
How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

author:Dragon Peak Seawater Fish
How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

How long will our fish live?

This is a matter of concern to everyone.

Fish will have feelings after a long time, whether it is a feng shui fish that can escort you, or a seawater fish that makes you feel happy, they have a life limit.

Life is beautiful because it blooms in a limited time, so let's take a good look at it today, how long these beautiful fish can accompany you at the end of your life!

1. Clownfish

The life span of the red clown can be as long as 19 years, and the male clown can even reach about 30 years. It is recommended that when marine aquarists buy clownfish, it is best to buy anemones and raise them with a small group of clownfish, so that they will form a small group and get along well. In general, clownfish generally 7 to 8 months can become cubs, just born clownfish can only eat polyps openings, life expectancy, its species are many, tanking can live an average of 6 to 10 years.

However, although the clownfish has a good physique, it is also impossible to afford to not pay attention to the water quality and food for a long time, many fish killers hang up one for a few months, but there are also novices to open the tank to raise a 1, 2 years, clownfish that is quite skinny.

How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

2. Lionfish

Lionfish average 5 to 6 years. It has almost no natural enemies in the sea, take it to the sea tank to raise attention, such a powerful and aggressive lionfish fish spines will produce toxins, people are stabbed by it after light stinging, serious will cause breathing difficulties, and even produce fainting, so do not touch it naked, unless you want to experience the feeling of electric shock.

How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

3. Snapper

It's easy for two-color strawberries to live for 7 to 8 years. It is an entry-level breed that is well reared in an artificial environment. There are no harsh requirements for water quality, and they are acceptable for any marine fish artificial feed, but to keep them in good shape, they need to be properly supplemented with foods containing iodine and potassium.

This guy is a foodie, very good at grabbing food, if you use a tempting bait, they will eat and drink, live happily, and soon they will grow very fat... Strawberry fish do not care about the size of the aquarium, but especially territorial awareness, each strawberry fish territory is at least 2 square meters, unless you have more than 3 tons of large aquarium, otherwise you can not raise two at the same time, whether it is the same species or different species. Otherwise, they are killing and killing each other, and less than one side of the braid is constantly fighting.

This is a foodie who died for food... And too aggressive, bigger than other fish to bully other fish, smaller than other fish also to provoke, and finally beaten is not long memory, so when mixed breeding you should pay attention to, strawberry fish love to eat so much that a little lack of heart, you have to put it into the tank and then put other fish, and to ensure that other fish are bigger than it

How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

4. Rays

Rays can live for 30 years. This looks ugly and cute ~ ~ by the way, its fleshy taste is not bad, dried, the painting style is particularly like the Egyptian pharaoh...

How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

5. Snapper Blue Devil

I can live for about 6 years. It does not have high water quality requirements, it can be clear, it can be used as a tank fish, and the fresh fluorescent color will be particularly outstanding in the water, which is one of the first choices for novices. Five finches about 7 years. Aggressive against the same kind and vulnerable fish, requires an aquarium of more than 200 liters, and needs to provide a hiding place. Note that it sometimes crosses the water and jumps out of the tank.

How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

6. Angelfish

The blue face has grown to more than 20 years; the saddle has been raised for more than 20 years; the yellow bride, about 6 years; the flame fairy for about 20 years. The same angelfish, smaller than larger, in addition, the angelfish is more difficult to eat in the tank at first, but once the mouth is opened, it is easy to raise. Angelfish are still alive for a long time, depending on how you raise, it is very demanding on the water quality environment, but also need to change food frequently, it is more picky, like high-protein shrimp meat or fish meat, but also willing to eat more vegetables and seaweed. The adult emperor gods only eat sponges and a few special marine plants, and if they are in an artificial environment, they will basically starve to death. Angelfish are not as tolerant of hunger as other marine fish, and some species do not have food for 10-20 days and their stomachs shrink. It's beautiful but it's very difficult, so you can challenge it.

How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

7. Butterfly fish

Moonlight butterflyfish about 25 years. It is aggressive, and it will attack the new kind of people in their own area of activity.

How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

8. Upside down

Tomson hanging is about 5 years; watermelon crane, one-horn crane, and gold crane are all about 7 years. Upside-down is a species of marine fish that is ideal for coral tank and bare tank rearing. They neither disturb corals nor shrimp or small fish, and they are large enough to make the tanks larger when polycultured with clownfish or snapper. Since the upside-down body size is between 10cm-30cm, and they like to attack each other with their sharp tail handles in the sea tank, they need enough swimming space. If you want to put more upside downs in a cylinder, you should enter the cylinder at the same time, and the size should be different to reduce its mutual attack behavior.

How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

9. Shrimp Tiger

Gobies are about 5 years old. Because many gobies are no larger than 5 cm in size, they will not be able to eat and starve to death if they are raised with larger fish. Some shrimp tigers can not eat will clean the algae in the aquarium clean, but also eat sand all day long, they put the sand in their mouths to squirm, in order to ingest the creatures in the sand, if the creatures in the sand are not enough to make them full, then the filter feeding work will continue to continue, enjoy it.

How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

There are many causes of death for fish, jumping in the tank, dying of illness, starvation, death of bad water, and even those eaten by their owners... So a lot of the life of marine fish is unable to record how much it is, generally not raised for too long, a lot of 1 to 2 years on the aesthetic fatigue, so it is good, try more to try a variety of fish, but also the fun of raising fish ah ~ ~


How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

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How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

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How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?
How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?
How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?
How many years will your domestically raised marine fish survive? Did you know?

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