
Was Emperor Mingxi the incompetent "Carpenter Emperor"? Or the Ming Jun who turned the tide?

author:Interesting about humanities
Was Emperor Mingxi the incompetent "Carpenter Emperor"? Or the Ming Jun who turned the tide?

Emperor Mingxi, whose real name is Zhu Youxiao. He was the fifteenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and was customarily called "Emperor of the Apocalypse", "Emperor carpenter", and "Brother Chongzhen" in the folk and people. Ming Xizong's fame deeds are like this: it is rumored that he made a wood carving work, which is similar to a screen or something. Just finished, found that the eunuch on the side is carefully scrutinizing, Zhu Yu smiled slightly, and then said: "You take it to the street to sell, worth 500 gold, don't counter-offer, at most a meal of kung fu, you will come back, believe me, you can definitely sell it!" ”

On the way to the market, the eunuch was still half-convinced, how could this broken thing sell for 500 gold, where the buyer was crazy, the result was that in about 30 minutes, this screen was bought by the expert who knew the goods, and the eunuch was shocked.

From this matter, it can be seen that Zhu Youxiao is simply Luban II, and his carpentry skills are simply ingenious. The history books record: "During the Ming Dynasty, the beds built by the craftsmen were extremely bulky, and more than a dozen people could move them, using many materials and ordinary styles. Xi Zong pondered by himself, designed the pattern, personally sawed the wooden nail board, many days he built a bed, the bed board can be folded, it is very convenient to carry and move, the bed frame is also carved with various patterns, beautiful and generous, admired by the craftsmen at that time. You see, this is recorded in the history, such a craftsmanship, indeed! But on the other hand, he is a generation of kings, an emperor who does not do anything else all day long, who goes to the workshop every day, and deals with saws and axes, so how can it be done? So how to govern the country?

Was Emperor Mingxi the incompetent "Carpenter Emperor"? Or the Ming Jun who turned the tide?

(Stills of Wei Zhongxian and the Emperor of the Apocalypse)

Especially in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the emperor of Daming was simply degraded to nothing, and the image was extremely distorted. Speaking of Zhu Yuanzhang's portrait alone, how can a person's face be as curved and exaggerated as a shoehorn, which is obviously ugly. Kangxi is full of hemp, height is also short, and did not see the Descendants of the Manchu Qing Dynasty painted him a face of hemp ah, on the contrary, he also painted a tall and handsome face, how to Zhu Yuanzhang here into a shoehorn, Zhu Yuanzhang may really look ugly, but not to bend the face can be hooked fishing.

Not only Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di has also been rendered as a tyrant, and the next few are simply amazing... Alchemists, those who have not been in the dynasty for 28 years, those who shake clams, those who make leopard houses, those who love mothers, those who are carpenters... In the end, the Manchu Qing enlarged the "hobbies" of these emperors of the Ming Dynasty infinitely, resulting in the eyes of posterity, most of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty were simply terrible.

The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is indeed strange, this must be admitted, but it will not be bad into that, if it is really so bad, how can Daming persist for 276 years, longer than the Manchu Qing, the Manchu Qing is barely 268 years. The so-called fearsome words of people, the mouth of the people...

Was Emperor Mingxi the incompetent "Carpenter Emperor"? Or the Ming Jun who turned the tide?

(Portrait of Zhu Yuanzhang, ugly in the Manchu Qing Dynasty)

Speaking of the Emperor of the Apocalypse, in the eyes of future generations, I only think that this person is a craftsman, and the light will deal with the wooden saw, but what I want to tell you today is that Zhu Youxiao really loves to go down to the workshop, but many of his things are still very worthy of everyone's rethinking, and even worthy of everyone's praise.

First, he treated his relatives and friends well, and was very respectful to his teachers Lao Liu and Lao Sun. At the same time, he was also very friendly to his brothers and sisters, and the literati often said that he was "troubled in everything, and it is not thin to be alone between brothers and wives!" This is narrow! Zhu Youxiao is not worried about everything, and this embarrassment can be understood as turning a blind eye to seeing problems, which is the practice of smart people. Zhu Youxiao was highly talented in the military field, had a unique vision, and although he loved to make furniture, this person was very intelligent.

There are also two conversations between him and Chongzhen: "My brother should be Yao Shun", "When I do it for a few years, when I do it with Ru!" These two sentences sound a little bleak now, but at the same time they are touching. Since the ancient emperor's family deep palace Hou Wei who has such feelings, try to see Li Shimin's xuanwumen change, the Sui Emperor's father killing his brother (this is definitely a frame for the Sui Emperor, the Sui Emperor is the Ming Jun), indicating that Zhu Youxiao is a very humane and generous person.

Was Emperor Mingxi the incompetent "Carpenter Emperor"? Or the Ming Jun who turned the tide?

