
"Seeking Poems" Wang Yun: The breeze broke through the summer for three consecutive days, and the good rain arrived at Wanjin (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

author:Zhi Lan Zhai

In the eighth year of Yuan Dade, Wang Yun died in Ji County, because of his incorruptibility, so his death made many people feel sad, at that time there were more than 10,000 people who buried him, and the imperial court also sent ministers to Ji County to express their condolences. However, when the goodwill minister came to Ji County, he saw that the house where Wang Yun lived was very dilapidated. After returning to the dynasty, this Chincha reported what he saw to the emperor, which also touched the emperor, so he gave Wang Yun's descendants a million coins, and at the same time posthumously gave Wang Yun the title of Grand Master of the Hanlin Academy, posthumously named him the Duke of Taiyuan County, and gave him the title of "Wending". After Wang Yun's death, Zhang Yanghao, a member of the Yuanqu Dynasty, wrote a poem "Bang Wang Yun" to commemorate him:

Tie the hair and delay the late yi diligent, and spend all your life and energy.

The first dynasty is ten old and the present, and the three kings of the contemporary dynasty are only a few kings.

Li He repeatedly annoyed Han Yu, and Yang Tankong obstructed Xie An's grave.

Where are the yutang people, and the sunset is full of white clouds.

"Seeking Poems" Wang Yun: The breeze broke through the summer for three consecutive days, and the good rain arrived at Wanjin (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Wang Yun wrote "Qiujian Lefu" in the eleventh year of the Republic of China, gui'an Zhu carved the "Xinjiang Village Series" book, cover

"Seeking Poems" Wang Yun: The breeze broke through the summer for three consecutive days, and the good rain arrived at Wanjin (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Wang Yun wrote "Qiujian Lefu" in the eleventh year of the Republic of China, which was engraved by An Zhu's "Jiangcun Series", the beginning of the volume

Wang Yun's tomb is located in the southwest of Balitun Village, a suburb of Weihui City, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, in the southwest of Shirenwa, weihui city is actually Ji County. Yesterday, I once came to Balitun Village, because the driver was awkward along the way, so that I was not in the mood to look for it when I came to this village. I casually asked a few villagers, but in the end I couldn't find out the specific location, so I asked the driver to send me directly to Hebi City. After returning, I thought about it carefully, there were not many famous writers in the Yuan Dynasty, and if I missed this Wang Yun, it would make the number of Yuan Dynasty writers become smaller, so I decided to start again.

Today's taxi driver is a woman, but the person is not abrasive, negotiated the price with her, and never bargained along the way. The first stop on his car was to come to Balitun Village again. Because yesterday's search was unsuccessful, I decided to go into the village first to inquire about the specific details, and then continue to move forward.

The road in the village is narrow and uneven, probably too early to meet the villagers along the way, so it has been driven all the way to the center of the village. Before entering the village, I heard the singing of the loudspeaker in the distance, walked to the center of the village, and saw that a stage was being set up here, and there was a huge megaphone next to it, the volume was so loud that it could definitely be heard by the wind for ten miles, but unfortunately, the songs released were old-fashioned, so I had no interest in singing along, but this did not prevent such outdated songs from swirling back in the air.

Next to the stage, a dozen temporary stoves were set up, and several cooks, or villagers who could cook, were rushing to cook, and they had a clear division of labor, each of them specialized in the same thing, one of the stalls was dedicated to killing fish, and the fish that had been cleaned up were piled on a plastic sheet, there were hundreds of them, and the ground was full of fish offal, and the blood of the fish stained the dirt around them red. The fish killer told me that it was not passable, and when he said this to me, he still had the blood-dripping knife in his hand, and I felt that this way of speaking was very powerful, so I did not want to ask for details anymore, and immediately asked the driver to turn around.

Bypassing the village from the west of Balitun Village, I saw an endless field of wheat seedlings, which belonged to the plain area, and such a zone was very beneficial for the search, that is, from a distance you could see whether there was anything to be surveyed in front of me, and I was a little disappointed by what I saw at the moment, because there was no bulge in sight except the wheat seedlings. The driver asked me which direction I was going, and I had to say that I had to go all the way down the road, hoping to find something in the fields.

