
Yan Shu, how much do you really love ta? Could it be the harmonic stem of the surname?

author:Read poems every day

How many good sisters do you have, and why are each sister so haggard? This is a Taiwanese female singer Meng Tingwei's "brainwashing divine comedy" that once spread throughout the streets, how much does the male protagonist in the lyrics like "sister"? Confusing and even more enviable.

Similarly, in the poetry circle, almost every poet has his own unique hobbies, Li Bai likes the moon and wine, Tao Yuanming loves chrysanthemums, Su Shi loves bamboo, and Lin Hejing is accompanied by plum blossoms for life. As the founding father of Song Ci, what is Yan Shu's favorite? This answer is not easy to find, because the Taiping Prime Minister has never been "officially announced", but the melon-eating masses may be able to guess.

What do you like to say about Yan Shu? He doesn't tweet or play TikTok, and after more than 1,000 years, where do we get it? From his lyrics, shunten touching the melon, there should be an answer.

When it comes to Yan Zaixiang, which word comes to mind first? "Helpless flowers fall, déjà vu swallow returns" (Huan Xi Sha), or this song "Sill Chrysanthemum Sorrow Smoke Orchid Weeping Dew, Luo Mu Light Cold, Swallow Double Flying" (Butterfly Love Flower), and perhaps this song "When the Swallow Comes to the New Society, The Pear Blossom Lags Behind qingming." "(Broken line)? These few sentences are the leaders of poetry, and they are full of national style and poetry when read, which makes people intoxicated. Don't be fascinated by Yan Shu's words, and don't forget that our purpose this time is to find Yan Shu's favorite image.

Yan Shu, how much do you really love ta? Could it be the harmonic stem of the surname?

Yes, the answer is obvious, that is the swallow! And these are just three of the most well-known poems in Yan Shu's works, and each capital has a pair of swallows in the painting, dotted with a hint of spring. In addition to these masterpieces, the appearance rate of swallows in Yan Shuzi is very high, is it because Yan Shu's surname is Yan, and "Yan" is homophonous? Coincidence or good story?

Yan Shu is a lyricist we are not strangers, he and his son Yan Jidao is a rare father-son combination in the poetry world, and it is also a beautiful talk in the poetry circle. Not many people can really understand Yan Shu.

Speaking of Yan Shu, I have to mention why the genre of "words" that is different from "poetry" can rise up in the Northern Song Dynasty and become a new literary trend of literati (saying that it is more appropriate to say that literati who are officials) can rise? The key figure in this is Yan Shu, just as we think of Xu Wei when we talk about rock and roll, and Hu Shi when we talk about vernacular literature, Yan Shu is the leader of the genre of "words" in the Song Dynasty.

Yan Shu, a native of Jiangxi, was born in the early Northern Song Dynasty, was a child prodigy since childhood, and at the age of 14, he was given the title of "Tongjin Soldier Birth", with an aura of glory, he lived up to the expectations of the public, and went through the two dynasties of Zhenzong and Renzong, and was respected by people. It is precisely because of Yan Shu's political influence that the "word" he liked also became a literary genre in which the literati competed to "follow the trend" at that time, and "word" became popular among literati and doctors. As for Liu Yong, Zhang Xian, and others who were contemporaries with Yan Shu, although they were also quite successful in word writing, because their political status was negligible, the spread and rise of "words" were like stones thrown into Dongting Lake, which did not play much role at that time, but was just excavated by later generations.

Yan Shu, how much do you really love ta? Could it be the harmonic stem of the surname?

Yan Shu not only led the fashion of "words", but also laid the foundation for the literature of the Song Dynasty, although he was not the "Eight Greats of the Tang and Song Dynasties", he brought up a large number of talents such as Ouyang Xiu, Bao Zheng, Han Qi, and Fu Bi, and at the same time, during his political period, he established education and laid a good foundation for the flourishing of Northern Song literature.

Speaking of this, perhaps our admiration for Yan Shu has long been like a mountain, and we have raised our necks to look at it for a long time. Now back to the topic of this time: how much does Yan Shu really love swallows? In addition to the three songs just now, how much else is yan shu's pen about the figure of the swallow?

Tread on the sand line

Yan Shu

The trail is red and green.

The high platform tree color is shady and shady.

The spring breeze did not understand the prohibition of Yang Hua, and the people were confused.

Green leaf hidden warbler, vermilion curtain across the swallow.

The incense is quietly rotated by gossamer.

When A sad dream woke up, the slanting sun shone deep into the courtyard.

In this poem, the swallows outside the vermilion curtain are indispensable embellishments in the mid-spring season and leisurely days. Yan Shu after the spring wine, lying idly in the pavilion, the confused gaze vaguely saw the swallows flying, as if they were the reunion of old friends, and like a companion of the day and night, drunk before going to sleep, take a look, you can fall asleep steadily, until the wine wakes up, the sun shines deeply.

