
He was highly popular in Eastern Wu, but his popularity was far less than that of Zhou Yu, Lü Meng, Gan Ning, and Tai Shi Ci

author:Tease the world of fish

He was one of the "Twelve Tiger Ministers of Eastern Wu", and his fame and popularity were far inferior to those of Zhou Yu, Huang Gai, Lü Meng, Gan Ning, Zhou Tai, Tai Shi Ci and other Jiangdong Haojie. Only because in the most exciting and lively time of the Three Kingdoms, he was only a small general, although he had experienced hundreds of battles and bravery, but there were too many powerful cattle people, and he could not be shown. It was not until the end of the Three Kingdoms that he became a general and was able to fully display it, and did no less than any famous general of the Three Kingdoms. But at that time, the cattle people of the Three Kingdoms who were familiar and loved by people had all died, and the world had little interest in this history. He is Ding Feng. Let's talk about how powerful he is in the right history.

He was highly popular in Eastern Wu, but his popularity was far less than that of Zhou Yu, Lü Meng, Gan Ning, and Tai Shi Ci

Ding Feng

Ding Feng (丁奉), courtesy name Chengyuan, was a native of Anfeng, Lujiang (present-day Gushi, Henan), who in his youth served as a minor general under three Eastern Wu generals, all of whom were Influential Figures in Jiangdong: Gan Ning of the Hundred Horsemen Raiding Cao Camp, Lu Xun of the Burning Company Camp, and Pan Zhang of Guan Yu. However, during Sun Quan's reign, Ding Feng did not mix up any famous halls, only because the Eastern Wu generals were too brilliant, Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Lü Meng, Lu Xun, Gan Ning, Tai Shi Ci, Zhou Tai, Huang Gai, Ling Tong, Pan Zhang... Each of them is more brilliant than Ding Fengfeng, and no matter how wonderful Xiao Ding's performance is, he is only a baby soldier after all, and he cannot get the special favor of the supreme leader. After Sun Quan died and his grandson Liang ascended the throne, Xiao Ding became Lao Ding, and Ding Feng was successively awarded the title of Partial General and Champion General, and was given the title of Marquis of Ting. Not long after, Ding Feng became famous in one battle and became a shining superstar.

In the first year of Wu Shenfeng (252), Cao Wei sent the generals Zhuge Zhi, Hu Zun and others to attack Wu, and The Eastern Wu taifu Zhuge Ke led an army to resist. Zhuge Shi was the cousin of Zhuge Liang, the shu Han chancellor, and Zhuge Jin (Zhuge Liang's older brother), the general of the Wu dynasty, and Zhuge Ke was Zhuge Jin's son, that is, Zhuge Liang's nephew, so Zhuge Ke was counted as Zhuge Ke's cousin. The talents of the Zhuge family belong to the Three Kingdoms of Wei Shu and Wu, which is really interesting.

After the two armies of Wu and Shu set up a battle position on the Yangtze River, General Wu said: "The enemy army has heard that our taifu himself has come out on horseback, and as soon as we come ashore, they will flee." Only Ding Feng, who was "ignorant of current affairs", jumped out and retorted: "This is a bad word! The enemy army mobilized its troops in its territory, and all the troops of Xuchang and Luoyang attacked in a big way, and they must have their own established plans, so how could they return empty-handed? Do not think that the enemy will not come, we must rely on our own strength to defeat them is the right way! ”

Soon, Zhuge Ke led his army ashore, Ding Feng and Zhu Cong marched west of the mountain, Ding Feng observed the surrounding area, and then made a wonderful statement: "Now the armies are slow to move, if the enemy occupies favorable terrain, it will be difficult to fight." So Ding Feng "did not take the usual road" according to his own ideas, and he led three thousand of his men alone to leave the marching route of the large army and choose a suitable position.

It was winter, the north was roaring, and Ding Feng set sail in the cold wind, occupying only two days where he felt it was suitable for stationing, Xutang (now part of Anhui). Just after settling down, suddenly heavy snow fell in the sky, and the sky and earth were white. Wei Junzhu would drink and talk in the snow. Ding Feng observed that there were very few troops in the former battalion of the Wei army, so he said to his subordinates: "The knighthood is receiving the reward today!" "It is said that the subordinates are full of excitement! Then Ding Feng resolutely took off his armor and helmet, wearing only a cloth coat, and then threw away his spear and spear, only picked up a short knife, and ordered all three thousand soldiers to follow him.

