
Joke about Yan Shu: The three realms of life, he can see through! Young people have ambitions, become famous to make friends early and hold heavy, fill in words and give gifts all over the network of relationships, become pioneers in the literary world, have good parenting, father and son are famous and famous, and their political achievements are also remarkable

author:Mu Yang said
Joke about Yan Shu: The three realms of life, he can see through! Young people have ambitions, become famous to make friends early and hold heavy, fill in words and give gifts all over the network of relationships, become pioneers in the literary world, have good parenting, father and son are famous and famous, and their political achievements are also remarkable

In ancient times, what should a winner in life look like?

Many people may say that the winner in life is not the king of a country with power over the world, and the supremacy of the Ninth Five-Year Plan is supreme and what a mighty.

But this is not the case, we can see in many history books or film and television dramas, although the emperor has supreme power, but also in a variety of constraints, fixed time to do fixed things, freedom for a king, I am afraid it is the hope of clouds.

When we talk about winners in life today, in addition to a safe and smooth life, the most important thing is the word freedom, personal freedom, financial freedom, freedom of thought, everything is based on a reasonable degree of freedom. In layman's terms, it is necessary to have both money and leisure.

In ancient times, there were obviously not many people who could be called winners in life, and the first Tang Dynasty He Zhizhang counted as one, and the Northern Song Dynasty Yanshu today was also one, in contrast, it was more enviable than He Zhizhang.

Yan Shu, also known as Tongshu, Gongshi Shanwen, famous for his words, eunuchs and ups and downs, officials worship the prime minister, the chief of culture and politics, more than sixty years in his life, there are many labels on his body, some people say that he is "Taiping Prime Minister", some people say that he is "rich and idle", of course, in the eyes of the world, he is still a veritable "Song Poetry Pioneer".

Yan Shu seems to be very smooth at every stage of life, young and ambitious, middle-aged rich, peaceful in his old age, Ouyang Xiu once described Yan Shu: rich and noble for fifty years, always wise to protect his integrity.

In the entertainment circle of the Great Song Dynasty more than a thousand years ago, especially during the period of Zhenzong and Renzong, the imperial court was full of talents. A casual scratch on the street can catch a big talent among five people.

There are so many talented people, but Yan Shu can become a different firework, living into the envy of countless people, the reason is worth exploring.

Joke about Yan Shu: The three realms of life, he can see through! Young people have ambitions, become famous to make friends early and hold heavy, fill in words and give gifts all over the network of relationships, become pioneers in the literary world, have good parenting, father and son are famous and famous, and their political achievements are also remarkable

Yan Shu can be said to be a child prodigy, since childhood is smart and studious, diligent and enterprising, 5 years old can create poetry, in his early teens was recommended to participate in the Song Dynasty's unique child science, it is said that when the exam Yan Shu saw the original question, took the initiative to ask for a change of a set of examination papers, Geng Zhi teenager, always easy to get the appreciation of adults, by the True Sect of praise, gave the same jinshi origin, gave his secretary provincial affairs, left the secret cabinet to study for further study.

There is no shortage of prodigies in the world, whether it is Wang Bo, Lu Zhaolin and others in the early Tang Dynasty, or Zhongyong of the same era, all of whom are talented and famous.

However, it is not difficult to find that among these people, it is very rare to see a good death, who died young or disappeared from everyone, but Yan Shu can have a smooth life and a good beginning and a good end. In addition to some objective factors given by the times, perhaps more reasons stem from subjectivity, thousands of faces, character determines fate, this statement can be described as the truth.

After Yan Shu became famous as a teenager, he did not seem to show too much joy, but instead plunged into the pile of books to continue learning, it was youth, naturally there was also a heart to play happily, but Yan Shu did not have a solid family foundation, just went to work and did not have much savings, he also broke his thoughts, did not hear things outside the window, and only read the books of the sages.

Because of this, Xiao Yanshu earned a wave of performance points in front of the emperor, which laid a firm foundation for his future career path.

Joke about Yan Shu: The three realms of life, he can see through! Young people have ambitions, become famous to make friends early and hold heavy, fill in words and give gifts all over the network of relationships, become pioneers in the literary world, have good parenting, father and son are famous and famous, and their political achievements are also remarkable

In the three years of further study, Yan Shu studied diligently, made friends with great importance, and gained great importance, and soon he was appointed as the FengliLang of Taichang Temple, and crossed the grass-roots level to ascend several levels.

With the accumulated work experience and network of contacts, gradually have a certain influence, and then, life is slowly enriched.

He liked to entertain guests, "not a day without feasting and drinking, every guest will stay, and the stay will be accompanied by song and music."