(Portrait of the Emperor of the Apocalypse)

Second, the History of Ming records that in November of the sixth year of the Apocalypse, Yuan Chonghuan played a "braggart", saying that he could make Houjin surrender just by relying on Guanwai to repair the city of Tuntian. He also did not forget to slap Wei Zhongxian on the ass, and the article was as follows: "If you do this, if the slave does not surrender, he will be captured by the subject." Wei Zhongxian, the minister of the factory, and the ministers of the cabinet were all chosen by the dragon, and the ministers encountered no coincidence, so they dared to predict that things would be successful. ”

Let's see how Zhu Yu replied:

"Purpose: To the defensive side yin, so calmly discuss." But what should be done to the rear so that the military and the people do not get in the way? What kind of allocation should be made so that the agricultural war will not be abandoned? What kind of drills will be done to make the peasants all soldiers? What should be done to make the camp a farmer? What is the reason for this, enough to limit the horses? What is the guarantee to prevent money from stealing grain? Everything should be played in the care area. It is said in this book that if a slave does not surrender, he will be captured, and the courtiers will not be happy to hear it. In terms of decay, slaves may not be surrendered, nor will they be trustworthy; war will be won, and victory will not be lightly discussed. Doing what you do requires movement from time to time. Just also, strange in it. It is time to forgive and do good! ”

We can see from this passage that Colonel Zhu You is really a very responsive and very intelligent person, and his series of questions in this series of questions refuted Yuan Chonghuan as dumb and speechless, especially this sentence "In terms of degeneration, slaves may not fall, and surrender is not enough to believe; the battle will be won, and the victory will not be lightly discussed." From this point of view, Zhu Yuxiao's view of the problem is really very cautious and comprehensive, not engaged in empty talk, very pragmatic, he pressed Yuan Chonghuan to where he was in a few words, and did not mention anything about the phenomenon of him slapping Old Wei on the ass, the power of this kind of disregard is the most terrifying, similar to ringing an alarm bell for him, the apocalypse is definitely a smart person.

The book records that the Apocalypse does not like to read and is idle all day, but in fact, this is a one-sided word, a voyeuristic word. Those so-called jar literati who are full of poetry books, just know that there will be some people who are also black and yellow. Cao Cao had sprayed similar to these acid Confucians in those years, and when the country was critical, he couldn't help a favor, so he knew that shouting would only add to the chaos, and these acid literati were simply a group of trolls. The Apocalypse had seriously criticized them.

Was Emperor Mingxi the incompetent "Carpenter Emperor"? Or the Ming Jun who turned the tide?

(Calligraphy of the Emperor of the Apocalypse)

Was Emperor Mingxi the incompetent "Carpenter Emperor"? Or the Ming Jun who turned the tide?

According to the Sermon of the Ming Dynasty, in February of the second year of the Apocalypse, liaodong collapsed, and the group of literati began to quarrel, at this time the 16-year-old Apocalypse felt that the argument was meaningless, so he went forward and severely reprimanded them. After another two months, the fighters have not improved, and the literati have begun to play cannons again. The Emperor of the Apocalypse really couldn't bear it this time, so he sent out a large number of articles, which were as follows:

"The Imperial Decree of the Imperial Household: Since the Imperial Pole, I have been freezing day and night, keeping the law of my ancestors, lest I fall." Whenever the officials of the Section road repeatedly quarreled, they had a purpose before them, and they were not allowed to expose them privately. Yesterday's newspaper, see also the post, apparently disobedience. What is the scene of nothing for the country and the people, wanton and manic, and arrogant litigation? Among them, it is difficult to be unjust, it is difficult for the slave chiefs to come, the conscription and remuneration, and the military and the people have been extremely devastated, all because of the prejudice party theory, resulting in discord in the economy, so the Liaozuo territory will be lost. I didn't see the miracle of recovery, and I hated it deeply. The new juniors, the eyes and ears of the division, have no impartiality, and turn to revenge. Reckless and vain words, confusing state affairs, should have been a staff. In the future, all officials in the Department of Science and Road must be humble and conscientious in their duties and jointly participate in state affairs. If there are any more parties and slanders, they will not be tolerated in accordance with the ancestral charter. ”

This passage can be seen that those who say that the Emperor of the Apocalypse does not read are purely false rumors of the clouds, this text is written with a board and an eye, and it is very transparent, criticizing the literati both euphemistically and directly, very clever, and the language structure is very exquisite, and it can be seen that there is no problem with the knowledge level of the Emperor of the Apocalypse.

Was Emperor Mingxi the incompetent "Carpenter Emperor"? Or the Ming Jun who turned the tide?

(Portrait of Zhu You)

Moreover, I would like to tell you more about Colonel Zhu You's military talent, and his military strategic vision is very unique.