Ding Feng gave an order, led the commando team straight to the enemy camp, saw the Wei army, slashed horizontally, and ravaged the vanguard troops of the wei army's former battalion to a miserable sight, although the ground was freezing cold, Ding Feng and his soldiers did not feel cold at all, and the pleasure and strength of killing the enemy made their blood veins burst and sweat. Coincidentally, at this time, the rest of the Wu army troops were killed, and together with Ding Feng, the Wei army was completely defeated. After the battle, Ding Feng was soon promoted to the rank of general of the Que Kou for his merits and was made the Marquis of Duxiang.

"Fighting short soldiers in the snow" became one of the most exciting battles in the late Three Kingdoms period, and Ding Feng's great wisdom and courage were undoubtedly demonstrated.

Three years after the enemy was broken in the snow, that is, in the second year of Eastern Wu Wufeng (255), the Cao Wei general Wen Qin raised an army against the powerful sima shi, but the sima shi was really strong, and Wen Qin was defeated as soon as he fought, and the sad Wen Qin had no choice but to surrender to the state of Wu. Sun Liang, the lord of Wu, quickly appointed Ding Feng as the general of Huwei and asked him to follow the imperial chancellor and general Sun Jun (the great-grandson of Sun Jian's younger brother) to Shouchun (present-day Shou County, Anhui) to meet Wen Qin. As soon as Wu jun reached Gaoting (高亭, in present-day Anhui), he was suddenly confronted by The Wei soldiers and horses who were pursuing and killing Wen Qin. Ding Feng raised his spear and prancing horse, leading his generals straight into the Cao Army's large array! The Generals of the Wei Army encountered old opponents, suffered losses again, and were killed on horseback. In this battle, Ding Feng and his soldiers beheaded hundreds of people and captured all the weapons of the Wei army.

He was highly popular in Eastern Wu, but his popularity was far less than that of Zhou Yu, Lü Meng, Gan Ning, and Tai Shi Ci

Sima Shi

In these years, because Sima Shi had no kingly power in the State of Wei, there were always generals of the State of Wei who rebelled and surrendered to the State of Wu. No, in the second year of Wu Taiping (257), Zhuge Shi, who had been defeated by the Wu army, also occupied Shouchun and surrendered to Wu, only to be surrounded by a Wei army sent by Sima Zhao (Sima Shi had died two years earlier, and it was his brother Sima Zhao who held the real power of the State of Wei). Although Zhuge Shi was once an enemy of Eastern Wu, at this time and another time, now that people are sincerely obedient, how can Wu Guo see death and not save it, and Ding Feng is out of the horse again! In the past, he "fought in the snow" to break Zhuge Birthday, but now he has come to save his former enemies, which is really interesting. Ding Feng marched to Li Pulp (李 Pulp, in present-day shou county, Anhui), and then engaged the Wei army, and Ding Feng fought first, hand-bladed a group of Wei soldiers. He was also awarded the title of General of the Left for his meritorious service in battle. However, unfortunately, Ding Feng's courage alone failed to save Zhuge Shi, and the Wu army was eventually defeated by the powerful Wei army, and Zhuge Sheng's soldiers were defeated and killed.

Ding Feng is not only a fierce general, but also a wise general. In the third year of Wu Taiping (258), the tyrannical and tyrannical Wu state minister Sun Qiang (sun Jian's brother's great-grandson) deposed the emperor Sun Liang, and established Sun Quan's sixth son, Sun Quan, as emperor, and made himself a chancellor and took sole power. Sun Xiuji was not willing to be a puppet, so he found the left general Zhang Bu and conspired together to kill Sun Qiang. Zhang Bu said to the emperor, "If you remove Sun Qiang, you must help one person." This person is Ding Feng. Although Ding Feng is not good at civilian duties, he is superior in strategy and can decide major matters. Sun Xiu was overjoyed, and quickly summoned Ding Feng, and put out what he had in mind: "Sun Xiu controls the government of the dynasty, will plot against you, and wants to kill this thief with the general!" Ding Feng said, "The brother and friend of the prime minister, that is, the henchmen, are very powerful, and if we get rid of him, I am afraid that the hearts of the people will not be able to be easily subdued, so we can use the La sacrifice (ancient ritual customs) to gather and kill him with His Majesty's relatives!" ”

