
How did Ming officials get off their posts? Emperor Mingxianzong was impeached against Yang Ding, Wang Fu, Xue Yuan, and Qian Pu

author:A video of the Dust Realm of Shi YuChun

Author: Shi Yuchun

In the autumn of the fifteenth year of Emperor Mingxianzong's reign (Zhu Jianshen) (1479 CE), in the ninth month of the lunar calendar, the Six Branches and Thirteen Daos all gave Zhang Hai and others the impeachment of The Hubu Shangshu Yang Ding, the Gongbu Shangshu Wang Fu, the Nanjing Bingbu Shangshu Xue Yuan, and the Official's Attendant Qian Pu, saying that the floods and droughts that occurred in the four sides of the world at this time were all caused by these four people obstructing state affairs and dereliction of duty.

So, who are these four officials who were impeached by Kodo?

Yang Ding (1408 AD ~ 1485 AD) was a native of Xianning, Shaanxi (the old land of Xi'an City). In the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Ming Yingzong (Zhu Qizhen) (1439 AD), he would try to win the championship, and then the temple test, and then the ranking eye, and the editing and revision. He once suggested to the imperial court to repair the three sides of the rongbei and tongcao. He also ordered him to supervise the imperial history and recruit troops from Yanzhou. Emperor Mingxianzong (Zhu Jianshen) became an official in the fourth year (1468 AD) to Hubu Shangshu. There was a famine in Huguang for many years, and the imperial court had exhausted the grain storage in the warehouses, so it adopted his suggestion to distribute silver cloth from the government's inventory and buy rice to prepare for the famine. The four warehouses of Huai, Xu, Lin, and De, and the deposit of millet will be exhausted, and the six things such as atonement for sins, salt, folding money, and requisitioning will be carried out on the upper court, so that the warehouses will have savings. The officials are honest and honest, and they are loyal and pawned.

Wang Fu (1416 – 1485 CE), courtesy name Chuyang, was a native of Gu'an (present-day Hebei). In the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Ming Yingzong (1442 AD), he entered the priesthood; he was appointed to the Ministry of Punishment. Promotion to the Senate. He also invaded Beijing, and he invited the minister to welcome Zhu Qizhen. The people were afraid and did not dare to go, he asked to go, and zhao Rong went out of the city with Zhao Rong, and the enemy was on both sides, and he was sandwiched in the middle, fearless. Also, promote the right to the government, and then promote the envoy. During emperor Mingyingzong Tianshun (1457 AD ~ 1464 AD), he served as the left and right attendants of the military department. In the first year of Emperor Mingxian's reign (1456 AD), he was promoted to shangshu of the army. Mao Li was a child who disturbed the border, and he went out to patrol the Shaanxi border to prepare, and built it on the border land, which was more suitable for opportunity. Changed to the Ministry of Official Works, reigned for twelve years, and obeyed the law, surpassing his reputation in the military department. In the fourteenth year of Chenghua (1478 AD), he was crowned Prince Shaobao. Impeached, returned. For a long time, it is a pawn. Give the prince Shaobao, Tanzhuang Jian.

Xue Yuan (1413 – 1493 CE) was a native of Wuwei Prefecture (present-day Anhui), the capital of Luzhou, and the grandson of Xue Xiang (from Yu Tonghai to Zhu Yuanzhang). In the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Ming Yingzong (1442 AD), he entered the priesthood and was the head of the household department. During the reign of Emperor Ming (Zhu Qiyu) Jingtai (1450-1457 AD), he moved to Langzhong of the Household Department. At the beginning of Emperor Mingying's reign (1457-1464 CE), he was promoted to Right Attendant and changed to the Ministry of Works, and was instructed to seal the Kaifeng River; In the middle of Emperor Mingxian's chenghua, the official was sent to the Nanjing Bingbu Shangshu to dismiss Wang Zhi and dismiss the official.

Qian Pu (1408 ~ 1488 AD) was a native of Huating (now part of Shanghai) in Songjiang Province. In the fourth year of the ming dynasty (1439 AD), he entered the priesthood; the review of the appointment; the inner library of the church, and the revision of the "Universal Tongzhi". In the sixth year of Emperor Mingying's reign (1462 CE), he sent an envoy to Annam and crowned his king Li Hao. Emperor Mingxianzong Chenghua (1465 AD ~ 1487 AD) was a retired official in Nanjing, Shangshu of the Nanjing Bureau. Tan Wentong. There are "Envoys" and "Secret Cabinet Bibliography".

How did Ming officials get off their posts? Emperor Mingxianzong was impeached against Yang Ding, Wang Fu, Xue Yuan, and Qian Pu

After Zhang Hai and others impeached Yang Ding, Wang Fu, Xue Yuan, and Qian Pu, the imperial court did not give permission.

Yang Ding was initially closely related to Liu Shuwen (i.e. Liu Jue [xǔ], of which Shuwen is the character). Later, Uncle Liu wen often asked Tuo Yangding to do things for himself. Because Yang Ding could not fully meet Liu Shuwen's request for entrustment, Liu Shuwen held a grudge against Yang Ding.

At this time, Yang Ding knew that the impeachment of Zhang Hai and others was actually led by Liu Shuwen behind his back.

