shooting an arrow, the shape of the bow changes like lightning, because it will return from the full bow to its normal state. The strings are startled, and the strings make a harsh sound.

The above two sentences can be understood as military training, but Lao Yan is more inclined to engage. It is understood as military training, which is to undertake the autumn point soldiers on the battlefield above. The understanding of it as a war not only inherits the above, but also leads to the following words.

Why did Xin abandon the disease and break the time, why did he write a deviation? That kind of heart-rending heart-rending, few people in the world can understand

But the king of the world, won the name of the posthumous. These two sentences can be said to be still in the memory, or it can be said to be back to reality. In short, this ideal of the author has never been dispelled. The sentence is simple and complex. The simple is the literal meaning, the complex is the background meaning, and even Lao Yan did not think about where to start for a while.

Let's start with the family world. In feudal society, the emperor regarded the world as his own property, so loyalty to the king is patriotism, sharing worries for the country is to share worries for the emperor, and major state affairs are the monarch's family affairs. Therefore, Xin Shuyi described the Northern Expedition as a matter for the king.

When watching "Water Margin", everyone may notice that Yang Zhi always has a purpose: to seal his wife and shadow. It is to do things for the imperial court, there is a great merit, of course, it is natural to add officials to the knighthood, if the title is relatively high, it will also seal his wife. For what kind of person can be crowned his wife, and what level of sealing, the rules of successive dynasties have not been the same.

There are some knighthoods that are hereditary, that is, they have struggled to get knighthoods, and even their sons and grandchildren can enjoy them, which is called shade, shading their own sons, and the predecessors planted trees and the latter were cool. Only when there is a meritorious name will they be promoted to the rank of knight, and only then will they be commanded to be crowned as wives, which is the name of the living. And the treatment passed on to the children and grandchildren, that is the name of the posterity.

Why did Xin abandon the disease and break the time, why did he write a deviation? That kind of heart-rending heart-rending, few people in the world can understand

Everyone knows the story of Li Guang's difficult seal. Why did Li Guang want to be sealed so much? In addition to society's recognition of their own merits, travel by a specific honor guard, and more importantly, the marquis can be hereditary, and if no serious mistake is made, children and grandchildren can enjoy it. Therefore, the desire of people in feudal society for knighthood is no less than the momentum of some people running for president today.

Therefore, Xin Zhiyi strongly hopes to recover the north, of course, there is a strong patriotic ideology in it, and he also hopes that he can make meritorious achievements, the two are not in conflict, very harmonious and unified. To this day, Yuan Longping and Zhong Nanshan have been doing things for the country all their lives, and their treatment is how they earned.

In the entire feudal society, it was much easier for military attaches to be knighted than civilian officials. During the Qing Dynasty, Yue Zhongqi and Zhang Tingyu, the former were military attaches, the latter was a civilian official, the former assisted Nian Qianyao in pacifying Qinghai, and later lost the war to pacify the Western Regions, but was already a duke at a young age. Zhang Tingyu was the prime minister at a young age, from the upper study to the military aircraft minister, who worked as the prime minister for a lifetime, threatening the world, and only when he was old was he named a count.

Why did Xin abandon the disease and break the time, why did he write a deviation? That kind of heart-rending heart-rending, few people in the world can understand

Therefore, the best way to put the road in front of Xin Abandoned Disease is to restore the lost rivers and mountains through several battles, and then reward meritorious deeds and add officials to the knighthood. However, he waited for this all his life, and since the age of 22, he has never set foot in the enemy-occupied area. The pain in his heart can be imagined!

It is hoped to recover the rivers and mountains, add officials to the knighthood, and seal the wife and shadow, but in fact, now that he is white-haired and pale, he looks old, unable to participate in the battle, and there is no sign of realizing his ideals. "Poor white happened", he finally returned to reality from his memories, how much pain these 5 words contained!

We know that the so-called words are the lyrics. The original words, such as literary works, are actually filled in with lyrics based on existing musical scores. The words may be different, but the songs are the same, so the sentence structure of different words and sentences is the same, and the flats are the same. Later, with the loss of the song, the words were only left with word plates and word rhythms, and people filled in the words according to the word rhythm. The so-called word rhythm is to be smooth and round when singing, some tones must be matched with flat sound words, and some must be into sound words.

Why did Xin abandon the disease and break the time, why did he write a deviation? That kind of heart-rending heart-rending, few people in the world can understand

The early words, content and word name have a certain relationship, the so-called Nian Nu Jiao is to write about the delicate state of women, the so-called Manjiang Hong is to write about the river scenery under the sunset. Later, as more and more people filled in the words, the content and the word plate gradually became unrelated, "Nian Nu Jiao" could write about the Battle of Chibi, which was irrelevant, and "Eternal Encounter" could write about the revenge of vicissitudes and run counter to it. In the Southern Song Dynasty, there was even a self-composing song, and in the absence of a song, only the lyric score was created according to the rhythm of pingqi. And this song of Xin Zhiyi's "Broken Line" is a rare word name that has a certain correlation with the content, and has a supplementary effect on the expression of the content.

A broken formation is a broken army formation. These military landscapes described by the author, one painting after another, are individual and have no coherence. Therefore, it can be said that what he wrote was a broken period. So although it is clear that it is a magnificent song, in fact, it expresses a kind of heart-rending vicissitudes. This kind of fragmentation, of course, is the fragmentation of memories, but when we read it, it is the disillusionment of dreams and the incompleteness of life. Each picture is like a sheepskin, wrapped in the heart of the person layer by layer, making the reader more and more breathless.

Why did Xin abandon the disease and break the time, why did he write a deviation? That kind of heart-rending heart-rending, few people in the world can understand

Chen Tongfu's name is Chen Liang, and Tongfu is his word. Chen Liang is also a famous lyricist, and at the same time a resolute main battle faction. He and Xin are like-minded and have the same ideals, so they have a very good relationship. Chen Liang once went to the imperial court and advocated sending troops to retake the north, but he offended the capitulationists and was relegated to a remote place. Xin Shuyi and he often exchanged letters, composing lyrics to encourage each other, this song was written to encourage Chen Liang, so the title is called "Breaking the Line: Giving Chen Tongfu a Strong Word to Send".

Xin Also has the heart to write the grandeur of the battlefield and the ambition of cultivating the two together. However, the blow he suffered was too deep, so this poem wrote the kind of sadness in the depths of his soul, the misery of his ambitions, the shouts that had been suppressed for many years, and the extreme helplessness that life would end.

At that time, the only person who could read and understand was probably the like-minded Chen Liang. After hundreds of years, many people can read it, and one of them is Lao Yan.

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