
Li Shu: Take the small things of the masses as your own big things

author:Shanxi News Network

"Let the 'great reform' of public security connect with the masses' 'small days', let the policy of benefiting the people penetrate the hearts of the people, and let the masses have a real sense of happiness and gain." For Li Shu, a police officer registered in the Miaoqian Police Station of the Yingze Branch of the Taiyuan Municipal Public Security Bureau, "taking the people as the center means treating the small things of the masses as big things."

Big data is running

A people-friendly window for upgrading

As a window policeman, Li Shu's police career was not vigorous, not thrilling, and some were just trivial things such as household registration and ID card. But even these small things are big things, urgent things, and difficult things in the hearts of the people.

In 2020, Shanxi public security sounded the rallying cry to improve the efficiency of smart policing, big data power, and people's livelihood policing accelerated. How to upgrade the window service of the police station, so that the masses can truly feel the convenience and efficiency of public security big data in the new era, Li Shu handles business at the same time, over and over again teaches the masses how to use the Shanxi public security "one netcom office" convenience platform, widely publicize the convenient measures of "one door and one office" to the masses, so that the masses can understand the fast and high-quality public security convenience services in a timely manner.

According to reports, as an important platform that constitutes the "wisdom brain" of the police station, the "One Netcom Office" comprehensively covers the public security examination and approval service matters, and effectively solves the prominent problems such as difficulty in handling things, slow work, running back and forth, and inconvenience of the masses.

After the Spring Festival in 2020, the epidemic situation is still grim, and as enterprises resume work and production, the demand of the masses to handle business in public security organs has gradually increased. In the early morning of the first day of the eighth month, Mr. Wang, a member of the masses, called the window of the police station, saying that he had just left Taiyuan to go to a foreign country to seek employment, and the unit needed to issue a certificate of no criminal record. Li Shu told him, "Now to handle the certificate of no criminal record, as long as you register the 'One Netcom Office' platform with your real name on your mobile phone, according to the operation of the process, you can complete the self-service printing in an instant." He then connected to the other party through WeChat video, taught him how to register and use the Shanxi Public Security "One Netcom Office" platform in the video, and soon Mr. Wang successfully handled his ID card on the mobile phone platform. His excited voice came from the other end of the phone: "Our hometown is good!" The service of Shanxi public security is really very convenient for the people! ”

On March 13, 2020, the comprehensive service of "one door general office" of Shanxi public security was officially launched, the "two general offices" service was seamlessly docked, and all household registration police stations in the province launched the comprehensive business of entry-exit, traffic police and household administration, realizing the undifferentiated coverage of public security government services throughout the province. The public security service pressed the "shortcut key", and Li Shu also "ran" out of her own acceleration at the household registration window. One day, when Mr. Zhang, a citizen, came to the police station to handle the ID card business, he saw the slogan of "one door through the office" on the wall, and asked in surprise, "Can the police station still handle the vehicle management business and the entry and exit business?" After receiving a positive reply, Mr. Zhang was very excited, and in just a few minutes, he not only inquired about the violation of the vehicle, but also changed his driver's license. Mr. Zhang praised one after another: "In the past, to do these businesses, you needed to run several places, but now it is good!" Enter the police station one door and do it all! ”

Since the launch of the Shanxi Public Security "One Door General Office", Li Shu's household registration window has handled more than 30,000 various types of household registration, handled more than 500 traffic management business, and accepted more than 6,000 ID cards, truly realizing "only entering one door and completing all things". The most feedback from the masses is to praise Shanxi's public security services for being close to the people and warming their hearts, and the "one network communication office" and "one door general office" are like spring wind and rain, nourishing the hearts of the people.

Service up

A smiling police officer who warms the masses

The window of the police station is a warm platform for the close contact between the grass-roots public security and the masses, recording the piles and pieces of the household registration police close to the masses and serving the people. Every day, the demands of the masses who go to the household registration window are varied and varied, and a concerned look and a warm smile are Li Shu's consistent feelings.

In order to effectively improve the ability of online government services and the rate of online implementation, so that the masses can enjoy public security government services more quickly and conveniently, Li Shu has used her brain and thought of ways in her work to help the masses to do special affairs and urgent matters.

