
The most underrated vice chairmen, Lin Biao and Peng Dehuai, have said: His merits are actually greater than mine

author:The underlying view of history

The most underrated vice chairmen, Lin Biao and Peng Dehuai, have said: His merits are actually greater than mine

Although Gao Gang was elected vice chairman of the Central People's Government after the founding of New China, for reasons that are well known, there are very few reports and records of his deeds, and they are not well known. In fact, before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Gao Gang's prestige and status were very influential, and it can be said that Gao Gang is also the most underrated vice chairman today.

The most underrated vice chairmen, Lin Biao and Peng Dehuai, have said: His merits are actually greater than mine

Leading the "survivors" of the Northwest Base Area

As everyone knows, the northwest base area is the foothold and starting point of the Chinese revolution, and its main founders are Liu Zhidan, Xie Zichang, Gao Gang, Wang Taiji, and others, but with the continuous deepening of the revolutionary struggle, the situation is constantly grim, many responsible persons who lead the northwest base area have died or fled one after another, and only Gao Gang has become a very small number of "survivors" among the leaders, and the historical importance of the northwest base area is incomparable.

Therefore, Chairman Mao and the Party Central Committee are very much in favor of this account, and he once confessed at the Party Congress that Comrade Gao Gang is a man who has made great contributions, both for the Central Red Army and for the entire war of resistance, and this merit will coexist with the history of our Party and our army. Therefore, it can be said that this credit cannot be compared by anyone.

The most underrated vice chairmen, Lin Biao and Peng Dehuai, have said: His merits are actually greater than mine

Therefore, Chairman Mao also gave Gao Gang a lot of special care, and from 1937 onwards, he mainly served as the commander of the Security Command, and has always undertaken the heavy responsibility of defending the construction of the rear area of the War of Resistance. In 1941, the four central bureaus established by the CENTRAL Committee of the Communist Party of China, Gao Gang was also elected secretary of the Northwest Bureau. After the founding of New China, Chairman Mao personally nominated Gao Gang as vice chairman, which can be said to be deeply valued by Chairman Mao.

The fiercest general of the "Red Arm Battle Laoshan"

Gao Gang is a native of Shaanxi and has the upright character of a northwestern person. From the outside, he was a fierce look, although his speech was a bit vulgar, as if he did not read any books, but in the era when the poor people made a revolution, the cultural level of Gao Gang was not low, not only went to middle school, but also entered a military school, and was a tough general who dared to speak and dare to do it.

In September 1935, Xu Haidong and others led the Red Twenty-fifth Army and the main force of the Northwest Red Army led by Liu Zhidan and Gao Gang successfully met the division, and then reorganized and renamed the Fifteenth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Soon after, however, two divisions of the Kuomintang Northeast Army, which had been ordered to come, came forward with great momentum to "suppress it."

The most underrated vice chairmen, Lin Biao and Peng Dehuai, have said: His merits are actually greater than mine

Although the Northeast Army had never really fought against the Red Army before, it did not look down on these rustic "Red Army" at all, and in the face of the characteristics of the Northeast Army's light enemy's adventurous advance and arrogance, the Red Fifteenth Army decided to adopt the method of besieging the city to provide reinforcements, using the strength of a regiment to pretend to attack Ganquan, but put the main force in ambush at Laoshan Mountain north of Ganquan to wait for work.

When the 110th Division of the Northeast Army received the news and rushed to Ganquan for reinforcements, it immediately fell into the ambush circle of our army, and after six hours of fierce fighting, the Red Army won a complete victory, capturing more than 3,700 people of the Northeast Army, and the commander of the 110th Division of the Northeast Army and the chief of staff were killed on the spot in this battle, which was also the first major victory after the formation of the Red Fifteenth Army.

At that time, Gao Gang did not stay in the command headquarters, took the initiative to go to the position to fight with everyone, after the Red Army launched an attack, only to see Gao Gang, who was the director of the political department of the regiment, immediately throw off his shirt, pick up a pistol, and personally lead the soldiers to rush to the enemy together, and his brave and strong style also infected the confidence of the soldiers. This is the story of Gao Gang's "Red Arm Battle Laoshan" that people have been talking about since then.