A few kilometers to the south, into another village, the name of this village He Zhuang, along this village a big U-shape, and from the east side back to Balitun Village, on the side of the road met an old man eating burnt cakes, he finally clearly told me the specific location of Wang Yun's tomb, thanked the old man, and drove to a wider county road. I searched slowly along the road, but never saw the sign that the old man said. At this time, a medium-sized van overtook the taxi I was riding in, stopped in front of our car, the door quickly opened, jumped from the passenger seat, and this person got out of the car and immediately rushed to the front of the taxi I was riding in, which made me feel helpless, and my intuition told me: I had encountered a robber. I immediately grabbed the iron rod prepared at the foot of the car, and fixed my eyes on it, and the person standing in front of the car was the old man who had just shown me the way.

The old man stood in front of the car, waving one hand at me, and the other hand was still holding the half of the burnt cake, I rolled down the window and asked him what was wrong, he chewed the burnt cake and said to me: "You have walked, turn around and go back." Pointing to the path and carefully comparing me, I looked down at his fingers, and sure enough, I saw a few stone statues in the endless wheat field. The old man saw that I finally understood the position I was looking for, nibbled on the burnt cake with satisfaction, turned around and turned around in the car and went back.

"Seeking Poems" Wang Yun: The breeze broke through the summer for three consecutive days, and the good rain arrived at Wanjin (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Following the old man's fingers, I finally saw where Wang Yun's tomb was

"Seeking Poems" Wang Yun: The breeze broke through the summer for three consecutive days, and the good rain arrived at Wanjin (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Aggrieved expressions

"Seeking Poems" Wang Yun: The breeze broke through the summer for three consecutive days, and the good rain arrived at Wanjin (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Proceed carefully along the field

The taxi driver was also very touched to see this scene, saying that the old man actually stopped a car and chased after us in order to show us the way, such a kind person is very rare today, she also praised me for my quick response, and even grabbed her iron rod for self-defense in an instant. In fact, as soon as I got on the bus, I noticed this weapon, and I instinctively thought it was used to prevent passengers from robbing, but I didn't expect it to come in handy unexpectedly. I praised myself for not being afraid of danger, and at the same time I was touched by the sincerity and simplicity of this old man, and I was glad that I had such good luck today.

"Seeking Poems" Wang Yun: The breeze broke through the summer for three consecutive days, and the good rain arrived at Wanjin (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

The stone statues on both sides are missing heads and tails

"Seeking Poems" Wang Yun: The breeze broke through the summer for three consecutive days, and the good rain arrived at Wanjin (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

The current state of Wang Yun's tomb

"Seeking Poems" Wang Yun: The breeze broke through the summer for three consecutive days, and the good rain arrived at Wanjin (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

The tombstone has been broken into several pieces

Walking through a newly built factory, into a one-foot-high wheat field, which had just been watered and was very muddy to step on, I tried to step on the field as carefully as possible to find a place to stay. It took 20 minutes, and finally I came to the stone statue before I died. Most of these stone statues are in tatters, especially the pair of Shi Wengzhong, who have been beheaded at some point of time, but judging from the degree of weathering of these stone statues, they should be relics from hundreds of years ago, which should be the builders that the imperial court paid for Wang Yun.

"Seeking Poems" Wang Yun: The breeze broke through the summer for three consecutive days, and the good rain arrived at Wanjin (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

It seems that a circle of tombs has just been built a few years ago

"Seeking Poems" Wang Yun: The breeze broke through the summer for three consecutive days, and the good rain arrived at Wanjin (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

The stele in front of it is no longer clearly written

At the top of the stone statue stands a round head stele more than two meters high, and the writing on the stele is completely illegible. On the back of this stele there is a green brick built a high ground, the highland covers an area of half an acre, and in front of it is also a slightly smaller round head stele, the text on it is also without trace, and there is also half a stone stele lying upside down in front of the stele, which is considered to be an offering platform, and no related text can be seen outside.

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