So, who is this Liu Shuwen?

Liu Jue (1426 AD ~ 1490 AD) Shandong Shouguang people, the character ShuWen, the number Gu Zhi. In the thirteenth year of the reign of Emperor Ming Yingzong (1448 AD), he entered the priesthood and was taught editing. In the tenth year of Emperor Mingxian's reign (1474 AD), he was promoted to the post of Zuo Shilang (左侍郎) of the Bureaucracy as a lecturer; in the following year (1475 AD), he entered the cabinet as a native official and a Scholar of Hanlin, and soon entered the Rank of Shangshu of the Bureaucracy. Later, due to the fall of Wan'an, he begged to return to his hometown. 卒, 谥文和. There is "Liu Gu ZhiJi".

After learning of the impeachment, Yang Ding went to the imperial court with Wang Fu and asked for a tribute.

After the imperial court received Yang Ding and Wang Fu's shangshu, it did not give permission and left them together.

Subsequently, Yang Ding went up again and asked for Zhi Shi, so that the imperial court could grant his request.

After granting Permission to Yang Ding, Emperor Mingxianzong Zhu Jianshen also gave him the following edict:

Yang Ding was given a carriage and horse so that he could return to his original hometown; the official gave him three stones of rice every month, and four soaps every year.

On that day, Qian Pu went to The Capital to pay homage to the emperor because he had entered the table seal. So, he heard about his impeachment halfway up. After arriving at the Capital Division, after meeting the emperor, Qian Pu was the last to leave the palace.

At that time, the official Shangshu Yin Min inquired about the current affairs of Qian Pu's Jiangnan region.

Qian Pu replied that it was:

Please give this credit to all the officials for the great harvest in the southern zhili area; if a major flood occurs in the northern direct subordinate area, let Qian Pu and Xue Yuan bear this disaster!

Hearing Qian Pu say this, Yin Min smiled.

Because the areas under qian pu and Xue Yuan's jurisdiction are all directly under the jurisdiction of the south; the flood disaster in the north is not their turn to bear it.

To this end, Yin Min said:

"As the saying goes, 'A son-in-law has a toothache, but goes to moxibustion the heel of his mother-in-law'."

After Yin Min finished speaking, the officials present burst into laughter.

This word later spread to the imperial palace and became a forbidden joke.

How did Ming officials get off their posts? Emperor Mingxianzong was impeached against Yang Ding, Wang Fu, Xue Yuan, and Qian Pu

Because there were Zhang Hai and others impeaching, Qian Pu also went to the imperial court and asked for Zhi Shi.

Previously, Xue Yuan had retreated because of his impeachment. In the spring of that year, because of the joint assistance of the emperor's close attendants and Wu Shuo, Xue Yuan was revived by the imperial court and counselled by the Nanjing garrison. At this time, Xue Yuan heard about his impeachment, and he also rushed to the top and asked him to resign. As a result, the imperial court surrendered and praised Xue Yuan. The matter was put on hold for the time being.

At the end of the year, the rulers again wanted to find vacant official positions in order to arrange their cronies and confidants. Therefore, those in power conspired with the eunuch Wang Zhi, once again instigated and instructed the Kedao officials, and once again launched an impeachment campaign against Wang Fu, Xue Yuan, and the official Shangshu ZouGan, saying that they should be deposed.

So, what is the role of Zou Gan, who is newly added in this impeachment?

Zou Gan, (c. 1413 – 1491 CE) was the son of Zou Ji , zuo chunfang zuo shuzi. Emperor Akihito was appointed as a student of Ying Tianfu. In the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Ming Yingzong (1439 AD), he entered the priesthood. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty Zong Jingtai (1450 AD ~ 1457 AD), he was promoted by Bingbu Lang Zhongchao to the Right Attendant of the Bingbu Department. Because of his talent, he is relied upon by Yu Qian. Soon, he was reappointed as the Right Attendant of the Rebbe and Shuzi, and asked the students to enter the school, and the enrollment of Nasu began from then on. After the second year of Emperor Mingxian's reign (1466 AD), he served as Shangshu of the Rebbe and Prince Shaobao. Impeached, begging. Die, Tan Kangjing.

After the impeachment of Wang Fu, Xue Yuan, and Zou Gan was submitted, the imperial court hesitated for many days and refused permission.

However, Wang Zhi still vigorously promoted the recall, so he left the song chapter in the forbidden place, and then passed on the will to return Wang Fu, Xue Yuan, and Zou Gan to his hometown.

Of the three, only Zou Gan received the same court grace as Yang Ding when he returned.

In the following year (1480 AD), on the first day of the first lunar month (the fifteenth day of the first lunar month), the imperial court's edict arrived in Nandu (Nanjing), and he replaced Xue Yuan with the position of Hubu Shangshu Chen Jun as Nanjing Bingbu Shangshu.

When the imperial edict arrived in Nanjing, Xue Yuan was drinking with Chen Jun and others at the Ministry of Works. After receiving the Report, Xue Yuan was stunned, and many officials were also stunned.

(End of full text)

How did Ming officials get off their posts? Emperor Mingxianzong was impeached against Yang Ding, Wang Fu, Xue Yuan, and Qian Pu

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