Peng Dehuai: The victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is inseparable from Gao Gang's merits

After Japan's surrender in 1945, in order to strengthen the scramble for the northeast, the CPC Central Committee dispatched a total of 20 senior cadres, including Lin Biao and Gao Gang, to transfer 100,000 troops from various places into the northeast, and established the North Manchuria Sub-bureau and the Kihei Military Region, which brought about a great change in the situation in the northeast region and became a consolidated rear base for liberating the whole northeast.

The famous Liaoshen Campaign was known to be commanded by Lin Biao and Luo Ronghuan, but they did not know that it was Gao Gang who provided supplies in the rear. As the saying goes: "The soldiers and horses have not moved, the grain and grass have gone first", of course, the victory of the battle lies in the commander, but it is unimaginable without the strong support of logistics.

Lin Biao and Peng Dehuai both deeply realized this, believing that Gao Gang's merits were greater than their own. After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the then Korean government awarded Peng Dehuai the Order of the National Flag of the First Class in recognition of his great merits. Peng Dehuai once modestly said: "I am not suitable for this medal, and this merit should be given to Comrade Gao Gang first." "

The most underrated vice chairmen, Lin Biao and Peng Dehuai, have said: His merits are actually greater than mine

Indeed, whether it was the Liaoshen Campaign or the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, it was Precisely because of Gao Gang's meticulous efforts that mobilized the vast number of logisticians and the masses of the people to support the huge consumption of materials, and from the preparation of grain, clothing, medicine, and so on to the transportation to the front line, it was undoubtedly the most reliable and strong backing for the soldiers at the front.

According to records, when Mr. Peng returned to Beijing after the armistice of the Korean War, Gao Gang did not come to greet him because of his busy affairs. So the next day, Gao Gang personally went to The residence of Mr. Peng to visit, and when Mr. Peng saw him, he immediately went forward to hold Gao Gang tightly and said: "Old Gao, we have finally won!" "

At this time, Mr. Peng actually shook his hand with some excitement, and Gao Gang couldn't help but be a little touched, and said to Peng Dehuai: "Yes, Mr. Peng, we have won, and it is not easy to fight in the current situation." "

"How to say it, I always feel that it is not ideal." Mr. Peng replied,

Gao Gang then said: "If you want to say ideally, of course, you can play better, but from the perspective of international, domestic and other conditions, you can only achieve this situation." "

Mr. Peng said to Gao Gang with some gratitude: "Comrade Gao Gang has made great contributions to the victory of the Korean War, and I think that the merits of all the commanders and fighters and soldiers are half counted, and the merits of logistical support are half, so I would like to thank you in particular, and on behalf of all the officers and men of the volunteers, I would like to thank you!" After saying that, Peng Dehuai held his fists in both hands toward Gao Gang and made three strokes, and Gao Gang hurriedly supported Mr. Peng and said, "Don't dare, don't dare," and the two sat down to talk about the old things.


In the history of the Communist Party of China, Gao Gang is a legendary figure with tragic overtones, who has been active in the northwest region in his early years, and is one of the founders of the northwest base area, whose importance is self-evident, which is also very meritorious to the revolutionary side, but his individualistic thinking is somewhat inflated, has not been corrected and stopped, and finally formed the dark side, thus moving towards the opposite side of the matter, which is the inevitable result of the development of the dark side.

The most underrated vice chairmen, Lin Biao and Peng Dehuai, have said: His merits are actually greater than mine

However, for his great contributions to the people of the motherland, it is worth remembering and remembering, in 2009, by Shaanxi non-governmental organizations and some private donations, after the consent of relevant parties, finally cast a bust bronze statue for him, but also before the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, more than 50 years after Gao Gang's death, for the first time in front of Gao Gang's former residence, to commemorate his achievements.

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