At that time, Nurhaci's old lair was nearby, and there was a base of Mao Wenlong next door. If it is done properly, it will exert a great containment effect on the back gold. At this time, some ministers of the imperial court were indifferent to Mao Wenlong and felt that it was irrelevant, but Zhu Youxiao realized the importance of Mao Wenlong, and he repeatedly issued orders to commend Mao Wenlong, including the saying that "the foundation of the Restoration of Liao, the end is in Sihu", and asked the whole court to actively cooperate with Mao Wenlong.

What is even more surprising is that the Emperor of the Apocalypse predicted the route of attack of the Manchu Qing very early on, and predicted it very accurately. After the prediction was completed, he quickly issued a decree to remind the group of ministers that this time it was very likely that the Qing army would "drive away in a false way for a long time, and the harm would not be shallow, and it would because it was not without worries about the east.", and instructed the military department to immediately come up with a plan to solve this matter, and even more to let the military department "carefully defend and be cautious and prepared" and "guard every pass as much as possible, day and night to be on guard." From this point of view, Colonel Zhu You is simply a military strategist, has a very unique and accurate military strategic vision, and if he wants to have a slight strategy, and if he wants to have insight and insight, how can he be "worried about everything" among the civilian population?

As for what everyone often says that he attaches importance to Wei Zhongxian, the reason is very simple, now it seems that tianqi is indeed a wise person, and the emperor of tianqi does not know who Wei Zhongxian is. But the court is a gentleman is really not a good thing, the villains and gentlemen restrain each other, when the boss is more assured, the harmony of the court represents the crisis, which is the same as the current workplace management. Qin Huiwang said: "Sometimes villains are more loyal than loyal subjects", the person who can say this, first of all, the management ability is definitely strong, and secondly, it shows that this person has a very accurate focal length, and is definitely a person with a sharp vision, not an idle person.

A powerful emperor must learn to make full use of villains, know how to arrange mediocre people, and even more know how to control capable people. The Emperor of the Apocalypse regarded Wei Zhongxian as a "pawn", ate to death, and used him to suppress this unruly group of wenchen. When the Emperor of the Apocalypse was alive, Wei Zhongxian was steady, he did not dare to move, hitting the snake and hitting seven inches, because the Apocalypse pinched his seven inches, and after the Apocalypse died, that is, the things that Chongzhen should digest, it had nothing to do with the Emperor of the Apocalypse, and the last words about Wei Zhongxian that the Emperor of the Apocalypse said to Chongzhen before he died, to tell the truth, Chongzhen "did not understand it at all."

It fully shows that the management ability of the Emperor of the Apocalypse is far higher than that of Chongzhen, and Chongzhen is not close to the female color and is very diligent, which is beyond doubt, but Chongzhen's management ability is really stretched. Chongzhen reigned for 17 years, changed 50 prime ministers, replaced nearly 20 cabinet chief assistants, so calculated, the average tenure of each prime minister is not more than 3 months, to know that the Northern Song Dynasty from the founding of the country to the fall of the country almost 320 years a total of only 51 prime ministers, this record was Chongzhen used a short 17 years to catch up.

Was Emperor Mingxi the incompetent "Carpenter Emperor"? Or the Ming Jun who turned the tide?

(Apocalypse Emperor Stills)

The Reign of the Emperor of the Apocalypse lasted only seven short years, and although the country was worried about internal and external troubles at this time, we know that Ming Shi died in Wanli. His grandfather was close to 30 years without going to the dynasty, his father was a January Tianzi, if the "Wenjing Shengye" or "Kang Yong Shengshi" was handed over to the hands of the Apocalypse, how could the social evaluation of the Emperor of the Apocalypse become a rotten street, if Zhu Changluo's mess was thrown to the narcissistic Qianlong, then Qianlong would certainly be inferior to Zhu Youxiao. Therefore, what I want to say is that Zhu Youxiao does not care whether he is a Ming Jun or not, but he will not be a "troubled in everything" of the Emperor.

Moreover, according to the historical records, during the 7 years of the reign of the Apocalypse, the prices were very low, and the people of Li were basically able to live and work in peace and contentment, and there was no major social turmoil. As for the apocalypse calling the Manchu Qing a "slave chief" (called the Manchu Qing for convenience), to be honest, the slave chieftain's gang had never been idle, and had been going around ho ho. During the reign of Tianqi, the external environment also appeared somewhat "unpeaceful", especially during the Chongzhen period. At that time, natural disasters, locusts, earthquakes, mudslides and the like were really God's business, man could not overcome the heavens, man was a part of nature, should conform to nature.

In a word: In my opinion, Zhu Youxiao, the Emperor of the Apocalypse, was first of all a very talented craftsman, and secondly, a very humane monarch. His life was extremely short, he was not yet 23 years old when he died, if the sky is prolonged, maybe he really has the ability to save Daming's storm, but all this can only be if...

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