Sun Xiu adopted Ding Feng's plan, ordered a large banquet, and graciously invited Sun Qiu to participate. Why was the Emperor suddenly so enthusiastic? Sun Qiao, the old fox, felt that there must be something strange in this, so he planned to say that he would not go to the disease, but Sun Xiu sent people to invite him more than ten times, and the old fox could not stand it. He thought twice and decided to go to the banquet, and before leaving, he made an agreement with his men to set fire to his mansion during the banquet, so that he could find an excuse to leave the banquet early. On the banquet, the cups were pushed to change the cups, and the kings and courtiers were full of smiles and seemed to be harmonious, and after eating a few lamps, suddenly someone came to report that the palace of the minister was on fire, and asked the minister to return quickly. Sun Qiang was secretly happy in his heart, so he got up and prepared to slip away. At this time, Ding Feng and Zhang Bu suddenly turned their eyes, and in an instant, the ambush troops rose up and tied up Sun Qiang, who ordered him to be beheaded and destroyed the three tribes.

He was highly popular in Eastern Wu, but his popularity was far less than that of Zhou Yu, Lü Meng, Gan Ning, and Tai Shi Ci

Sun Hugh

Sun Xiu was so grateful that he made him a great general, and he was given the title of Grand General, plus left and right capital protection (in charge of all military affairs), and soon granted a false festival (representing the emperor). The young general, who had been busy and busy in the past, was finally promoted to the highest military commander of the State of Wu.

In the sixth year of Eastern Wu Yong'an (263), Cao Wei cut down Shu, Ding Feng led an army into Shouchun, intending to rescue Shu Han, but unexpectedly Cao Wei's army descended from heaven, and the incompetent Shu lord Liu Chan immediately surrendered, Ding Feng watched his allies die and had no choice but to withdraw. The following year, Sun Xiu died of illness, and Ding Feng and other old ministers supported Sun Quan's grandson Sun Hao as emperor, and Ding Feng was promoted to the Right Grand Sima Left Army Division (the highest military honor). After that, Ding Feng had been leading an army against the Sima family who had usurped Cao Wei's Jiangshan, but the Western Jin Dynasty was in the general trend of unifying the country, and the Wu lord Sun Hao was increasingly tyrannical and absurd, Ding Feng failed to establish any more brilliant merits, and Sun Hao also killed his guides because he failed to make meritorious achievements. However, Ding Feng, who was at the peak of his power, also changed somewhat, and he began to feel that his merits were unmatched in the Wu kingdom, and his status was extremely noble, and he was more and more arrogant everywhere he went. Fortunately, Ding Feng's arrogance did not make himself unlucky, and the tyrant Sun Hao was jealous of his power and did not dare to do anything to him, but after his death, Sun Hao began to straighten out the Ding family.

In the third year of Jianheng (271), Sima Dingfeng, who witnessed the history of the Wu kingdom, died of illness. The wall fell on everyone, and soon some people slandered Ding Feng for his arrogance before his death, and Sun Hao took the opportunity to start tracking down Ding Feng's lack of success in sending troops, and exiled Ding Feng's family to Linchuan (in the area of present-day southwestern Jiangxi). Nine years later, the Western Jin Dynasty destroyed Wu, Sun Hao surrendered, and the Three Kingdoms became one.

Although Ding Feng was not very famous among the heroes of the Three Kingdoms, in folklore, he was portrayed as a master of "flying bomb invincibility", and the common people also built temples for him to worship, honoring him as "Emperor Jing Tianshi and Lingwei Yinghua Great Heavenly Zun", making him one of the few warriors who became gods during the Three Kingdoms. In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Luo Guanzhong let Ding Feng shoot zhang Liao, a famous Cao Wei general who brought nightmares to Eastern Wu, which also added some popularity to Ding Feng.

He was highly popular in Eastern Wu, but his popularity was far less than that of Zhou Yu, Lü Meng, Gan Ning, and Tai Shi Ci

Zhang Liao

This article is written exclusively by Li Meng, like, remember to subscribe to this headline number.

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