
Hu Jun, chief procurator of Hanyang District of Wuhan City: Take the initiative to accept supervision with an open attitude

author:Bright Net
Hu Jun, chief procurator of Hanyang District of Wuhan City: Take the initiative to accept supervision with an open attitude

Hu Jun, Secretary of the Party Group and Chief Procurator of the People's Procuratorate of Hanyang District, Wuhan City

"Because the amount of money involved in the case is small, the victim also agrees to forgive, and the criminal suspect has a good attitude and voluntarily admits guilt and accepts punishment, and after discussion, our three hearing officers agreed with the procuratorial organ's opinion that the criminal suspect should not prosecute." Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Hanyang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, explored the implementation of the working mechanism of "chief procurator + hearing", and the procuratorial hearing of the credit card fraud case of Zeng X, presided over by the secretary of the party group and the chief procurator, was held publicly in this court. The hearing officers are composed of district people's congress deputies, people's supervisors, and enterprise representatives. Procurators, police officers handling cases, and criminal suspects participated in the hearing, and representatives of the community masses observed the hearing on the spot. After the hearing, People's Supervisor Li Huimin said with emotion: "The whole hearing introduced the facts clearly, and the reasoning was informative and sufficient, as if I had been given a rule of law education lesson. ”

Since September 2019, when the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued the Provisions on People's Procuratorates' Case-Handling Activities Being Supervised by People's Supervisors (hereinafter referred to as the Provisions), this procuratorate has explored the implementation of the requirements of the Provisions, proactively invited people's supervisors to participate in various procuratorial case-handling work, carried out a total of 207 supervision activities, and performed 331 times in total, achieving full coverage of the scope of supervision and supervision methods.

Enhance ideological understanding and implement work requirements. After the "Provisions" were issued, this procuratorate organized special studies to raise the supervision awareness of procuratorial personnel, and all operational departments took active actions to accept supervision. The chief procurator and the chief procurator in charge are to take the lead, proactively inviting people's supervisors to supervise the entire process of case-handling activities, and understand the dynamics of procuratorial work. At the same time, it is necessary to refine the measures for the evaluation and evaluation of the work of the people's supervisors by the provincial and municipal procuratorates, incorporate the requirements of implementing the "Provisions" into performance appraisals, implement them to each procuratorial personnel, clarify work objectives, consolidate work responsibilities, and ensure that supervision work has goals, tasks, and measures.

Increase the intensity of training and improve the ability to perform duties. Explore providing supervision materials to people's supervisors in accordance with law on the basis of supervision activities, embedding concepts and viewpoints in case explanations, helping people's supervisors better understand the characteristics of various forms of supervision, and making supervision work more targeted and effective. For example, on the morning of April 28, 2021, hold a case study activity on "teaching the same lesson" in investigation and prosecution and defense, inviting 9 people's supervisors in the district to participate, and through shoulder-to-shoulder study and face-to-face discussion, promote the formation of a common judicial concept of "investigation and prosecution and defense", further eliminate differences of opinion in case handling, solve problems such as different scales, different standards, and poor connections in judicial practice, and let people's supervisors witness that procuratorial organs better serve the overall situation. The determination to administer justice for the people and the work attitude of constantly meeting the people's new expectations for judicial case-handling work. At the same time, explore online learning models, use people's supervisors' WeChat contact groups, inform people's supervisors of procuratorial work dynamics every quarter, and promptly answer procuratorial business questions related to supervision.

Innovate supervision methods and pay attention to the overall planning of work. Grasping the key work of optimizing the business environment, promoting the use of the plea leniency system, and constantly innovating supervision methods, this year, this court has invited people's supervisors to supervise 9 business-related cases, and regularly report on the promotion of special procuratorial activities in the business environment. At the same time, in light of the actual situation of handling cases, let people's supervisors keep abreast of new developments in procuratorial work. For example, during the epidemic period in 2020, people's supervisors are invited to participate in the whole process of supervising the "procuratorial special car cloud service" off-site file reading work. And through methods such as business system inquiries, regular communication, and information circulars, eliminate blind spots in accepting supervision, and ensure that all matters that "should" and "may" be subject to supervision are included in the people's supervisor's supervision field of vision.

Take the initiative to open the door to ask questions to ensure the effectiveness of performing duties. In the process of accepting supervision, the organic combination of procurators' case handling and people's supervisors' external supervision is to not only promote procurators' performance of their duties and responsibilities, but also ensure that people's supervisors independently express supervision opinions. For example, in October 2019, in response to the phenomenon of buying and selling e-cigarettes around some schools in Hanyang District, people's supervisors were invited to participate in activities such as the preliminary investigation of public interest litigation and the delivery of procuratorial recommendations, so that the supervision of people's supervisors was more in-depth and more connotative. At the same time, in order to encourage people's supervisors to tell the truth about the effectiveness of supervision activities, they regularly organize the collection of opinions, draw experience, open up ideas, and further promote the healthy development of supervision work.

Strengthen supervision and publicity, and promote the openness of procuratorial affairs. Strengthen communication and coordination with propaganda departments and news media, do a good job of every propaganda report on supervision and performance of duties, summarize the work mechanism in a timely manner, be good at relying on multiple new media platforms, let all sectors of society effectively perceive the effectiveness of the work of people's supervisors, and let people's supervisors have a more and more solid sense of respect, gain, and satisfaction in supervision work. Since September 2019, more than 20 relevant work information manuscripts have been forwarded by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Justice Network, and the "People's Supervision" WeChat public account. Actively give play to the role of people's supervisors as a link between procuratorial organs and the masses, take the initiative to place law enforcement case-handling activities under the supervision of the people and society, and continuously enhance the transparency of procuratorial work.

Source | People's Supervision Wuhan Hanyang District Procuratorate

Source: Wuhan Hanyang District Procuratorate

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