Li Shu has a special notebook on which the special to-do items of the masses are neatly recorded on a certain day in a certain month of a certain year. There is an aunt Wang in the jurisdiction of the Miaoqian police station, and after the divorce of the husband and wife, the daughter worked in the field and settled down. Aunt Wang is older, and her daughter wants to settle in Taiyuan with her mother, but because the policy does not allow it, the aunt is always disappointed in consultation, and she is in tears in a hurry. Aunt Wang's affairs also became a matter of Li Shu's heart, and she wrote it down in her notebook and pondered over and over again how to find a way to help solve it. Shanxi public security deepened the reform of "decentralization and management of services" in the spring breeze, comprehensively adjusted and relaxed the five relocation policies, and opened a door to benefit the people when talents settled. Li Shu quickly called and told Aunt Wang the good news. Soon, the daughter's hukou was solved, the aunt and the daughter were reunited, she held the hukou book in her hand, full of tears but happy to say, "Officer Li, I have enjoyed the dividends of the government!" ”

In order to let the masses understand the new measures of smart public security in a timely manner and understand the policy of benefiting the people of Shanxi Public Security, the household registration service window of the police station has opened a full-day convenient service model, and Li Shu's mobile phone has become a "consultation hotline" for the people in the jurisdiction. Every day, early in the morning or at night, the phone rings again and again. "Officer Li, I heard that you can handle the car management business at the police station?" "Officer Li, I'm in a hurry to use my ID card, can you see if you can pick it up after work at noon?" Li Shu always went out of her way and replied enthusiastically one by one.

Li Shu's Miaoqian police station has 19,092 households and a permanent population of 67,263. During the ten years of work, Li Shu has a good understanding of the household registration situation of the population in the jurisdiction, and has handled more than 108,000 household registration documents and more than 49,000 identity cards for the people in the jurisdiction, handling zero errors in business. At the same time, the window carried out delayed services, using staggered time, delay, holidays, and weekends to handle more than 1,200 businesses for the masses. Walking on the road of the jurisdiction, there are often people who greet her warmly: "Officer Li, hello!" At the household registration window, there are often people who greet as soon as they enter the door: "Officer Li, I am here again!" ”

A small document, a warm smile, a patient explanation, a thank you, a lot of trust, the tree is the image of the public security, overflowing with the deep feelings of the police and the people.

Take responsibility

A window pacesetter for the safety of the people

Big data leads the small window, as the forefront of serving the masses, the police station window service closely focuses on the overall requirements of Shanxi public security "four for four high and two synchronization", and comprehensively builds a fair, transparent, convenient and efficient service system. At the same time, we will give full play to the actual combat role of big data, rely on the "wisdom brain" platform, investigate social contradictions, help criminal investigation and judgment, and accurately combat crime, so that the sense of gain and security of the people in the jurisdiction is increasing day by day.

On September 7, 2020, Li Shu was busy at the household registration window, and when reviewing the information, she keenly noticed that a middle-aged man who handled the household registration business had abnormal information. After verification and comparison by the police station's wisdom brain platform, it was determined that the man was an online fugitive. In order to avoid the criminal suspect from noticing, Li Shu did not move, on the pretext that the printer was malfunctioning and needed someone to repair, first stabilized the man, while quickly reporting to the leader and the police on duty, the police on duty immediately rushed to control and arrest the criminal suspect who had not yet returned to God.'er. The story of the household registration police's wisdom to capture the online fugitives was spread as a good story by the masses for a while.

The glorious promise of "people's public security for the people" has been quietly fulfilled in the lives of the people. For Li Shu, serving the people is always on the road, and constantly extending the tentacles of guarding peace is the unswerving original intention and mission of the people's police.

Close to the people, intimate and efficient public security services have won the good reputation of the masses. The nomination award of the national "Most Beautiful Grassroots People's Police", the "Most Beautiful Grassroots Police" in Shanxi Province, the "Young Pioneer of the Shanxi Provincial Police Force", the "Most Beautiful Grassroots Police" in Taiyuan City, and the "Advanced Individual in Population and Family Planning Work in Taiyuan City", "Second Class Individual Merit", "Personal Third Class Merit", "Personal Commendation", "Top Ten Policemen", "Outstanding Civil Servant for Three Consecutive Years", and "Window Pacesetter", this series of honors, as well as a pennant and a stack of commendation letters from the masses, are Li Shu's heavy harvests. It is also an endless motivation to motivate her to move forward.

"We are the respondents, and the people are the examiners." In the face of the new requirements and expectations of the people, Li Shu, a household police officer, has always insisted on using the most simple feelings of the people's police, inheriting and carrying forward the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, practicing the solemn commitment of "being a caring person for the people", and warming the "last kilometer" of serving the masses.

Reporter Wang Jia of this newspaper

(Editor-in-charge: Wen Wen, Li Lin)

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