He was open-minded and generous, and treated people with sincerity, so that there were many people with lofty ideals in the circle of friends, so that later, after his promotion, his subordinates were all available talents, Ouyang Xiu said in the "Yangong Shinto Inscription":

The public is just and simple, and when he meets people, he will be sincere, although he is rich and noble like a cold soldier, and the bottle of wine is opposite, and he is happy as well. To be good, to be called like oneself, the world's well-known people such as Fan Zhongyun, Kong Daofu, etc., are out of their doors, and for the sake of the face, the benefit of the work into the sage. When the public residence was in the Xiang Mansion, Fan Zhongyan, Han Qi, and Fu Bi were all used, and as for the Tai Pavilion, they were more sages for a while.
Joke about Yan Shu: The three realms of life, he can see through! Young people have ambitions, become famous to make friends early and hold heavy, fill in words and give gifts all over the network of relationships, become pioneers in the literary world, have good parenting, father and son are famous and famous, and their political achievements are also remarkable

Yan Shu lived a rich life and liked to drink and have fun, but in his works, he rarely depicted such gorgeous scenes of intertwined chips and singing and dancing. At that time, the lyricist Li Qingsun filled in the Que "Rich and Noble Song", which was full of descriptions such as "the golden book characters of the shaft-loaded music score, the jade seal plate of the tree record flower name". Yan Shu has his own unique style for the circle of friends, not to speak words, but to say the weather:

A new song for a glass of wine, last year's weather old pavilion. When does the sun set? Helpless flowers fell, and déjà vu returned. The small garden incense path wanders alone. - "Huan Xi Sha"

Drink while filling in the words, last year was such weather, such a pavilion, this year is still. Swallows come and fall, and take a walk in their own garden, how comfortable.

When the swallow came to the new society, the pear blossom lagged behind Qingming. There are three or four points of green moss on the pool, and one or two sounds of yellow orioles at the bottom of the leaves. Day long fly light. Qiao xiao dong neighbor female companion, picking mulberry trail to meet. Doubt last night spring dream good, yuan is this dynasty to fight grass to win. Laughter is born from both faces. - "Broken Line"

In Yan Shu's works, there are often images such as vermilion curtains, incense, pavilions, and courtyards. Yan Shu himself chanted wealth and nobility, never boasting of golden jade splendid embroidery, but only talking about meteorology. For example, "the Yang flowers on the side of the platform, the swallows fly in the middle of the curtain", and "the pear blossom courtyard dissolves the moon, and the willow pond is lightly windy", which is well-bred and leisurely, which is why Yan Shu will be called "rich and idle" by later generations.

Joke about Yan Shu: The three realms of life, he can see through! Young people have ambitions, become famous to make friends early and hold heavy, fill in words and give gifts all over the network of relationships, become pioneers in the literary world, have good parenting, father and son are famous and famous, and their political achievements are also remarkable

However, reading Yan Shu's works, many people will read a kind of pity, sometimes hurt, sometimes nostalgic, sometimes lovesickness, smooth as si, but also occasional words of pity, it is inevitable that there is a suspicion of sentimentality.

If you read his life experience carefully, you may be able to understand his state of mind.

Yan Shu also had a younger brother named Yan Ying, who was three years younger than himself, and the two brothers were recommended as prodigies and were also summoned to the Hanlin Academy to give them a jinshi. But when Yan Shu was twenty years old, the younger brother died. Immediately afterward, Tiefa's wife Lee died of illness. At the age of twenty-three, the father died, at the age of twenty-four, the mother died again....

Although his career path was generally smooth, he was also degraded three times during his middle-aged official life. At the age of twenty-four, he was demoted for one year for accusing his superiors of not being promoted; at the age of forty-two, he was demoted because Emperor Renzong learned of the inside story of "changing the prince"; in his later years, he was impeached because of his grudge with Ouyang Xiu, and he was angry with Renzong by recalling the old matter of changing the prince in that year, and was degraded again...

Young and ambitious, late to be favored, even if they are rich and idle, there are also small sorrows that others do not know:

I have always had a limited body, and it is easy to lose my soul when I am idle. The wine feast song Xi Mo resigned frequently. The mountains and rivers are empty, and the falling flowers and wind and rain hurt the spring even more. It is better to take pity on the person in front of you. The sills are sad and the smoke orchid is weeping, the curtain is light and cold, and the swallows are flying away. Mingyue did not know how to leave hatred and bitterness, and the slanted light reached Xiao to wear Zhu Hu. Last night, the west wind withered the green trees, and I went up to the tall building alone, looking at the end of the world. Want to send a color note and a ruler, where do you know the mountains and rivers? - "Butterfly Loves Flowers"

Yan Shu has been a diligent writer all his life, and now there are tens of thousands of works recorded in the register, the output is high, and the achievements are also high, and it is generally believed that it is Yan Shu who pushed the artistic level of Ling Ci to a new level, opening a new chapter in the creation of The Song Dynasty, and posterity commented that he was "the first ancestor of the Reliant Family" and "the pioneer of the Song Dynasty". His collection of words, "Pearl and Jade Words", was even more evaluated as "the wind and currents are beyond reach, and the warmth and beauty are incomparable".