Can you say that this song does not have swallows? Sure, only swallows flew over the curtain? Didn't the sparrow fly? The wind hasn't blown? But yan shu only had swallows in his eyes, and although the others appeared outside the zhu curtain, people just saw it and didn't write you in. Just like love, thousands of people are bustling, all of them are passing through the clouds, and the only thing you can remember in your heart is you.

Yan Shu, how much do you really love ta? Could it be the harmonic stem of the surname?

Break the line

The swallows want to return to the season, and the tall buildings have a westerly wind last night.

Seek to become a small meeting in the world, and try to put the golden chrysanthemum bush. The song is long pink.

The oblique sun wears more curtains, and the coolness gradually enters the plane tree.

How much love is inexhaustible, written into the wild note tune. It's a million-fold affair.

The swallow is the messenger of spring, and appearing in the spring poem should be an embellishment of the clever aura, but in the autumn poem, Yan Shu is always worried about his swallow. The beginning of this song is the reluctance of the swallow, the old friend of the swallow who seems to be familiar, who accompanied him through the spring and summer, and now that it is autumn cool, the swallow is going to go back, leaving him alone to lean on the chrysanthemum bush and listen to the west wind at night.

The love for swallows has become Yan Shu's most sensitive perception of the season. When the four hours change, the swallows come and go, and they can always pluck Yan Shu's heartstrings, but he will not be overly excited when the swallows come, nor will he be sad and lamented because the swallows have returned. In this poem, when the swallows returned, Yan Shu did not show a wave of emotional changes, although the west wind took away the swallows that were with him day and night, and after a slight loss, it did not prevent him from lifting his wine glass in the chrysanthemum bush, and the sandalwood song and dance was pink. There are no swallows in the curtain of the oblique sun in autumn, only a slight cool attack, and the sycamore gradually falls. Shallow and idle, inexhaustible love words, the feelings of years and life are full of poetry, leaving thousands of emotions and righteousness.

There are few undulating emotional changes in Yan Shu's words, from childhood to the attention of the people, when he grew up, the official to Zaifu, compared with other poets, his life is even less bumpy, the likes and dislikes of all things, the reunion of separation, the choice of fame and fortune are like a lake in its eyes, the wind blows through the ripples, and the still water flows deeply. Yan Shu's state of mind seems to resonate with the swallow, in the Tang Dynasty Zhang Jiuling's pen once wrote a "GuiYan poem" "no heart and material competition, eagle falcon can not guess", for the swallow, spring into the painting hall, mud to build a nest, the heart is only the years and life, who has the heart to go to the heart to fight the corner? This is true of swallows, so is Yan Shu, and even more so of Yan Shu's poetry.

Yan Shu, how much do you really love ta? Could it be the harmonic stem of the surname?

Ching Ping Le

Spring comes and goes. Where do you know about the past?

The swallow returned to Fei Lan weeping. The situation could not be retained.

The drunkards were scattered. Idle steps lean on the sycamore alone.

I remember last year today, according to the former yellow leaves west wind.

It is another autumn idle song, the swallow returns, the dew weeping orchid, the situation is difficult. The return of the swallow once again made Yan Shu sigh at the years. It seems that our perception of the seasons will have one or two memories of the scene, for Yan Shu, the swallow is the messenger of spring to autumn, when the willows flutter, the small garden is fragrant, and when the orchids cry and lean on the sycamore.

Raccoon Creek Sand

The small pavilion heavy curtain has swallows

Late blooming red flakes fall into the garden

The curved shadow dried into the cool waves

A good wind and green curtain

A few times the raindrops round the lotus

The wine awakens people and scatters a lot of sorrow

Yan Shu, how much do you really love ta? Could it be the harmonic stem of the surname?

Butterflies love flowers

Curtain wind light bilingual swallow. Waking up drunk at noon, Willow fluttered.

I haven't seen it yet. The remaining flowers fell to the moss yard.

The hundred-foot Zhu Lou was idle. Thin rain and thick clouds, against death to cover people's faces.

The message is unknown sooner or later. The oblique sun only sends flat waves away.

In these two spring words, the swallow seems to have become the favorite of Yan Shu's rich and idle life, the double swallow outside the curtain always provokes people's thoughts, and in the boring spring day, the willows fly and the late flowers fall everywhere, as if waiting for some news, but adding a faint sadness. I can only lean on the railing and a few bottles of spring wine to kill time.

Who doesn't envy such a day? There is no busyness, no rushing, no fame and fortune, no nostalgia for the past, and no wandering about the future. In this curtain spring breeze, look forward to the return of the two swallows, watch the willows accompanied by falling flowers, a drunken afternoon, and wait for a sunset, this may be the real life.

Yan Shu, how much do you really love ta? Could it be the harmonic stem of the surname?

How much Yan Shu loves swallows, how much he loves life. He took the envy of others to the official Zhi Zaifu, and was also appointed as an official, but he had already seen through the true meaning of life, and his heart had no waves in his heart, perhaps as he said, "Persuade the king to see the field of fame and fame, and the dream of this ancient era is vast." Without desire and without desire, are the swallows that return from the season not in line with Yan Shu's interests? No wonder he loved the messenger of spring so much.

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