Joke about Yan Shu: The three realms of life, he can see through! Young people have ambitions, become famous to make friends early and hold heavy, fill in words and give gifts all over the network of relationships, become pioneers in the literary world, have good parenting, father and son are famous and famous, and their political achievements are also remarkable

When Yan Shu was forty-seven years old, he ushered in seven sons, this son is Yan Jidao, father and son are both words, and they can also be compared to "Three Caos" and "Three Sus".

Yan Jidao has been brilliant since childhood, and he is also a child prodigy, he can write articles at the age of 7, he took the imperial examination at the age of 14, and he also returned with the name of a jinshi.

Jackie Chan is the common long-cherished wish of parents in the world, and having children can be said to be the greatest achievement of parents.

Yan Jidao, the most well-known work, is the song "Linjiang Immortal":

After the dream, the platform is locked high, and the curtain hangs low. Last year, when the spring hatred came, the falling flowers were independent, and the micro swifts flew twice. I remember the first sight of Xiao Ping, two heavy heart words Luo Yi. The pipa strings say acacia, when the moon was there, and the clouds returned.

The best thing in this poem is "the falling flower people are independent, and the small swifts fly double", but it seems to be a borrowed sentence, originally from the five generations of poet Weng Hong's "Spring Residue", but now when it comes to this ancient famous sentence, it makes people not read it, which is the master.

Other famous sentences of Yan Jidao, such as:

Dance low willow lou heart moon, sing the peach blossom fan bottom wind. There is no return at the end of the world, and the return date of Zhen Nai is not expected. Gradually write to the other, this deep feeling, the red letter is colorless.

Father and son duo flourished in the literary circles of the Great Song Dynasty, and their reputation spread all over the world.

Joke about Yan Shu: The three realms of life, he can see through! Young people have ambitions, become famous to make friends early and hold heavy, fill in words and give gifts all over the network of relationships, become pioneers in the literary world, have good parenting, father and son are famous and famous, and their political achievements are also remarkable

Yan Shu was in the Taiping Era, without the merit of opening up the territory and expanding the territory, nor did he have the labor of rectifying the chaos, although he lingered in the dance hall, but during his period as an official, he still left a lot of dazzling deeds.

During the rebellion of Emperor Renzong and Yuanhao of Western Xia, Yan Shu, who was then the prime minister and privy councillor, suggested that Emperor Renzong dismiss the army and not give the generals a battle map, so that the generals could judge the hour and size up the situation and respond to the enemy at random, and then strengthen their armaments and analyze the military situation, so that the Song army repeatedly retreated to the enemy.

He attached great importance to cultural education, vigorously supported the academy, and set a precedent for the establishment of education.

He also proposed a reorganization of the financial endowment system, which was adopted by Emperor Renzong.

In addition, the "New Deal for Celebrating the Calendar", which is praised by historians, also occurred during the reign of Yan Shu.

It can be seen that Ouyang Xiu mentioned above that Yan Shu's "Mingzhe to protect himself" is slightly biased, Yan Shu was able to hold the position of Zaifu for more than ten years, and was quite trusted by Emperor Zhenzong and Emperor Renzong, which is far from being able to "protect himself".

Overall, Yan Shu's life is full of joys and worries, and each label of "rich and idle person", "Taiping Prime Minister", and "Song Ci Pioneer" is appropriate.

He is the Son of Man, a young man who became famous, excellent in character and learning, and shining on the lintel. He is a courtier, loyal, pragmatic and pragmatic, and has outstanding political achievements. He was a father, a highly educated man, able to do both, and had a good childbearing.

If the winner in life is a state of life, then Yan Shu is his own step by step, and each step is natural.

Wang Guowei once said: Those who become great undertakings and university inquirers in ancient and modern times must pass through three realms.

For Yan Shu:

The first realm is "Last night the west wind withered the bi tree." Go up to the tall building alone and look at the end of the world. "Life is vast, not confused by the temporary smoke, this realm, is "standing." The second realm is "helpless flowers fall, and déjà vu returns." The small garden incense path wanders alone. Loss is the norm, but there is always something that is eternal, and this realm is "keeping." The third realm is "full of mountains and rivers, and the wind and rain of falling flowers hurt the spring even more." It is better to take pity on the person in front of you. Experiencing the impermanence of the world, and finally looking back on the past, what can be grasped is only the present, this realm, is "gain".

The three realms of life, Yan Shu sees through.

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